WikiLeaks source Manning gets 35 years


Gia Cat
Oct 12, 2007
Story The judge was lenient, he can be paroled in ten years.

He has already applied for a pardon from President Obama. I am not so sure he will get it, since he did this on Obama's watch, embarrassing his administration. We will see, Presidents have always traditionally handed out pardons at the end of their last term.
Story The judge was lenient, he can be paroled in ten years.

He has already applied for a pardon from President Obama. I am not so sure he will get it, since he did this on Obama's watch, embarrassing his administration. We will see, Presidents have always traditionally handed out pardons at the end of their last term.

That will be Hillary's job. It's what Clinton's do.
Story The judge was lenient, he can be paroled in ten years.

He has already applied for a pardon from President Obama. I am not so sure he will get it, since he did this on Obama's watch, embarrassing his administration. We will see, Presidents have always traditionally handed out pardons at the end of their last term.

Probably just before Christmas, 2016.
Story The judge was lenient, he can be paroled in ten years.

He has already applied for a pardon from President Obama. I am not so sure he will get it, since he did this on Obama's watch, embarrassing his administration. We will see, Presidents have always traditionally handed out pardons at the end of their last term.
It will be outrage if he does.

There are many people far more deserving including Jonathan Pollard.
Considering Obama (and Bush) were too stupid to pardon people who genuinely deserved it there is absolutely no chance this guy gets pardoned. If I didn't know who the OP was I'd wonder why the idea was even beeing brought up.
Won't get pardoned. Probably paroled in 10-15 though. Would be hard to argue he's a threat to society, unless he were to get securtity clearance again.
Seriously though, the kid did us all a favour...Its just too bad nobody really acted on his revelations.

Reminds me of the 60's phrase

Blind Faith in your leaders....will get you killed
Considering Obama (and Bush) were too stupid to pardon people who genuinely deserved it there is absolutely no chance this guy gets pardoned. If I didn't know who the OP was I'd wonder why the idea was even beeing brought up.

There were some, but they were strictly small-time, so we didn't hear that much about them. I think both those guys and Clinton sold pardons to wealthy crooks.
Everyone says ten years because they confuse the federal system with those sentenced under military jurisprudence. Parole is all but dead in the federal system.

Isn't Leavenworth solitary confinement?
I thought I read he received 35 years which seems a bit harsh considering no harm was done. I agree that what he did is egregious but I seen rapist and child molesters get less punishment.
Harm was done, don't be a fool.

Nobody died. Embarrassment is not harm or the most serious charge would have been upheld. 35 years seems about sending a message then about merit. With manning and Snowdens defections it seems the administrations is sending a message to curb others in similar positions of secrets.