Why Is It That I can...


Really Really Experienced
Mar 5, 2003
Ask A woman to model for me, which include her getting nude, and allowing me to apply paint to her bare body, but if i were to see same woman and wanted to ask her to go for a cup of coffee...it would like trying to talk with peanut butter my mouth. LOL

Im retarded...

fleshncolor said:
Ask A woman to model for me, which include her getting nude, and allowing me to apply paint to her bare body, but if i were to see same woman and wanted to ask her to go for a cup of coffee...it would like trying to talk with peanut butter my mouth. LOL

Im retarded...

LOL no you aren't D I have a friend (guy) he is the same way can ask a girl to play pool,dance whatever but let it come to date asking time :rolleyes: freezes up like superglue comes to be "hey can you ask so-so to go hang out". Gotta do like I told him just remember the worst they can say is "no" the best they can say is "yes" if its somewhere in between well then its still not no right :nana:
i know its the damndest thing....blah

no, she can say no, laugh slap me and run away screaming that a freak talked to her as well...LMAO

Remember the most effective pickup line is

fleshncolor said:
no, she can say no, laugh slap me and run away screaming that a freak talked to her as well...LMAO

"Wanna fuck?"

You get slapped about 99 times out of 100, but that hundreth time makes it all worthwhile. :D
Don't feel badly. I'm the same way. It's like the moment any sexual tension hits the room I turn into friggin' rain man, except without the card counting.:confused:

Wanna fuck

1 time, but what if she stop slapping ya and kicking ya, just ONE time of that would have made it real shitty LOL

My boyfriend is an actor, so he can walk up to some strange chick at an audition and plant one on her without a second thought...but the first time we kissed he was so nervous and took so long so do it that it was at the point were I was ready to either smack him upside the head or jump on top of him and pin him to the ground while I smooched him. :rolleyes: Of course, after hours of sending him every signal I knew how and him having had finally worked up the nerve to kiss me, within 5 minutes I was having to tell him to slow down because he was about to nail me in his kitchen just like that! Guys are weird. ;)
It's all about having something to hide behind, and therefore being a step removed from having to take rejection personally, and putting yourself on the line. When you approach women as a photographer and she says no, it's easy to take that as "no thanks, Mr. Photographer. When you ask her out and she says no, that's personal; she's basically saying "no thanks, fleshncolor. If she doesn't want to model, fine, but if she doesn't want you, that's very different.

That also explains the seeming contradictions with Zilla's boyfriend. He can hide behind a character and rejection isn't personal. When he's himself, that rejection hurts. That doesn't explain his overeagerness, of course. :)
Because we all, no matter how cocky or self-assured we are, wish for approval, warmth, etc. And rejection is almost like having your pride run through a shredder. Almost like being judged, and found lacking. I can't tell you how many times I have seen someone, who is obviously looking at me with more than a casual eye, yet they do NOTHING about it. As the so called prettiest girl in my high school class, I had to go to the prom with a friend, since no other guy got the nerve to ask me. Go figure. Now, however, I make the move if he doesn't.
Zilla said:
My boyfriend is an actor, so he can walk up to some strange chick at an audition and plant one on her without a second thought...but the first time we kissed he was so nervous and took so long so do it that it was at the point were I was ready to either smack him upside the head or jump on top of him and pin him to the ground while I smooched him. :rolleyes: Of course, after hours of sending him every signal I knew how and him having had finally worked up the nerve to kiss me, within 5 minutes I was having to tell him to slow down because he was about to nail me in his kitchen just like that! Guys are weird. ;)

im fine once were at that point its teh initial spoken word that sends me into a frilly, after ive established that shes interrested, im more aggressive its a gradual thing, I want folks to know me ya know?....but that first sentence...shew...LOL

sheheri* said:
Because we all, no matter how cocky or self-assured we are, wish for approval, warmth, etc. And rejection is almost like having your pride run through a shredder. Almost like being judged, and found lacking. I can't tell you how many times I have seen someone, who is obviously looking at me with more than a casual eye, yet they do NOTHING about it. As the so called prettiest girl in my high school class, I had to go to the prom with a friend, since no other guy got the nerve to ask me. Go figure. Now, however, I make the move if he doesn't.

Yeah its a two was street there. The one who is interrested and afraid of rejection is feeling down, and the one who saw him or her taking notice and doing nothing is let down because it would seem that they wernt as interrested as they were. :)

(thanks for the input people its be a big help)


batchman said:
It's all about having something to hide behind, and therefore being a step removed from having to take rejection personally, and putting yourself on the line. When you approach women as a photographer and she says no, it's easy to take that as "no thanks, Mr. Photographer. When you ask her out and she says no, that's personal; she's basically saying "no thanks, fleshncolor. If she doesn't want to model, fine, but if she doesn't want you, that's very different.

That also explains the seeming contradictions with Zilla's boyfriend. He can hide behind a character and rejection isn't personal. When he's himself, that rejection hurts. That doesn't explain his overeagerness, of course. :)

interresting perspective :)
fleshncolor said:
Ask A woman to model for me, which include her getting nude, and allowing me to apply paint to her bare body, but if i were to see same woman and wanted to ask her to go for a cup of coffee...it would like trying to talk with peanut butter my mouth. LOL

Im retarded...


If you are retarded most of us males are

I have no problem with certain "gimicks"
but other wise ... well ..........
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This is a quote from a book I read once,


The real fierceness of desire, the real heat of a passion long continuing and withering up the soul of a man, is the craving for identity with the woman that he loves.

He desires to see with the same eyes, to hear with the same ears, to lose his identity, to be enveloped, to be supported.

For whatever may be said of the relations of the sexes, there is no man who loves a woman that does not desire to come to her for the renewal of his courage, for the cutting asunder of his difficulties.

And that will the mainspring of his desire for her.

We are all so afraid, we are all so alone, we all so need, from the outside, the assurance of our own worthiness to exist.

I watch my son try to pluck up the courage to ask a girl out, and watch what happens to him when they say - gee you are so nice but lets just be friends, its no wonder that guys get tongue tied, and scared of rejection.
Not being biased here, but he is a nice person, caring and thoughtful, and not bad looking either, ----cant these girls see what they are missing out on !!!!
Personally, I always loved it when a guy gets tongue-tied about asking me on a date. :) If he was smooth and cool about it, that usually meant he wasn't all that sincere. It was always the guys who seemed SO confident...but then tripped over themselves with asking me out for coffee...THOSE were the keepers. ;)
