why, in the movies...


Jan 26, 2002
do they put the microphone for a wire between a woman's breasts?

I mean, us men do talk to them a lot, but if there's one place we're likely to look, its right down their clevage :D

[edit] oh and btw, Dean Cain may be nice lookin, but he can't act for shit [/edit]
And isn't it always a man doing the "wiring"?;)

Thank you for the email this morning...I did love your av suggestion.:heart:
We figure you’ll be too distracted to notice the wire.
Cleo32 said:
We don't watch Dean Cain for his acting. ;)

Would it happen to be his oh-so-mean-and-tough looking stare, coupled with his improable jaw and muscular body, perhaps?

I know you women too well
I’m sorry I’ve never seen his face. My eyes have ever traveled higher than the neck. Keep picturing him all oiled up & nekkid.
Starblayde said:
Would it happen to be his oh-so-mean-and-tough looking stare, coupled with his improable jaw and muscular body, perhaps?

That, and the fact that he looks like a dark god. ;)
Let me just say this thread was inspired by the high quality, supernatural police thriller starring, among others, Dean Cain... called Rag and Bone.
Guin, don't give it that much credit.

It was on the worst of the 5 terrestrial channels at 2pm on a monday afternoon, of all times.
Starblayde said:
Your Av could have a wire and i'd have absolutely no idea ;)
LOL. so you say.
Cleo32 said:
That, and the fact that he looks like a dark god. ;)
you know who looks oh so good as a dark god? The guy who played Aires on Xena.
Ahhh but he was hot **sigh**

*waves to J.B...mornin'!!*
That's just wrong!

:kiss: Morning Lady G
Starblayde said:
do they put the microphone for a wire between a woman's breasts?

I mean, us men do talk to them a lot, but if there's one place we're likely to look, its right down their clevage :D

[edit] oh and btw, Dean Cain may be nice lookin, but he can't act for shit [/edit]
Only one good reason. Because they want the viewers to enjoy and remember their movie.

Remember "Basic Instinct"? Remember anything about it other than Sharon Stone's crotch?
Ya know, Star, I already have a headache, now you've made it worse, all I can hear is his whiny voice.


:kiss: to J.B.
LadyGuinivere said:
Ya know, Star, I already have a headache, now you've made it worse, all I can hear is his whiny voice.


:kiss: to J.B.
He speaks?
Re: Re: why, in the movies...

phrodeau said:
Remember "Basic Instinct"? Remember anything about it other than Sharon Stone's crotch?

I detest that broad.

I liked her in "Total Recall". I'd like to see Arnold off, er, divorce her more often.
You're right, he screams **holds head**

Sharon Stone...ick. Never really saw what all the fuss was about!