Women vs Men


Really Really Experienced
Nov 6, 2002
Who do you think is the greater sex, and why?
I will say Men for the following reasons
1) We are physically stronger.
2) We know how to drive.
3)We invented practically everything.
4) We are not bitchy.
on the flip side of the coin women live longer..but then thats because they offload all their shite on to us (men).

so come on women pipe up...be heard.....you normally are.
Or fellers back me up here.
Are you a child, or just stupid?

Either can be better at certain things, but overall greater? duh. In fact, the greatest you will ever see, is a man and a woman in pertnership.
On the other hand, men were responsible for:

1. World War I
2. World War II
3. The Holocaust
4. Organized religion
5. This thread

Nuff said.
"the greatest thing you will see is a man and women in parnership" Im all for that lovey dovey shit mate (given the right moment) but you just sound corney as shit. I felt like puking all over you or outing you as the queer you are,
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Who do you think is the greater sex, and why?
I will say Men for the following reasons
1) We are physically stronger.
2) We know how to drive.
3)We invented practically everything.
4) We are not bitchy.
on the flip side of the coin women live longer..but then thats because they offload all their shite on to us (men).

so come on women pipe up...be heard.....you normally are.
Or fellers back me up here.

Pyper, what is wrong with this thread? are you implying that it is a stupid thread? That men are stupid? If so, isn't the fact that you are entering the debate and putting across your point of view just backing me up in my thinking women are also twofaced?
"this thread is shite...but while we are at it world war 1 world war 2" *tuts knowingly*

Okay, slow down all. He's new.

Fecker, I know you're posting tongue in cheek. I started a thread the other day about how women can't drive. It's all in the delivery.

So, yes, Men Great. Girls Bad. We know tools. They knit. Grrr.
Fecker said:
"the greatest thing you will see is a man and women in parnership" Im all for that lovey dovey shit mate (given the right moment) but you just sound corney as shit. I felt like puking all over you or outing you as the queer you are,

Christ you're stupid. You add to your list that men invented everything. Where do you think Eddison would be without Mary? Would you have teh fortitude to find 10,000 ways of making an incandescant light bulb that don't work, without the support and faith of a loving wife?
Hanns Not trying to be clever I am clever.
women=whinging moaney shitbags...yes Im stereotyping.
Men=laid back and cool.
Men are also far supirior to women in the intelligence steaks.
"where do you think edison would be without mary"
down the pub...having a laugh with his mates?
Fecker said:
Hanns Not trying to be clever I am clever.
women=whinging moaney shitbags...yes Im stereotyping.
Men=laid back and cool.
Men are also far supirior to women in the intelligence steaks.

Especially the ones that spell steaks right .

Hanns_Schmidt said:
How lame to pick on spelling and grammar whilst avoiding the actual issue

Easy way out huh

fucking flid

How lame to use that as a criticism when youve done it yourself.
^^^^^^^^^^^ see? fucking women eh? its funny watching zombie cat and hands flirt...i wonder if they have ever met a real women,
Fecker said:
^^^^^^^^^^^ see? fucking women eh? its funny watching zombie cat and hands flirt...i wonder if they have ever met a real women,

Okay, Fecker, I see youre upset.

Honestly? I'd say even Stevens.

Lets face it sex would be pretty shit for heteros like myself (not sure about him up there), so for that alone they get my thumbs up (so to speak).
^^^^^^^^^^^ see? fucking women eh? its funny watching zombie cat and hands flirt...i wonder if they have ever met a real women,
Fecker said:
Who do you think is the greater sex, and why?
I will say Men for the following reasons
1) We are physically stronger.
2) We know how to drive.
3)We invented practically everything.
4) We are not bitchy.
on the flip side of the coin women live longer..but then thats because they offload all their shite on to us (men).

so come on women pipe up...be heard.....you normally are.
Or fellers back me up here.

What is this "WE" shit? I don't think you're any of those things, and are just trying to take personal credit for the hard work of other men. Now run along and find yourself another gender, you're bringing our average down.