Why do guys become 'Dirty Old Men'


Nov 14, 2000
I am neither old nor dirty but since I am a male, someday I will be considered a dirty old man. How and why does this come about? Why don't women become dirty old ladies?

Is it so wrong for a guy to appreciate a nice looking younger lady? So what if she might be 20, 30, 40 years younger? We might be older but why are we dirty? So what if we think that some college coed is hot with her belly shirt and tight low rise jeans making us think about licking her body from head to toe. Does it matter if our body perks up while glancing at that hottie in the short mini skirt with delicious looking thighs? What if we actually wanted to date that much younger woman? Why do we get labled 'dirty' for it?

Just wondering, not complaining.
TonyG said:
I am neither old nor dirty but since I am a male, someday I will be considered a dirty old man. How and why does this come about? Why don't women become dirty old ladies?

Is it so wrong for a guy to appreciate a nice looking younger lady? So what if she might be 20, 30, 40 years younger? We might be older but why are we dirty? So what if we think that some college coed is hot with her belly shirt and tight low rise jeans making us think about licking her body from head to toe. Does it matter if our body perks up while glancing at that hottie in the short mini skirt with delicious looking thighs? What if we actually wanted to date that much younger woman? Why do we get labled 'dirty' for it?

Just wondering, not complaining.

It seems like conduct is the real detemining factor.

I worked with a guy who was 60 something, he was Italian, sharp dresser, and loved to entertain ladies. He was a pig though. Because of his language, the way he pawed younger women, and his overall crude behavior, he would not interest mature women, just young chickies who saw his trappings as something desirable. And he did seem to fuck a lot of them. He wears the label dirty old man proudly.

By contrast, I have an uncle, same age, good looking man, who treats all people with respect and dignity. Whenever there is a gathering, he is surrounded by ladies (and men) of all ages, engaging them with stories, and asking many questions about themselves. To my knowledge he has never been with another woman than his wife. He is considered by all to be a gentleman.

There is no problem with being interested in younger women. They wear what they wear to catch your eye. It is your response to them that labels you a dirty old man, or a friend.
I think that oler people do things in their own way, just because they don't care anymore what others think about their actions. So the term may have be generated from those actions, and yes women can be dirty old women.