Woman is tricked into affair with her attacker


Dec 9, 2021
I love those stories where a woman falls for either someone she likes the least or outright hates. Been thinking of a story where a happily married woman has her house broken into and the man sexually assaults her. He’s arrested, put in prison but then in going to therapy her doctor starts to suggest she visit the man in prison, the thought both repells her and turns her on, and the conjugal visit when it happens quickly turns sexual and she’s falling for the man. Very messed up but figure its just fantasy, might make an interesting story, thoughts?
Yeah, very messed up. The idea of a woman falling for her rapist is rather offensive. But I see from your bio that non-con is your thing. You are really pushing the envelope here. I thought my non-con story was on the edge. I guess not.

But in the hopes of pulling you back from the precipice; your FMC wakes up after a dorm party in someone else's bed. She knows she got pretty hammered, so it's not a roofie situation, but the guy sleeping next to her is a guy who used to bully her in HS. She HATES him. Mr. Handsome Super Popular Joe Quarterback.

He wakes up and clearly, he was just as drunk as she was. He's just as confused as she is, but it's clear that there was some fucking going on. Both of their memories are super fuzzy, but there's not a single bruise on her body. She's furious and storms out, but not before she accuses him of raping her.

Two years go by. She's not overly traumatized by the event, but it did make her super cautious in the future when it comes to drinking. One day she answers a knock at the door, and it's him.

He quickly explained that his drinking was always bad and got worse until he hit rock bottom. He entered rehab and Alcoholics Anonymous. Part of their 12-step program is writing down the people you have harmed and trying to make direct amends. He's clearly sincere, but he was such an asshole and what he/they did makes her leery.

But he's just so different now. He's been scarred himself by what he's done and it's hard not to be empathic. What if she gave him a chance?

It seems a little more romantic than non-con but maybe due to their previous relationship, it's some very rough sex when they get together. Maybe she's secretly crushed on him in the past despite his bullying and it had helped lead to the bedroom fiasco. Now she fantasizes about him stealing into her room at night and taking her.
I think this is an intriguing possibility. Here is a version that came to my mind. A woman is secretly identified as a victim for a man. He abducts her and puts her into a prepared place for a short bit of captivity. During that time, he either keeps her blindfolded, or keeps himself masked. She never see him. He then puts her in various bondage situations that have a slow, seductive way of making her aroused. Bound into a frog-tie, suspended or on a table, but with her pussy and ass exposed, and then use of fingers and toys to arouse her, against her will he makes her have orgasms, maybe even squirt (something she never experienced before), but she is treated to sexual pleasures against her will. He doesn't speak, so she doesn't hear his voice. He also doesn't leave DNA or he cleans her to remove it. It is true non-consent, but it results in her having forced orgasms, including during various types of sex- vaginal, oral, and anal. She has so many orgasms, she becomes fuck-drunk, and experiences a sub-space high. Flogging, spanking, crops, and various forms of restraint could all be included, but she is completely at his mercy and he gives her pleasures she has never had before. She has never had anal sex before nor even though of anal as something sexual, but she finds out that she has very intense orgasms from it. Then he releases her, but plans to enter her life romantically later.

This is one dark fucking dude, right?

She, of course, is haunted by the whole experience and maybe even transformed. Maybe she masturbates about it over and over. Maybe she goes through a slut phase. Maybe she rejects men for a while. Maybe she marries the first low-libido guy she can find. Lots of possibilities.

I had a fiancee, over a decade ago, who was in her 40s at the time, who had been raped in her 20s. We talked about it several times. It really fucked her up, as you might expect. He had used a gun to control her, so she was also worried about surviving. It was traumatic and it is safe to say she had PTSD. She was an attorney, and a successful career woman, very girly, curvaceous, and beautiful. I think she gave off a vibe too. Not sure how to define that and it is hard to whether that vibe was somehow related to how he selected her (not victim blaming here) or whether it was the result of the trauma. The rapist was a stranger to her, not an acquaintance as is the case most of the time. Anyway, she described herself in the aftermath of that rape as almost having split into two personalities. One part of her wanted to be hunter and find the fucker and kill him. She went around Dallas at night after work trying to find him. It took a couple of years to stop totally obsessing about it, and even then she felt it affected her decision to get married to this guy who wasn't good for her.

Twenty years later though, she still wanted to integrate some non-consent role play into our sex. Lots of people enjoy that who have never had a rape, and I think of the D/s dyanmic as pretty natural, but I wondered about it with her.

I don't comprehend rape, being the rapist I mean. It seems like it would be demeaning to me to have to force someone to be with me. Same with paying for sex. So, no being no has never been a challenge to me. If a woman doesn't mean it when she says no, and is teasing me, then she is the one who is going to get teased, because I'm stopping. So, I am in no way saying rape is good or okay or positive. But she was still turned on by aspects of non-consent. Maybe it was therapeutic for her to relive it in a safe way? I'm not sure.

So, continuing my story idea, the guy enters her life openly at some point. He genuinely likes her, and maybe that part isn't so realistic, but we're fantasizing, so we'll see where it goes. He enters her life- maybe after her divorce- via a dating app, or some kind of contrived meeting, and he has the seductive self-control to go through a dating process with her to the point of the relationship becoming sexual. She doesn't know it is him at all. She ends up wanting to replay aspects of the non-consent, and he plays the dom, giving her sub experiences. The story could play out in various ways from there.

If it was a movie, the writers would have to somehow have it fall apart or blow up, and make it into a morality tale. Audiences would react negatively if they rode off into the sunset. There was a movie in the 80s I remember that had elements of this. Thief of Hearts with Steven Bauer, I just looked it up. He breaks into a rich couple's home and steals a bunch of stuff including her diary. He reads about all of her fantasies and how unsatisfied she is with her marriage. He sets up an elaborate fake identity and uses the knowledge in her dairy to lure her into an affair. It falls apart, of course, in the end.

Maybe in a story like this the relationship would also have to implode in some way as well. He's a big lie and you can't let him be the hero. or could you?
I love those stories where a woman falls for either someone she likes the least or outright hates. Been thinking of a story where a happily married woman has her house broken into and the man sexually assaults her. He’s arrested, put in prison but then in going to therapy her doctor starts to suggest she visit the man in prison, the thought both repells her and turns her on, and the conjugal visit when it happens quickly turns sexual and she’s falling for the man. Very messed up but figure its just fantasy, might make an interesting story, thoughts?

Is that really likely ever to happen? I can imagine the two meeting via some mechanism after he's released from prison and perhaps that's a safer route to them teaming up.

"Conjugal" doesn't mean what you think it does.
Is that really likely ever to happen? I can imagine the two meeting via some mechanism after he's released from prison and perhaps that's a safer route to them teaming up.

"Conjugal" doesn't mean what you think it does.
True, maybe charges are dismissed (she refuses to testify) or he’s granted bail and she seeks him out once he’s a free man
What if she enters therapy and he has to go to the same therapist upon release? They can fall in love or lust there. Meet in the waiting room. She doesn’t know it’s him. Maybe he’s changed his appearance. She becomes more and more confused about her sexuality after the incident she feels hypersexual. Leading her to give in easier to men.
I love those stories where a woman falls for either someone she likes the least or outright hates. Been thinking of a story where a happily married woman has her house broken into and the man sexually assaults her. He’s arrested, put in prison but then in going to therapy her doctor starts to suggest she visit the man in prison, the thought both repells her and turns her on, and the conjugal visit when it happens quickly turns sexual and she’s falling for the man. Very messed up but figure its just fantasy, might make an interesting story, thoughts?
Actually I've talked to a few woman that have a thing for being forced and hope for it again. But of course reality might be different
Actually I've talked to a few woman that have a thing for being forced and hope for it again. But of course reality might be different
I’m talk fantasy more than reality but I understand too the desire to sort of take ownership of that…for someone who went through it (at least in fiction) romanticizing it to the point of wanting it maybe even more than loving sex
I love those stories where a woman falls for either someone she likes the least or outright hates. Been thinking of a story where a happily married woman has her house broken into and the man sexually assaults her. He’s arrested, put in prison but then in going to therapy her doctor starts to suggest she visit the man in prison, the thought both repells her and turns her on, and the conjugal visit when it happens quickly turns sexual and she’s falling for the man. Very messed up but figure its just fantasy, might make an interesting story, thoughts?

I love those stories where a woman falls for either someone she likes the least or outright hates. Been thinking of a story where a happily married woman has her house broken into and the man sexually assaults her. He’s arrested, put in prison but then in going to therapy her doctor starts to suggest she visit the man in prison, the thought both repells her and turns her on, and the conjugal visit when it happens quickly turns sexual and she’s falling for the man. Very messed up but figure its just fantasy, might make an interesting story, thoughts?
I kind of did this for real a long time ago, although a different twist. I met a young lawyer (woman) many many years ago from Craigslist. She was looking for a Dom to treat her as a slave for an evening. She is married with kids working at a law firm. In short, we met at a hotel, she was obedient and dressed slutty (per my requirements) and I got her tied up on a table in the room. I had invited a few friends to use her holes and while this was going on I filmed and took pictures without her knowledge. She also foolishly brought a clutch bag (I think that's what a small purse is), and I took pictures of her drivers license, work ID, etc. After we parted ways, I contacted her the next day at work and let her know that if she didn't continue being my slave, I would send the videos/pictures to her husband, company, and friends. I thought she'd call my bluff (I wouldn't do that), and I required her to wear garters/stockings, pushup bras to work always and I would send clients to her that she had to have sex with. Basically an unpaid escort, evenings and lunch. Occasionally meeting with me. After about 2 months I grew bored and stopped this. Then she started calling me repeatedly begging for herself to continue being my slave. She kept asking what did she do wrong, and that she'd wear sluttier outfits, and she'd even leave her husband to be my slave. I was shocked and couldn't believe that she fell madly in love with me; her blackmailer. I'm thinking of writing a story on this, but I'm a bit lazy....
What if she enters therapy and he has to go to the same therapist upon release? They can fall in love or lust there. Meet in the waiting room. She doesn’t know it’s him. Maybe he’s changed his appearance. She becomes more and more confused about her sexuality after the incident she feels hypersexual. Leading her to give in easier to men.
I presume she's the therapist?
She would be in therapy too. They would cross paths in a hallway or lobby. Some slight change to his hair and maybe he loses some weight while he’s incarcerated.

Her therapy would have the goals of coping and moving on from what happened.

His therapy would have the goal of learning and changing his behavior.
I kind of did this for real a long time ago, although a different twist. I met a young lawyer (woman) many many years ago from Craigslist. She was looking for a Dom to treat her as a slave for an evening. She is married with kids working at a law firm. In short, we met at a hotel, she was obedient and dressed slutty (per my requirements) and I got her tied up on a table in the room. I had invited a few friends to use her holes and while this was going on I filmed and took pictures without her knowledge. She also foolishly brought a clutch bag (I think that's what a small purse is), and I took pictures of her drivers license, work ID, etc. After we parted ways, I contacted her the next day at work and let her know that if she didn't continue being my slave, I would send the videos/pictures to her husband, company, and friends. I thought she'd call my bluff (I wouldn't do that), and I required her to wear garters/stockings, pushup bras to work always and I would send clients to her that she had to have sex with. Basically an unpaid escort, evenings and lunch. Occasionally meeting with me. After about 2 months I grew bored and stopped this. Then she started calling me repeatedly begging for herself to continue being my slave. She kept asking what did she do wrong, and that she'd wear sluttier outfits, and she'd even leave her husband to be my slave. I was shocked and couldn't believe that she fell madly in love with me; her blackmailer. I'm thinking of writing a story on this, but I'm a bit lazy....
Jeeze, I hope that woman’s ok. In a fucked up way I kinda envy her, in some ways I wondered if put in that predicament if I’d fall in love with my captor. I love my husband but the idea of someone wearing me down over time is pretty hot. Did you enjoy knowing you could keep fucking this married woman?
She would be in therapy too. They would cross paths in a hallway or lobby. Some slight change to his hair and maybe he loses some weight while he’s incarcerated.

Her therapy would have the goals of coping and moving on from what happened.

His therapy would have the goal of learning and changing his behavior.
So they'd be in the waiting room together each week, and turned on by the guys dominating personality she starts to wear sexier and more revealing clothes to catch his eye. Deep down terrified by him, yet at the same time excited
That would be very possible. She’s become hypersexual since the attack. She’s married. He was on drugs and overweight the first time. Sober living and exercise have changed his appearance.
Jeeze, I hope that woman’s ok. In a fucked up way I kinda envy her, in some ways I wondered if put in that predicament if I’d fall in love with my captor. I love my husband but the idea of someone wearing me down over time is pretty hot. Did you enjoy knowing you could keep fucking this married woman?
Originally I loved every second of having her as my slave and at my every command. I even told her to lose 10lbs and she did. Her being dominant at work but being terrified and submissive to me was a real turn on. She originally told me she never did anal and would never do that. So I told the "clients" to insist on anal. I also told her that they would rate her to me and if at any time she didn't get a 5 out of 5, I was release the videos. So when she didn't want to do be a slave and was terrified it was exciting for me. When I realized she was loving it and craved it, that's when I lost interest. I guess I'm a bit evil!
That would be very possible. She’s become hypersexual since the attack. She’s married. He was on drugs and overweight the first time. Sober living and exercise have changed his appearance.
Then one day he waits for her in the hallway, and she tries to walk quickly by him, but he grabs her wrists pins her against the wall and fingers her under her short skirt, whispering all the dirty things he's planning on doing to her till she orgasms
She bites her lip and squeezes his back. Digging her nails in. Cussing under her breath. Feeling a rush of adrenaline through her body. The world around her is spinning and sounds get more and more distant until he pulls her into a stairwell and down the stairs. Into a bathroom on an isolated floor.
She bites her lip and squeezes his back. Digging her nails in. Cussing under her breath. Feeling a rush of adrenaline through her body. The world around her is spinning and sounds get more and more distant until he pulls her into a stairwell and down the stairs. Into a bathroom on an isolated floor.
He would order her to slowly strip for him while flipping holding a knife in his hand. She complies, revealing the very sexy lingerie she secretly wore for him, trembling all the while
Originally I loved every second of having her as my slave and at my every command. I even told her to lose 10lbs and she did. Her being dominant at work but being terrified and submissive to me was a real turn on. She originally told me she never did anal and would never do that. So I told the "clients" to insist on anal. I also told her that they would rate her to me and if at any time she didn't get a 5 out of 5, I was release the videos. So when she didn't want to do be a slave and was terrified it was exciting for me. When I realized she was loving it and craved it, that's when I lost interest. I guess I'm a bit evil!
Savanna, how would you react and what would you do if you were her?
I mean I’d be revolted by the weight loss stuff but part of me would be reluctantly flattered by your desire to make me your slut even knowing I’m happily married
Before we met she commented that she was embarrassed by her weight gain after having kids. So I saw the requirement to lose weight as kind of being helpful, and at the same time making her feel sexier. Which I could tell she did, by the sexier clothes she wore.

Would it have been arousing for you, being helpless and having to comply with being an obedient escort, unable to have any say so in how you were used?
I’ve come to accept this is my natural weight, curvy, and look back on when I was thinner as how miserable I was at the time. Regarding being reduced from a devoted wife to your escort..it does sound hot, would never really want it…but being turned into some creep’s slut would be hot in rp I suppose, having to dress like a slut and fall in love with my captor.
Sometimes we're terrified by what we really want, as we know it could ruin us permanently if we did it. But when the opportunity strikes, sometimes you just got to go for it.