Women spanking men because they love it

I am a Submissive Male (an Alpha when allowed). I view submission as giving all of myself to the woman that I love and am loyal too. Do so is true submission and the term submit strikes terror in some people, mostly men. When being disciplined the act of being humbled to admit your wrongs to the woman that you love shows just how much you love her. Having your Ego shattered is a mind altering experience. That happened to me this year after a long year of self-reflection. I'm not afraid of discipline from the woman that I love. Being spanked gives me opportunity to reflect on my behavior and correct it and myself. Being a Submissive Alpha discipline is a way to better myself as a man for the woman that I love but in general. I think of it as a Driving Force of motivation and determination. Gives my clear focus after. Couples who engage in this become much better lovers. I wish I'd known about all of this years ago, might have helped me and my Ex out a whole lot. That's the past, this is now. Give me the harshest spanking, I'm not afraid.
What a scene

What a scene, more like that would be a dream come true.