Why is the US National Anthem still played before sporting events

in Jamaica they play the national anthem in Movie Theatres before showing movies
Because people who aren't leftist pieces of trash still take pride in the freedom of this country.
It's so great to see the foaming-at-the-mouth sick little puppy board Trumpettes wrap themselves in the flag and then attack the U.S. Capitol and attempt a coup.
shrug. If they stopped it wouldn’t bother me one bit. But hearing \ singing it doesn’t bother me either. I’ll say the pledge but I drop the flag and under god. Colored cloth doesn’t get my promise of support but the country does. And god doesn’t exist.
Yes, there is always the alternative, the burning and looting of mostly peaceful protests (against the government).
You're saying that the only alternative to singing a song and waving a flag is destruction?
All countries tend to do it and it is a fairly recent innovation for most. The best by a mile is the NZ "Haka" - not an anthem but a declaration of war, mainly before rugby matches.
These guys are doing the right thing. What the hell is wrong with you?
The comment refers to the intent of the owners. Not the prophetic analysis of the situation by the players. Remember this was before the flurry of cops killing unarmed Black men caught on video. Their non-violent protests were viewed as disrespectful and outrageously unpatriotic. Once the riots started their response was correctly viewed as reasonable and appropriate.
The problem with that is that its always been happening or nearly happening and it often doesn't make the news, especially if the person happens to survive.