Why Do We Need Tax Hikes?

When we are running trillion dollar budget deficits, and the only solution is to cut government spending? Why do we have to enable further deficit spending when all say the problem is deficits and debt? I'll wait.

So liberals can feel better about punishing people who make more than they do. It's all about ignorance and childish jealousy.
I think once we get a carbon tax all problems will be solved.
Because there is no realistic way that we're going to cut spending enough to make a difference. We all know that there are only three things we spend money on and none of those are getting any serious cuts.
When we are running trillion dollar budget deficits, and the only solution is to cut government spending? Why do we have to enable further deficit spending when all say the problem is deficits and debt? I'll wait.

We have a gap between intake and outlays.

America has had an expectation of government service levels, but is unwilling to pay for them. Hence, deficit spending.

The conservative response has been to demand cuts in government services. They seem unable or unwilling to entertain any notions other than this.

This is why they keep losing national elections.
No, I ran out of room. :cool:

This might be a good time to buy stock in Ruger and S&W.

Is that written by an economist who said there was no housing bubble? :D

Why not read it and see;)

(It's written by an investor who is trying to create a non-left-leaning modern monetary theory. MMT minus the "job guarantee")
PULSE: Gun stocks surge after Obama re-election

CHICAGO (MarketWatch) -- Even as the broader markets continue to suffer, the re-election of President Barack Obama has helped spark an ongoing rally for shares of two major firearms companies. Smith & Wesson Holdings SWHC was up 3% while Sturm Ruger & Co. RGR gained 5% Thursday, following strong gains on the previosu session. The jumps mirror a similar surge in 2008 and 2009 when fears --- later proven to be unfounded -- of new regulations on gun ownership generated brisk sales.
We have a gap between intake and outlays.

America has had an expectation of government service levels, but is unwilling to pay for them. Hence, deficit spending.

The conservative response has been to demand cuts in government services. They seem unable or unwilling to entertain any notions other than this.

This is why they keep losing national elections.

Santa Claus keeps giving the new majority of slugs free things.

Since there is a new majority of slugs who love Santa Claus what do you expect...
Maybe Obama can change the light bulbs in federal offices again like when he first got into office. That really helped.:rolleyes:
We have a gap between intake and outlays.

America has had an expectation of government service levels, but is unwilling to pay for them. Hence, deficit spending.

The conservative response has been to demand cuts in government services. They seem unable or unwilling to entertain any notions other than this.

This is why they keep losing national elections.

Yeah, they lost big in 2010.
Over half of the Americans eligible to vote are too stupid to keep their own money.

Take it away any way possible. Beer sales and 'Jersey Shore' t-shirts are a solid starting place to garner that money but taxation will be more efficient.