Beards... Do you find them sexy?

I have one. Not sure if it’s sexy or not? I’m also invested in anyone else’s answers.
I think a well-trimmed beard can give a man a distinguished look. 🧔🏻‍♂️

In the 80s Don Johnson epitomized the 5 o’clock shadow chic. And George Clooney has revived that look. But it’s a fine line between looking dapper and looking like a scruffy nerf herder.
It depends on the fullness and texture I suppose. I can grow out a thick and full beard but I chose to shave once every 3 or 4 days. I have been told by numerous women they like my bearded look when I do let it grow out.
I recently started growing a beard. It is mostly out of laziness as I got tired of shaving every other day.

In the summer I keep closely trimmed and in the cooler months I let it grow out a little fuller and longer while still looking professional.

I don't want to look like the guy that spends his weekends in the garage home brewing gluten free beer.

not that there is anything wrong with that
This might sound racist but... I like beards but not on a black man. Even on white men I prefer they keep it well groomed rather than let it go wild
This might sound racist but... I like beards but not on a black man. Even on white men I prefer they keep it well groomed rather than let it go wild
No need to feel bad. Personal sexual preferences are just that. They aren't racist, sexist, ageist, ableist, or whatever-ist. You have a right to have preferences in what attracts you, and you need not apologize for them. End of public service announcement. 😆
Great topic! I had a beard for most of my later years, but I must confess, I never thought about using it sexually! Leave it to Mrs. Hapril to discover pleasure in such unusual ways! I am well groomed and, in the same time, wild :) I love it. I am eager to use my Santa beard this year, my naughty list is open for beard teasing too :)
I've never had sex with a guy with a beard. 5 o'clock shadow, yes.
this kind of beard, yes (though it depends on the guy when all's said and done):




do not like great big beards, or straggly, wiry beards that look like really bad pubic hair, and definitely not those good ol' boys type of beards... they all just make me want to reach for my scissors!
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