Why is Lance

I think it's how he gives his appreciation to those he loves and admires the most. :)

Some tribute.

One would start a thread saying, "I love lavy because she loves K-State," or some other such nonsense...
He's the little boy in kindergarten pulling her pigtails because he has a crush on her.
I am, because I lance....

Lance = Spear
Castor = Chucker

hence = troll.

The problem with trolls is that eventually, like yayati or A_J is that they become part of the eco/nix that - virtualsystem.
Aww don't pick on him. He's just a bit lonely without Ishy and Lavender around. :)
lilminx said:
He's the little boy in kindergarten pulling her pigtails because he has a crush on her.

I need a CrushUpdate...didn't I have a crush on you this afternoon?
lilminx said:
Who said that?

Islandman, in the thread where you decided that you wanted to drink my pee...geez, how quickly they forget...you been smoking pot again?
Lancecastor said:
Islandman, in the thread where you decided that you wanted to drink my pee...geez, how quickly they forget...you been smoking pot again?
Lanciepoo, you've got it all wrong- I told you I'd piss all over you.
lilminx said:
Lanciepoo, you've got it all wrong- I told you I'd piss all over you.

Ah, your memory returns....keep your panties dry, I don't want Lav the way you want me.
lilminx said:
Lanciepoo, you've got it all wrong- I told you I'd piss all over you.

I'm a bit disturbed by the usage of poo and piss in the same sentence. :D

Smarter or just sarcastic, oh chained one? ;-)
freakygurl said:
And all this time I thought Lance had a crush on me

This happens every 60 days or so...I run out of collars, demand rises, frustration increases...it's hard being me sometimes...so many submissives to train, so little time.
Lancecastor said:
Ah, your memory returns....keep your panties dry, I don't want Lav the way you want me.
I'm not wearing any panties to keep dry, and I don't want you.

You must have such a hardon for her. Why the hell else would you bump her threads and talk about her when she's not even here?
Lancecastor said:
This happens every 60 days or so...I run out of collars, demand rises, frustration increases...it's hard being me sometimes...so many submissives to train, so little time.

Well then.. I'll just put my crush on you on hold.