Would you?


And, I think men tend to be happier in relationships, because they are generally oblivious to what's going on. Feed them, have sex with them and let them watch TV! What more could a man want? :rolleyes: :D
That is just incredibly sad. I just lucked into a hefty sum of money, and my first action was to plan an extended vacation with Mr. Mischka after the bar.
If you would ditch them after the money came in...leave now and save you both the time.

Hypothetically, I would of course stay with my partner, and enjoy the free time the money would allow us to do things we both love, together and apart.
I'm not really qualified to answer this. However, I would speculate.. money, whether a great deal of it, or lack of, wouldn't make any difference. I would like to think, I wouldn't stay in a relationship if it isn't a healthy one. Hence, no reason to leave if I won a lot of money. I would want to spend it with my partner!
This is just an excuse to come into this thread, and say hi to my friend. How are you, DA?
i agree thats very sad

compared to me lisa is very well off but thats never even entered into being a part of our relationship at all ... it'll be nice if we have to buy a house or a deposit on a flat or something but there has to be more to a relationship then money
No, this is a community property state. She gets half if she stays or goes, so I figure I would keep her just to make her life a living hellllllll
Desert Amazon said:
This is something that was discussed with a group of guys (men and women) I work with the other day and it made me curious.

Say you won a substantial amount of money in a lottery, lawsuit, inheritance or some other measure... Would you stay with the person you're with now? Whether they are a girlfriend/boyfriend, significant other or spouse...

Most of the women I work with said "Hell NO!" and the guys were kind of split, but it seems like a majority of men are happier. Of course they may have been lying...

So, would you?

I would.. Both myself and my wife have been through so much together, the added money would be nothing but another world cruise.
What am I gonna do? Chop off my hand and get a new bionic one? Hey now thats a thought!
I'd stay with my buddy... :) I couldn't imagine life without him. We strive for the same goals in every day life, building wealth one of them :D We are there to give the other a hand when s/he is down and lift him back up again. I don't see why this would change because one has just become financially more secure than the other.

If i had a significant other.....i wouldn't leave because i came upon money......
No. Actually, it would probably make a lot of our problems a little better, because the stress of no money would be gone.
I love him. I am with him because of that, and the little differences we have can be worked out with his input and effort as well as mine. If it fails, then it will be because we couldn't work them out, not because of dough.
I know a lot of people who would break it off with someone if they came into money. I know, pretty sad.

I, however... :) I love my man with all that I have, and I would put that money into savings for when we move in together, or to buy us a new car and things like that. *grin*

You've got me all daydreamy!
Too Bad They Know Nothing Of A Secure, Loving Relationship.

I Would Stay With My Man!

Poor Is Hard, Getting Along Is Easier, Rich Would Be A Fucking Grand Adventure:D

Just Imagine! LOL
Desert Amazon said:
Hi Sweetie!

I'm doing good. I have been thinking about calling and since I've got the next few days to myself, perhaps we can arrange a time to talk?

Email me. Definitely, we need to talk by phone!:rose:
It seems a sad commentary on relationships....A bunch of money and gone ughhhhhhhh....

Personally, the one I am with is the one I wanna be with....Rich or poor....I guess I'm old fashioned like that....:D

Hiya DA.....:kiss:
Desert Amazon said:
This is something that was discussed with a group of guys (men and women) I work with the other day and it made me curious.

Say you won a substantial amount of money in a lottery, lawsuit, inheritance or some other measure... Would you stay with the person you're with now? Whether they are a girlfriend/boyfriend, significant other or spouse...

Most of the women I work with said "Hell NO!" and the guys were kind of split, but it seems like a majority of men are happier. Of course they may have been lying...

So, would you?

Since I've already left him, it's a mote question......but the money would allow me to make mine and my next someone specials life a hell of a lot easier......:kiss:
After some thought on this matter...I now know why the divorce rate is so high in this country. Evidently people get married for all the wrong reasons more often than not and are not happy in their marriages or relationships.

Having been married for over twenty years...yes I would stay, becasue I love my wife, irregardless of any other circumstances in our lives. We have been through things in our time together and to just drop her because I had money now...stupid.

I have found in life that what goes around comes around. To dump someone because you have money means that you might as well dump them now because you are obviously not happy now. There is no other way to put it either.

In a real close and loving relationship this would be a blessing not a question of what to do.
Desert Amazon said:
This is something that was discussed with a group of guys (men and women) I work with the other day and it made me curious.

Say you won a substantial amount of money in a lottery, lawsuit, inheritance or some other measure... Would you stay with the person you're with now? Whether they are a girlfriend/boyfriend, significant other or spouse...

Most of the women I work with said "Hell NO!" and the guys were kind of split, but it seems like a majority of men are happier. Of course they may have been lying...

So, would you?

I would stay with her but I'd have to mingle at cocktail parties with Angelina.;)
I would have my brain transferred to an android that doesn't look like me, and put a fake brain in my body. Then I could leave my wife, yet still stay with my wife.
Desert Amazon said:
This is something that was discussed with a group of guys (men and women) I work with the other day and it made me curious.

Say you won a substantial amount of money in a lottery, lawsuit, inheritance or some other measure... Would you stay with the person you're with now? Whether they are a girlfriend/boyfriend, significant other or spouse...

Most of the women I work with said "Hell NO!" and the guys were kind of split, but it seems like a majority of men are happier. Of course they may have been lying...

So, would you?

I would stay with me wife.