Who Is Subdued Passion?




Same age.
Both Indian.
Both use American English.
Both partially conceal their faces.
We can eliminate them both if we nail the doors shut and set Lit on fire.
Oh, and I talked to damppanties a lot.

Other than they both posted on the same board at different times, I don't see a resemblance in tone or style. Both are smart, both are funny, but I think damppanties would have to wear a hazmat suit to come onto the GB from the AH and it probably wouldn't occur to her that it would be a good thing to do, for which I partly salute her and partly feel sorry for her.
Oh, and I talked to damppanties a lot.

Other than they both posted on the same board at different times, I don't see a resemblance in tone or style. Both are smart, both are funny, but I think damppanties would have to wear a hazmat suit to come onto the GB from the AH and it probably wouldn't occur to her that it would be a good thing to do, for which I partly salute her and partly feel sorry for her.

DAMPPANTIES stopped posting when SP started. Maybe we're seeing multiple personalities.
Maybe you're just pulling her pigtails with a chainsaw, as per usual.

She doesn't like people messing with her hair.

I have grievances against DAMPPANTIES. Your concern makes me think I'm on the right trail.
I have grievances against DAMPPANTIES. Your concern makes me think I'm on the right trail.

What did the sweet lady do to you other than probably laughing at you for excellent reason?

My concern means it's early and we're both silly.
Um... no.

What's your theory, Byron?

Genuinely I don't know and all the reasons why I might think I know and that I know I don't know are the same reasons.

1. I don't really care.
2. Zero radar anything went off but I've been gone for a while. Any explanations seemed reasonable and also she doesn't care if we care.
3. Refer to #1
What did the sweet lady do to you other than probably laughing at you for excellent reason?

My concern means it's early and we're both silly.

SP is a troll and a fraud, and DP goofed me when I started posting stories.
SP is a troll and a fraud, and DP goofed me when I started posting stories.

How is she a troll? Other than thinking you're outrageous, which is entirely true?

I admit I haven't read any of your stories and I have know knowledge of said goofing, though I saw lots of her other goofing.

And if she thought your stories were so bad, why isn't she linking to them and making fun of them with grammatical critique and genuinely intended criticism as has been done for jeninflorida?
Byron got quiet. I shall now accuse him of being an Indian woman himself and only saying things to throw suspicion off himself.

I have no evidence for this and a lot to contradict that theory, but what the hell.

Disproving a negative is always easy.
Byron got quiet. I shall now accuse him of being an Indian woman himself and only saying things to throw suspicion off himself.

I have no evidence for this and a lot to contradict that theory, but what the hell.

Disproving a negative is always easy.

Even silence is a piece of the puzzle.
Even silence is a piece of the puzzle.

Especially if I can fill it up with crap that implies that 2 + 3 = 9 and if someone else can't do their math and thinks I'm being serious, they go around saying "Reci thinks the answer is 9!"

Actually, nobody has said that, that's a whatchamacallit, an exaggeration.

I'm sure many people could figure out what 2 + 3 = on their own given time. If they were ever on their own or took the time.
Especially if I can fill it up with crap that implies that 2 + 3 = 9 and if someone else can't do their math and thinks I'm being serious, they go around saying "Reci thinks the answer is 9!"

Actually, nobody has said that, that's a whatchamacallit, an exaggeration.

I'm sure many people could figure out what 2 + 3 = on their own given time. If they were ever on their own or took the time.

Youre a barometer of how close I am to right. Post more.
Youre a barometer of how close I am to right. Post more.

I think subdued is going to read this and know why it's funny, you may or may not know why it's funny to me but you'll know why she thinks its funny.

I think you know why it's funny to her but may not know why it's funny for me, but I can't tell you why I think I know that you know it's funny because it's against the rules of the internet.

I'm sure I will post more.
I think subdued is going to read this and know why it's funny, you may or may not know why it's funny to me but you'll know why she thinks its funny.

I think you know why it's funny to her but may not know why it's funny for me, but I can't tell you why I think I know that you know it's funny because it's against the rules of the internet.

I'm sure I will post more.

Regardless of what any of you think youre doing the plan is to expose her, and maybe I'll get the last laugh.
Others read this thread and contemplate the posts. Most people don't like it when people like you or SP try and play them for fools. So it may not work out well for you or her.