Why We Need Labor Unions After All

I read down into the comments and this one stuck out:An argument can be made that union heads aren't sharing their profit enough with their rank and file.
He is full of it

Hey Henry explain to the truck drivers in LA who earned no money while a few spoiled clerks went on strike how unions benefited them.
Esplain why it is to a compay benfit to have to use union installers when non union installers who do an equal job or better and cost less
or why protecting bad or incomptent workers from firing helps the public
or why Unions insist of padding employee rolls

A union apologist

If a union picket blocks your way, go right through it. If they try to stop you sue them

Support right to work!
bad thing about unions is that they will keep a person who is a bad worker on the job because they are a union member and want a person who is a good worker fired because they are not part of the union force
I was union for many years, and learned an excellent trade from a competent staff of experts. That said, my union stole the pension fund, used any excuse to levy more dues, and generally fucked over its members. Like...if you didnt log at least 600 hours of work within 6 months the union pocketed the money you earned for benefits, especially health insurance. YOU DIDNT WORK ENUF HOURS SO WE KEEPIN THE MONEY THE MAN PAID. At the same time it was chicken shit obsessive-compulsive about work rules. Like the bizness of moving my toolbox from my car to the craft gang-box. God help the bastard who used his car to transport the toolbox (regardless of the distance), that was Teamster work! Except the teamsters wouldnt do it. Wanna move your rolling scaffold 10 feet? Better get a laborer! Need to attach a cable to the headache ball on the crane? Find an operating engineer oiler boy! Too anal.
By setting artificial wage floors unions retard hiring by limiting the number of employees that can be hired by making them more expensive. This burden falls hardest upon the working poor as it limits their ability to enter into and compete in the workforce.
Never was union, nor am I.

The last Davis-Bacon wages I read for a job, I wouldn't have worked for to do my trade.

I'll take my Stimulus piece-work-meal, thankyouverramuch.
Never was union, nor am I.

The last Davis-Bacon wages I read for a job, I wouldn't have worked for to do my trade.

I'll take my Stimulus piece-work-meal, thankyouverramuch.

I've been union. I've been a union steward. Those shops are out of business because they were too close to KANSAS...

;) ;)
I've been union. I've been a union steward. Those shops are out of business because they were too close to KANSAS...

;) ;)

You didn't surrender either.

But they made your work surrender.

I bet they have it given to Latinos up in Kansas somewhere.
They surrendered my job in the packing house to the wonderful hard-working "undocumented."

It was a job I was still willing to do, but not at half the price and no bennies.

I put Bo Dietl on the hunt for my job...

I think it is in Guatemala...
Yet I watch the immigrants come and pick up jobs that seemed to be lying on the ground here. They keep them through efficiency and diligence.

And quality.

The drywall guys I was telling you about the other day so seriously out-performed the former sub that there was little comparison. They were faster, less expensive, and better . . . and no whining about the Bootheel of Oppression.
In Houston they would hand-sand a car to the bare metal for $25 and a really big bottle of rum...

That was in the early 80s though.

;) ;)
The Mopar needs an interior. Through a friend, I have located the illegals interior guys.

I wonder what wool broadcloth is going for these days?
Interior, tricky stuff...

I have never seen a "will do interior work for cash" sign at the auto parts store.

They love my Viking looks.

My Spanish is weak, but I keep trying, and they work with me.

Now, if I could just find the illegal machine shop . . . .
I'm pretty sure the machines are all legal...

I know an ol' boy in KANSAS who is still using his grandfather's machines.
Kinda like an "illegal" gun. :eek:

Machine work is expensive, but it's gotta be done right.

No matter. I am a long walk from Mizzourah.

Or a short drive, if I burn enough hi-test. :D
Medium ballistic missile range...

We're big on the second amendment. I have a constitution right to nuke Union States.


Well, it's off to my non-Davis-Bacon stimulus site.

I have a meeting with the wheels at another job this afternoon.

I get to wear two hats today - of the Oppressed and of the Oppressor.

Experiencing the Bootheel from both sides.
Yeah, I get to see my new office today.

I doubt it has a window, but I'm movin' on up, to the east side...