World War Sex


Loves Spam
Nov 28, 2011
This Story Stars Jerry James along with his his pretty wife is 44 Catherine and two Sexy Daughters Jasmine 20 and 18 Jewels. Jerry is a former Delta Special Force. He's now working for a Private Security Firm that pays well. He decides to take his Family out In New York for a nice 2 week Treat Summer Vacation until all hell breaks loose and find themselves under attack by a mob of hord Nudist people. Each Seuxally Attacking it's victim and turning them into the nudist perverted. Will anyone pic up this Parody to WORLD WAR Z and turn into a literotica Story? MF/FF
I haven't seen World War Z yet so maybe I'm missing the point a little here but I think you've kinda overshot.

Let me see if I have this straight though, in the real WWZ we've got a military trained man who's off with his family when all hell decides that this would be a good time to break loose. It makes his skills relevant to the story. If you're going to turn this into a parody why not a family of adult entertainers? You've got your forty something guy and his wife who met on a set years ago and his daughters. One who for one reason or another is genuinely part of the industry the other who is either just starting off or is embarassed by her family being so lewd. Sets up your initial conflict and also gives them plot relevant skills. From there it's just time to rock and roll.
Look Sean Renaud. it's ok. If you think the idea is bad. But if this is how you feel? How does this become an impossible task. Anything is possible. I over shot nothing. you need to have some imagination. Nothing is set in stone. Those are your opinions.
Hey Sean Renaud who in the world Crowned you the Lawful Gardians on what Ideas should be accepted or shunned aside. Who do you think you are!!! I really don't give care what you say. You have an ego and now you being a biggot and a Liar as well as a Propagandist. As if you know any better on what stories should or shoudn't be written. Who are you? The creative Story Idea Police? Is that who you are? If someone pics up on my ideas and decides to run with it? You and your Opinions will be thrown out the window. OK? What you do is uncreate many minds and Ideas in which a any critical thinker can spot you giving out the wrong answers, but it takes a very creative mind to spot any idea and privide the Opportunity on as well as any considerations on many Ideas out there. Who they hell are you to look down and judge my ideas as being any less than yours or anyone elses. Instead of asking questions you come up with Opinions as if you have all the answers with out any shred of evidence to back your criticism. I'm not here to compete with you or anyone as well as look down on at other people just because others don't have your so called high standards on ideas. So excuse me Sean Renaud but not everyone thinks like you because if everyone thought alike? Just Like you!!! No one would be thinking of new ideas at all. You don't intimidate me!!!! OK? Literotica is a free Forum and you don't have ownership over it. So cut this pompous BS attitude because I for sure know you're no better than me or anyone else ok? All Story Ideas are equal to me and others who don't share your Criticism of me or accept your Opinions. it doesn't hhurt anyone to try. Stop Living inside that Bubble. Sean!!!!
Blah, blah blah, I swear it's like people come around here anymore with the specific goal to be stupid and see if they can annoy me.

I didn't criticize your idea, I added to it and specified ways and reasons it could be improved. You got buthurt because you instinctively knew that your idea was flawed. Which is fine, that's why this place is the story ideas forum, so we can all get together and help each other flesh out our ideas.

Of course I'm better than you however, it would be difficult not to be better than garden variety trash who can't even accept simple help pointing out what's wrong with their ideas.

You may as well consider me Allah, Ra, Zeus, Jupiter, Bishomon Ten, Shiva and Zordon by the way. Feel free to keep whining though, your chances of someone picking this up are slim because you're kinda missing the point of parody. This isn't a parody it's just a pallet swap and one that doesn't really make sense for the reasons I already pointed out. You throwing a hissy fit doesn't change the facts.

PS: Living in a bubble? If I say none you'll find a few amongst the tens of thousands of authors here but I can safely say that if I live and write in a bubble it's one of the biggest in all of Lit including the one of the widest variety of ideas.
OMG Sean. It's not a parady!!!My mistake!!!! So it's a swap. Somebody Call the Cops!!! Look I'm no writer and I'm not whining here. I'm defending myself froim any further criticism you may or may not have. If you have anythinng positive or constructive to add about the ideas i prsented. I'm all ears but when you ask me. Am I a Cheese? You're acting like an immature Teen and I will fight back. OK? If you know so much? Teach people or add something decent to it. But you decided to come after me and bash my ideas. OK? have some respect!!!!
I did add to the idea, and respectfully at that. Which is clearly more than you deserve.

What do you hope to accomplish with the swap, why for example is his background at all important? It grants him at best being in shape which could be acheived by other ways that would give you more relevant things to the story. Like I suggested using an adult entertainer. His skill set is now relevant. Or a player, again relevant skill set. I this case military back ground may as well be replaced with any athlete.
Bad sean, you really should have done what I did and simply ignored this. But no, you can't do that. :rolleyes:

As it stands now, this is something a twelve year old would come up with. Actually watch the movie or read the book. Since that seems to be beyond your ability, here, I will explain.

In the movie, and book, the problem is the zombies are biting people to make more zombies if not simply eating them. If all they do is run around wanting sex, so the fuck what? I mean, hello, that is what happens anyway, if you happen to be a girl anyway. :rolleyes:

There has to be something else, some possible reason for people to, well you know, fight them instead of fuck them. Come up with why fucking them is bad. I am not helping on this it's rather stupid and a parody the porn industry won't do.
I could have been good, but I had spare time. :eek:

Also the porn industry might not have covered WWZ yet but there is a Dawn of the Head. They don't really explain why it's bad for guys but it turns the women into absolute whores who will fuck to the exclusion of everything else and thus eventually die of exhustion of malnutrition. It's eventually discovered that certain guys or circumstances with certain guys causes their semen to work as a cure. It's a cute enough movie as porn with plots go.

What you're describing is such standard zombie fare that watching this one doesn't seem necessary. That's how 28 Days later, Resident Evil, Dawn of the Dead, the Walking Dead and I am Legend work just off the top of my head.

So maybe use the same basic formula. LAdies who are exposed to infected fluids are infected, guys can be as well but usually the ladies just drain him until he expires.
What if intense sexual arousal/activity is just the first (or mid) stage of infection, with the eventuality that those infected become so far gone they become aggressive and violent in their pursuit for pleasure? Like something similar to Garth Ennis' Crossed. That could be a good reason to resist
I assume for some reason they aren't calmed by the sex long enough to escape before they get aggressive?

Therein lies one of the major obstacles. The story is still porn, we're supposed to have sex so the heroes can't avoid it and unlike a zombie flick unless you want this to be really short sex and death need to be a little more distant than zombies and biting tend to be.

Still that's a solid idea to add, perhaps the majority of the horde is already too far gone to be around safely and I assume we're using standard zombies don't attack other zombies because they don't and there is no reason to explain it beyond that point because that's just how reality functions?
^ Sexual activity INCREASES the arousal, so every time they climax they jump right back in and start looking to fuck even more. The virus (or whatever) alters physiology such that the infected never run dry on fluid or stamina, but the alteration (as well as the insatiable need for orgasm) affects the brain so they become sexually violent.

And the infected can "attack" other infected, but the "overall goal" of the infected is to spread it across the world (now I'm thinking similar to Marvel Zombies).
Well it's nice to see you all have a nice converstaion about World War Sex and to be fair.I will Apologize to Sean for my attitude before. I do get defensive. So I Apologize to Sean.

Who said they have to be Zombies. Why can't they be enthralled via a Virus created by Nature fighting back againts our own careless exploits on Earth istelf because we prioritize more towards consumerism, greed, comfort, self centered happiness, selfishness, and personal entertainment.

Those who are infected don't have to be mindless Zombies. But I will agree with metron that as their sexual needs increase they can become violent. This virus repurposes (convert) human beings mind as well as rejuvenates the old back to youth. Biting is one way or they can also scratch , Sexual intercourse for the un suspected victims as well as have females take any helpless invidual and lactate into their victims mouth. Those who are converted remember who they were before but once turned? They lose all sense of medesty,inhibitions and cultured morality.
We're using the term zombie for a couple reasons, first you brought up World War Z, but zombie is also used as a generic catch all. Nobody points out that the creatures in 28 Days later aren't zombies. They have a Rage Virus. They still die like normal, and according to 28 weeks later the solution was simply waiting for them to starve to death because they aren't particularly immortal. So it's just a stand in term until someone comes up with a better title. If you like we can use the Walking Dead's answer which basically goes like this. They don't have any zombie media in their world (which is supposed to explain the amateur hour mistakes they keep making) so everybody has their on names for em. Walkers, Biters, Lurkers just off the top of my head. We could call them Perverts or Fuckers or something along those lines.

Okay if it's as easy as a scratch why don't they just convert our heroes?