Why the Department of Education?


Literotica Guru
Oct 13, 2024
"The Department of Education should be abolished." That seems to be one of those definitional things any Republican or conservative HAS to say.

But nobody ever seems to mention what objectionable things that department is doing.
They want to leave it up to the states, so that red states would be allowed to require prayer in schools, let bullies have free rein over GLBT kids and anyone else they don't like, allow for teaching kids the Civil War wasn't about slavery...you get the idea.
They want to leave it up to the states, so that red states would be allowed to require prayer in schools, let bullies have free rein over GLBT kids and anyone else they don't like, allow for teaching kids the Civil War wasn't about slavery...you get the idea.
If we look around the world at all of the countries whose educational systems are generally agreed to produce better results than America's -- Japan, France, the UK -- one thing they all have in common is CENTRALIZED, NATIONAL CONTROL OF THE SYSTEM.

Whatever the merits may be of decentralized government or federalism, education is one field where it should never be applied.
Centralized bureaucracy usually starts with a belief in efficiency and gradually becomes greedy, incompetent, and micromanaging. Decisions that seem brilliant in the central office become absolute failures in practice across the nation. Bureaucrats become dedicated to protecting their own jobs and fiefdoms. The subjects of their mismanagement become just stats on a page or screen instead of kids in schools or whatever their departments are funded to pretend to help. The Department of Education, like most of the Cabinet, will at least be reduced, but complete elimination could take decades as bureaucratic inertia slowly grinds to a stop. Russia and China have shown in extensive and grim detail what happens when centralization is allowed to go much farther unchecked.
I guess you are for the Dept of Ed??
I wasn’t sure with your first post
Centralized bureaucracy usually starts with a belief in efficiency and gradually becomes greedy, incompetent, and micromanaging. . . .
That is not how it has worked out in practice in Japan, France, the UK, etc. Their results ARE better than ours.
I guess you are for the Dept of Ed??
I wasn’t sure with your first post
Well, if we look at what it actually does -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Department_of_Education:

The department identifies four key functions:[6]

  • Establishing policies on federal financial aid for education, and distributing as well as monitoring those funds.
  • Collecting data on America's schools and disseminating research.
  • Focusing national attention on key educational issues.
  • Prohibiting discrimination and ensuring equal access to education.

Nothing objectionable about any of THAT.
For a specific example of the feds absolutely shitting all over education, there is the No Child Left Behind Act.
For a specific example of the feds absolutely shitting all over education, there is the No Child Left Behind Act.

"I'm opposed to the DoEd, and as an example of what a horrible job the federal government does with education, I'll cite an act passed by the party that hates government in general and the DoEd in particular."

That's some solid logic right there!
The Dept. of Education is a boondoggle that has served no useful purpose nor has it achieved anything of note.
It used to be part of the Department of Health Education and Welfare (HEW). It was established as a separate cabinet office under Carter. It’s a big bureaucracy. Has it improved education in America?
It used to be part of the Department of Health Education and Welfare (HEW). It was established as a separate cabinet office under Carter. It’s a big bureaucracy. Has it improved education in America?
Only fair to remember that immediately after it was created, Reagan ushered in the era of selfishness and fiscal austerity. You get what you pay for, no matter how well-supported it may be.
And that's why Black voters overwhelmingly supported him in the 2020 primaries. God, I love Republic Party logic.
Doesn’t make Biden less of a bigot, it makes the black voters uninformed. That’s changing today. They’re beginning to see the democrat party for what it is, *a gaggle of arrogant elitist* full of empty promises.