With a mischievious grin...

well there's always a private showing!

A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men...

Ha! Using your time wisely I see ;)

Good for you. It's wonderful to hear stories of people who found love later in life. I am happy for you.

Aw thanks! Perhaps I should create some sort of rubric by which each photo can be measured ;) I have this feeling I know which ones would receive higher scores somehow...

Thank you! I'm glad you like them :)

Thanks! It's one of my personal favorites.

Oh I know. I was just clarifying.

Haha well I probably won't show too much more...just the same amount in different teasing ways ;). But thanks!

I'd love for you to pose for me in private.
No it's not real...but it made me think about getting a real one there ;)


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Incredibly sexy...but please don't permanently mark that perfect canvas

Oh I would never get something that big...I do like the look of it though ;)

I already have one very small tattoo, not sure if I'll ever get another.
Oh I would never get something that big...I do like the look of it though ;)

I already have one very small tattoo, not sure if I'll ever get another.

Oh really? I hadn't noticed it...

(puts on quadrifocals and starts furiously flipping through posted pics...)
Oh I would never get something that big...I do like the look of it though ;)

I already have one very small tattoo, not sure if I'll ever get another.

Breaths a sigh of relief, while I am a fan of tattoos in moderation, large or excessive tattooing tends to turn me off.
Well when one is a D.O.M. as opposed to a DOM (although I do tend that way). you have to select the best

Director of Marketing? Denizen of Manhattan? Deliciously Old Malbec?

(Waves white flag on left side of shelter: peeks out of right) Me too!!!

Oh is that right, hmm?

I'd love for you to pose for me in private.

Ha! You and a few others, I'm sure ;)

:). So true. Why am I craving chocolate all of a sudden?
So shines a good deed in a weary world.
Director of Marketing? Denizen of Manhattan? Deliciously Old Malbec?

Dirty Old Man - I waited a long time to get the position and now I am enjoying it :D

Although it does not carry the connotations it used to, no more dirty old raincoats :D now we sate our desire for the female form online and in private a much safer environment. Less screams that way.
Dirty Old Man - I waited a long time to get the position and now I am enjoying it :D

Although it does not carry the connotations it used to, no more dirty old raincoats :D now we sate our desire for the female form online and in private a much safer environment. Less screams that way.
Like WhoMe; I also have gladly accpeted the heavy burden of being a DOM. (Ducks again as MYW turns.)
Wow - I'm late to the party but I'm glad I eventually found my way here. You're spectacular! Thank you for posting.
SammyWhammy; I must warn you. MYW is vewy, vewy twicky; she can twist your words with the best of them & always come out on top. (Which when you think of it is not a bad thing. Ducks & cowers at sound of gunshot.)
SammyWhammy; I must warn you. MYW is vewy, vewy twicky; she can twist your words with the best of them & always come out on top. (Which when you think of it is not a bad thing. Ducks & cowers at sound of gunshot.)

Thanks for the warning but I'll take my chances. I've got a pretty thick dictionary and a thesaurus around here somewhere that's just dying to have its binding cracked

I love your bottom!

And, one tattoo is enough. It proves that you're adventurous, but that your aesthetics are generally sound. One man's opinion.
Thanks for the warning but I'll take my chances. I've got a pretty thick dictionary and a thesaurus around here somewhere that's just dying to have its binding cracked
3 thing to realize about MYW 1) She is a walking thesaurus/dictionary. 2) She is not afraid to use them and their both big ones (TeeHee, pun intended) 3)Andmost important; she is firearm friendly & NOT afraid to use them or other high explosives to get her point across. (Ducks behind NEW/Improved shelter from ACME armaments)
Love the new pictures. THose "undies" are very cute. But you are very cute too in all your pictures:);)
One of the loveliest threads around....and I love the "under the sheets" photos...very well done!

Wow - I'm late to the party but I'm glad I eventually found my way here. You're spectacular! Thank you for posting.

Thank you! I appreciate it :)

Deeeeeeeeep sigh of relief. Why did I even think I had to ask??

Brilliant body and a sexy brain...strike that..reverse it... (or not :) )

Pft. Depp. As if. *shakes head*

SammyWhammy; I must warn you. MYW is vewy, vewy twicky; she can twist your words with the best of them & always come out on top. (Which when you think of it is not a bad thing. Ducks & cowers at sound of gunshot.)

I do love a good tongue twister.

Thanks for the warning but I'll take my chances. I've got a pretty thick dictionary and a thesaurus around here somewhere that's just dying to have its binding cracked

Good luck ;)


I love your bottom!

And, one tattoo is enough. It proves that you're adventurous, but that your aesthetics are generally sound. One man's opinion.

Thanks! I appreciate your opinion but trust me I didn't get it to prove anything ;)

3 thing to realize about MYW 1) She is a walking thesaurus/dictionary. 2) She is not afraid to use them and their both big ones (TeeHee, pun intended) 3)Andmost important; she is firearm friendly & NOT afraid to use them or other high explosives to get her point across. (Ducks behind NEW/Improved shelter from ACME armaments)

I am not afraid to use all of my assets to my advantage. It's a dog eat dog world.

Love the new pictures. THose "undies" are very cute. But you are very cute too in all your pictures

Thank you :). Tell that to the guy in the cute girls thread, pretty sure he doesn't think so ;)

What do you have for a tatt?

Ah, I would tell you, but that qualifies as a distinguishing mark. It's a small, delicate thing.

One of the loveliest threads around....and I love the "under the sheets" photos...very well done!


Thank you :D