Is Porn Cheating?


Literotica Guru
Dec 24, 2012
Let me put it out there right now, I do not think porn is cheating. In fact I don’t think webcam sex is cheating either. Granted my ex-wife disagrees about the web cam thing; that turned into a big ordeal that day.

But the point is if you are not having physical contact of another, how is it cheating?

This came to mind after following a few bible thumpers I like to call. One is Christian and the other Jewish. Both very very conservative to the point I just stopped following them. We agreed on one or more things but in general we just have different view points and it got to the point their daily videos or their ideas and view points were just getting annoying.
I don’t think it’s cheating. To me is just living out the fantasy that you can’t have or wishing you could.
I know it’s porn and will never be I a position to fuck the females I watch. It’s fantasy. I may think they are beautiful or sexy or erotic…but in my mind I know it’s make believe.
Assuming there’s no prior agreement about acceptable and unacceptable behavior, no if it’s just one-way visual stimulation. Yes for webcam sex.

It’s about emotional intimacy.
I used to be self conscious when my late husband watched porn behind my back..
I used to be disgusted that he felt he needed to do that in our marriage.

In the middle of that marriage, we tried watching porn together. But I would ask insecurity type questions the whole time.

At the end of my "marriage", I didn't care at all that he watched porn.. He still lied and denied watching it often..

Maybe it's the lying that I found disrespectful?

Anyways.. Jump ahead to the present time..
Not only do I watch porn at times, it's part of the foreplay in my dynamic..
You don't have to apologize for unfollowing people whose values don't match your own.
I used to be self conscious when my late husband watched porn behind my back..
I used to be disgusted that he felt he needed to do that in our marriage.

In the middle of that marriage, we tried watching porn together. But I would ask insecurity type questions the whole time.

At the end of my "marriage", I didn't care at all that he watched porn.. He still lied and denied watching it often..

Maybe it's the lying that I found disrespectful?

Anyways.. Jump ahead to the present time..
Not only do I watch porn at times, it's part of the foreplay in my dynamic..

I think it probably is a hard ask for a guy to not watch porn at all. I tend to not believe that a guy isn’t watching any kind of porn unless they have a medical issue. If they tell me it’s against their religion, I’m 100% sure they’re watching porn.
If your partner draws that line in the sand and you cross it then yes. ..But for the love of God, why would he/she? That seems so petty to me.

I made it clear to my wife long ago when I told her, "Watching porn is never my first preference! ..My first preference is fucking YOU! But if you're not interested in sex, I sometimes need another outlet." True to my promise, I've NEVER been sexually unavailable for her b/c of porn. Ie., I've never said, "sorry, hun... I'm not in the mood," then headed to my office to jerk-off to porn.

And if my wife walks in on me watching porn and says, "So.. would you rather watch porn clips, or come upstairs and fuck me?" I'd slam the laptop closed and scramble to the bedroom as fast as I can... This has happened a few times and it was tons of fun for both of us.

I'm very careful to NEVER compare my wife's appearance or the kinds of sex we have to what I see in porn. NEVER! Doing so would be like her watching a Marvel movie and saying, "I'm less attracted to you now because you don't look like Robert Downey, Jr and you can't do all those incredible things Iron Man does." Also, I promised her I would NEVER watch porn that involved non-consent (by dint of age, obvious coercion, drunkeness, etc..) or porn that appeared to be not enjoyed by one of the participants. In short, Ethical Porn (as best as I can tell, anyway) is all I watch. ..And she's always welcome to read my postings on Lit or check my internet history.

Lastly, what is porn? ..My wife LOVED reading the Fifty Shades books, and the first movie. ..Isn't that soft porn? ..Of course it is. And I LOVED that she enjoyed them! Christian (lead dude) is hot and he got my wife hot. ..Which made for great sex when she came home from the theater.

Porn is no different than alcohol, gambling, marijuana, rich foods, etc.. If enjoyed responsibly, it can enhance one's life. ...Get carried away with it, and it can ruin your life.

Added after posting:
Porn can also enhance a marriage. If it weren't for my seeing them used in Porn - then showing my wife - I don't think we'd ever involved vibrators, dildos, butt plugs, pegging, etc.. in our sex life. We do now, and have for the last 15 yrs or so - because of Porn. ..And they've made sex a great deal more fun for BOTH of us.
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If you're in a low sex/sexless relationship, yet you are high libido I view porn as facilitating your urges.

I think it probably is a hard ask for a guy to not watch porn at all. I tend to not believe that a guy isn’t watching any kind of porn unless they have a medical issue. If they tell me it’s against their religion, I’m 100% sure they’re watching porn.
The two people I mention I would be shocked if they watched porn. Too high and mighty on their views.

If your partner draws that line in the sand and you cross it then yes. ..But for the love of God, why would he/she? That seems so petty to me.

I made it clear to my wife long ago when I told her, "Watching porn is never my first preference! ..My first preference is fucking YOU! But if you're not interested in sex, I sometimes need another outlet." True to my promise, I've NEVER been sexually unavailable for her b/c of porn. Ie., I've never said, "sorry, hun... I'm not in the mood," then headed to my office to jerk-off to porn.

And if my wife walks in on me watching porn and says, "So.. would you rather keep watching porn clips, or come upstairs and fuck me?" I'd slam the laptop closed and scramble to the bedroom as fast as I can... This has happened a few times and it was tons of fun for both of us.

I'm very careful to NEVER compare my wife's looks or sexual performance to what I see in porn. NEVER! Doing so would be like her watching a Marvel movie and asking, "Why can't you look like Iron Man and do all those incredible things he does?" Also, I promised her I would NEVER watch porn that involved non-consent (by dint of age, obvious coercion, drunkeness, etc..) or porn that appeared to be not enjoyed by one of the people. ..Ethical porn (as best as I can surmise, anyway) is all I watch. ..And she's always welcome to search my internet history.

Lastly, what is porn? ..My wife LOVED reading the Fifty Shades books, and the first movie. ..Isn't that soft porn? ..Of course it is. ..I LOVED that she enjoyed them. Christian (lead dude) is hot and he got my wife hot. ..Which made for great sex when she came home from the theater.

Porn is no different than alcohol, gambling, marijuana, rich foods, etc.. If enjoyed responsibly, it can enhance one's life. ...Get carried away with it, and it can ruin your life.
I loved 50 Shades. Granted never read the books and found the movies boring to I just fast forwarded to the sex scenes which were stupid. However when my exwife was reading them it lead to a lot of BJs and hot sex. That and while she was pregnant were good times in my life with her.
Porn no, these are just movies you're watching.

I agree with your ex, web camming is cheating. That's a real person you are paying to interact sexually with.
I'm here to apologize for years of lies snd deception on literotica. This is slso a cautionary story i hope you take to heart.

Im married and have been for 15 years. I loved my wife but she was diagnosed with the early stages of dementia a few years ago and it threw me into depression. She’s wasting away, she was once a DDD cup with a voluptuous figure and now she’s skin and bones, very frail and weak.

Talking online about sex and taboo subjects gave me an escape from the life im living and it was too easy to feel good and forget the frailty of our lives. Ive been caught and my wife has left me. It was sbout 3 weeks ago.

Shes alone, sick and heartbroken and it’s all my fault.

People like us are so easily manipulated into dark taboo chats and it gave me the thrill to forget about my obligations. I lost work, i lost friends, now ive lost the love of my life because of people like you and me playing stupid sex games.

I have a micro penis, i weigh just over 350 pounds and im 5’6”. my wife didnt care, she still loved me , she called mr her soul mate. I’ll probably never be with another woman. She was the only woman i ever had sex with in real life.

Shes alone and afraid and it’s all my fault, she did not deserve this. She wont take me back because of the Daddy age play. She works in education. She doesn’t believe I’ll stop.

She has also been on my profile and changed it.

I’m showing you photos- This was our life. I’m hoping you see the humanity in this post and rethink your life before you ruin someone else’s.






And so on….

This is cheating. Dont kid yourself.

Is this a troll? I don’t get it. If this is a serious post, why are you mentioning your micro-dick?

anyways, I don’t think what’s being described is porn. Porn is images and vids, right? Playing a daddy dom in an online interaction is different, since it’s with someone else. Unless consented to, it’s emotional cheating, I’d assume.

On the off chance this isn’t a troll post, good luck dude. Some mistakes can’t be fixed, but they can still be learned from. But on the other hand, if this all happened 3 weeks ago, maybe she’ll forgive you. Three weeks really isn’t a lot of time in the grand scheme of things.
I do not think porn is cheating, nor do I think all web cam sex is cheating.

I view porn to learn new techniques, see new positions, and get ideas for role-playing. It's educational. Learning can be fun.

Most Web cam sex I have enjoyed is interactive porn in my mind. Recently, I have developed feelings for one of my web cam partners. If I was still married, I would consider this cheating.

I have met a few men from here and other sites IRL to give them blowjobs. These are men who love their wives and their family dynamics, but do not get their cock sucked.

When we get together we share some small talk, sometimes some kissing and groping to warm up.
Then I indulge in my favorite hobby - sucking cock.

Our only "relationship" is friendship. With no emotional attachment, I look at these encounters as therapy sessions.

My mouth has saves marriages.
And I will continue until no one needs my services.
I like your optimism and I truly wish I was trolling.
I mentioned my size because I’ve been sending videos and photos of other dudes to the young ladies I’ve been chatting with. I’ve been saying I’m 6’2 , hard and long. I’m none of those things.
As for it being porn-
We played family and traded “photos” shared videos , we created scenes and acted them out, I’d print off the entire conversations to read later and we got off on the whole thing, pretty sure that’s porn . Images, scripts, sex.
Some times we’d even say we loved each other - I’ve been chatting with some of the girls for over a decade.
No matter/ My ex says it’s cheating , some would argue that because I never laid a hand on anyone that it’s just playing, but the fact is I started spending more time and more energy in finding ways to be alone with the laptop than being with my spouse.
My soon to be ex is a beautiful intelligent woman, she’s got no reason to stay with me. This is the 4th time she’s caught me in 15 years
Ya know early on she even offered to pair up with me and chat as a couple but I told her I’d quit the chats and get help. Truth is I didn’t want to share my fun times. Tell me how was I going to be daddy to my girls with my wife, who knows my deficiencies, sitting right there with me? Total vibe killer.
When I married her she was heavier with huge tits so I figured eventually I’d stop chatting and stuff. But when stress would hit I’d be back on.
Then she got sick and lost 160 pounds.
Her tits are still huge because she has implants but her butt is gone and she’s frail. She feels ugly.shes not though, she’s very good looking but skinny. (See photo)
So now i got to where I don’t mess with her at all, she is insecure and doesn’t feel sexy.
She walked into the bedroom 3 weeks ago with her kid (32) next to her and saw papers scattered on the bed. I tried to grab them but I was too slow.
I confessed. Spilled my guts. don’t know why it was different but I’ve decided to come clean. Not just with her but with all of you fine people. Because maybe someone will read this and realize my story could be theirs one day.

I’m fucked. Not good fucked, just a big fucked up loser who screwed up their life over a plastic screen and some pathetic made up daddy titty bullshit.

No offence to the other parties involved. You were good sports and very creative partners.

Anyway, I hope you all have great sex tonight, I hope you find what you need and never let it get out of control. I really mean it.

BigTittyDaddy (etc) is leaving the chat.
Wish me luck Baby Girls, Sweet Peas and all you other fantasy lovers . Here’s one last pic of my ex for tax. I’m a damned fool.

Ah… so it’s not a first offense, but a fourth. Well, that might do it.

My original statement holds… some mistakes can’t be fixed, but you can still learn from them.

Tbh, it sounds like you need work on yourself in more ways than one. But maybe this is the kick in the pants you need to get that project going.
Just viewing porn is not cheating. Depending on the webcam situation and degree of interaction, don't think that is either.

If that is cheating, what's next? Can't read Lady Chatterley's Lover?
Didn’t Jimmy Carter say that he never cheated but did lust in his heart. So there, if he can do it…..
The idea that a person in a relationship would equate their partner watching porn with cheating is absolutely ridiculous, especially if it is not encroaching on their intimacy AND is being viewed with their full knowledge and consent.

What about it exactly makes it cheating? ..If it's the enjoyment of watching others have sex, then what about novels (inc. some classics) that paint a convincingly vivid mental image of sex? Or steamy sex scenes in R-rated movies? Why would enjoying an R-rated movie with sex scenes be okay, but not porn? Is it because seeing bare breasts is ok but not bare vaginas and penises?

And if porn is cheating, then wouldn't perusing Literotica be cheating? With all of the titilating pictures and gifs in many of it's threads, it would seem Literotica is also Porn, no?

Honestly, it's hard to imagine anyone who visits these forums believes that Porn is cheating.
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