Would it be considered political for me to do a fanfiction on Brittney Griner?


May 24, 2022
She goes to the labor camp and finds love even though she has a wife back home. Since a story of mine got deleted due the character being Jewish and the other Catholic, even though it was approved then deleted(I guess when someone reported), I don't wanna risk posting a new story on here only for it to get approved and then deleted once more because of the 'political' rule.

EDIT: It seems not to go over well so I won't post it.
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I can't see that passing muster here. A celebrity in the current news, using a current situation, and depicting her doing something, quite possibly sexual, that it hasn't been demonstrated she would do.

If your sister was put in this situation, would you want what you want to write be released in public?

There must have been something other than the Jewish/Catholic connection that got your other story pulled. I have stories here with similar connections and they haven't been pulled--and I don't expect that they will be.
Given the current circumstances, such a story could only be considered political.

Write a story set in Dachau that's sympathetic to the camp guards, see how you go with that. Both ideas are as silly as each other. Don't waste your time.
I can't see that passing muster here. A celebrity in the current news, using a current situation, and depicting her doing something, quite possibly sexual, that it hasn't been demonstrated she would do.

If your sister was put in this situation, would you want what you want to write be released in public?

There must have been something other than the Jewish/Catholic connection that got your other story pulled. I have stories here with similar connections and they haven't been pulled--and I don't expect that they will be.
The last paragraph has already been discussed in the other thread. I won't derail this thread. Respond back to that one after reading the replies I wrote in regards to it.

As for the first two paragraphs:

could possibly be right. It's fanfiction. Tons of women and men have been raped; doesn't stop those from writing fiction of it. I'm not going to not write something because someone had/is having a negative experience from it.
Given the current circumstances, such a story could only be considered political.

Write a story set in Dachau that's sympathetic to the camp guards, see how you go with that. Both ideas are as silly as each other. Don't waste your time.
This is a stupid response. I don't find it silly at all and my stories have an audience: interracial and same sex so I'm sure it'll perform fine. I'm inquiring about the political aspect which as another user pointed out, probably wouldn't be wise to do given the site's rules.
It seems to me that it would be in poor taste and unlikely to be accepted.

But you can always write a fictional American woman put in some kind of prison camp - maybe don't make her a sportswoman and give her a different 'crime'.
This is a stupid response. I don't find it silly at all and my stories have an audience: interracial and same sex so I'm sure it'll perform fine. I'm inquiring about the political aspect which as another user pointed out, probably wouldn't be wise to do given the site's rules.
What bit of "no extreme political content" don't you understand? The whole premise, given the Ukraine war, is insensitive. My example was trying to illustrate that, with an equally insensitive suggestion. I'm sure your audience is aware of that war and the current world situation, which is not something to trivialise with fan fiction. But hey, write it, see how you go
Given the current circumstances, such a story could only be considered political.

Write a story set in Dachau that's sympathetic to the camp guards, see how you go with that. Both ideas are as silly as each other. Don't waste your time.
You're comparing a woman who knowingly broke the law in another country, then cried to the country she called oppressive and shit on to help her, to someone in a concentration camp?

This is one of those posts where people think "Wow, someone actually typed that."
It seems to me that it would be in poor taste and unlikely to be accepted.

But you can always write a fictional American woman put in some kind of prison camp - maybe don't make her a sportswoman and give her a different 'crime'.

Right, don't mention a war, but write 15 chapters of her being gang raped and it will fly right through.
That's exactly how this site works.
What bit of "no extreme political content" don't you understand? The whole premise, given the Ukraine war, is insensitive. My example was trying to illustrate that, with an equally insensitive suggestion. I'm sure your audience is aware of that war and the current world situation, which is not something to trivialise with fan fiction. But hey, write it, see how you go
Hmm, your first comment was snarky...
I don't know because I don't quite understand how the "no politics" rule works, but given that there is a category for celebrities and fanfiction it seems to me you could make it work within the site's rules. The key would be to avoid using the contemporary events to seem to be pushing a political agenda. I agree with the comments of others that there are questions about whether it's insensitive, but insensitivity is not what the politics rule is about.
I would ask why it has to be about Brittney Griner in the first place. Couldn't you tell a similar story without naming real people and real-world conflicts?
could possibly be right. It's fanfiction. Tons of women and men have been raped; doesn't stop those from writing fiction of it. I'm not going to not write something because someone had/is having a negative experience from it.
The issue is posting to Literotica by Literotica's likelihood of accepting it. I answered that question. There's no reason you couldn't write and get passed a parallel story not using actual people.

Please don't go off into our twice-weekly suffered ranting on what the greater world than Literotica accepts. You asked about posting the story to Literotica.

I'll not be responding to follow-up on this.
I'm of the opinion that real person fiction is generally disrespectful, at least in the case where the author has never met the individual themselves. You can tall shit and do satire on public figures but thats a very different genre and presentation than erotic fiction.
There's a good chance I'll go ahead and write it but change the character from Brittney and have it be inspired by her.
I don't know because I don't quite understand how the "no politics" rule works, but given that there is a category for celebrities and fanfiction it seems to me you could make it work within the site's rules. The key would be to avoid using the contemporary events to seem to be pushing a political agenda. I agree with the comments of others that there are questions about whether it's insensitive, but insensitivity is not what the politics rule is about.
I don't see what's political about a US citizen breaking the law in another country and ending up in jail. If you leave it at those details, and leave out Griner's personal politics your fine.

As for insensitivity, any story written about rape, incest, or even cheating can be seen as insensitive in the light there are people here who have had it happen to them.

Insensitivity is tough to police on a porn site.