

Literotica Guru
Dec 30, 2016
Why do any of us post on this board?

The odds of changing anyone's mind who has a different political, religious, sex, you name it, "stance" than YOU is slim to none...

Are we egomaniacs that just love to see our own words in print?

Are we people who just love to argue?

Are we people always looking for SOMETHING to be unhappy/offended about?

Are we people that love to give smart ass answers cause something inside us is afraid to be serious about ANYTHING?

Are we people who have to put others down to feel good about ourselves?

There are people on the GB that I care about and I've been here so long that it feels odd to not pop in, now and again.
I don't expect to make an impact or change anything.
Why do any of us post on this board?

The odds of changing anyone's mind who has a different political, religious, sex, you name it, "stance" than YOU is slim to none...

Are we egomaniacs that just love to see our own words in print?

Are we people who just love to argue?

Are we people always looking for SOMETHING to be unhappy/offended about?

Are we people that love to give smart ass answers cause something inside us is afraid to be serious about ANYTHING?

Are we people who have to put others down to feel good about ourselves?



These letters have volunteered to give their lives as meaningless filler to extend this post.

There are some interesting people here. There are conversations about music, books, movies, TV, life in general. There's more here than arguing and bickering about politics.

If you don't like all the drama then don't go into those threads. It's normally evident which are THOSE threads.

If you don't like posting here there are other places to go.
For me it is hands down for the people. I like it that I can get on and there is usually some conversation going on. I have "talked" to people all over the world from my little town in a Midwest American home. I have actually discovered that people who argue with me tend to be more respectful in private conversations than those who agree with me. I have really broadened my outlook on many topics. Definitely the people.:cool:
I always enjoy hearing from the unhinged Left. It's a constant reminder why Trump is POTUS.

It's also a constant reminder why the 2018 midterm elections look very, very promising for the Republicans.
For fun. Changing the other guy's mind isn't the point; in and of itself, arguing is fun.
There are people on the GB that I care about and I've been here so long that it feels odd to not pop in, now and again.
I don't expect to make an impact or change anything.

You always make an impact. Some people do by just making an appearance. you my dear are one of those, even though you're a noob. :)

fuck off, noob.

Fuckoff noob yourself. :mad:

To expose as many people as possible to my massive intellect and amazing sense of humour.
You always make an impact. Some people do by just making an appearance. you my dear are one of those, even though you're a noob. :)

Fuckoff noob yourself. :mad:


You're always so sweet to me. Thank you.

Btw, this is my second incarnation. I'm a 2001'er. Way too long ago, in any case.
Why do any of us post on this board?

The odds of changing anyone's mind who has a different political, religious, sex, you name it, "stance" than YOU is slim to none...

Are we egomaniacs that just love to see our own words in print?

Are we people who just love to argue?

Are we people always looking for SOMETHING to be unhappy/offended about?

Are we people that love to give smart ass answers cause something inside us is afraid to be serious about ANYTHING?

Are we people who have to put others down to feel good about ourselves?


Why lump everyone under the same disparaging umbrella terms? Each of us comes for what we expect, stays for what we find and contributes what we want. Some are more verbose then others, some are more fluffy then the rest, some love to stir the pot and others to ask serious questions, most however are just regular people. If you require the answers to your questions grasshopper, stop, sit, stay silent and observe. A set of flapping gums doesn't allow for the fine art of listening. Each of us are who we are. No more, no less.

And with that back to my latest episode of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, my coffee and my baked pig skins.

You're always so sweet to me. Thank you.

Btw, this is my second incarnation. I'm a 2001'er. Way too long ago, in any case.
Anddddd here comes the flirt.....like gets like. You get sweetness because that's what you give. I ain't into whacking a kitten cause it purrs for me and I ain't into disparaging a sweet lady cause she's nice and that's saying something for a died in the wool COB (Crotchety Old Bastard).

At the moment, I'm looking for signs of Trump's dupes/dopes waking up. I want to see their reaction when they realize he screwed them. :D
Women send me pictures of their pussy. Well, it's somebody's pussy. It's the thought that counts.
I come here to jerk off all over your ignorance.

That and fuck your God!

I'm looking for some intellectual stimulation and fun. Anything that's not PC.
And this forum is among the very few out there that offers all of them.

Unfortunately, I also end up being trolled by two individuals with whom I wouldn't associate in any form IRL.
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