Who is Lifetime targeting?


Literotica Guru
Sep 13, 2000
I just don't understand Lifetime TV. Lifetime bills itself as Television for Women. But for what women?

Last night, I watched a movie on Lifetime where this cheerleader turned 18 and went into porno movies, she was very good at it and had lots of fans, and I thought lucky her. But Lifteime constantly projects this image that all women are supposed to hate sex and are supposed to avoid it at all costs. She was so upset about actually liking sex and being good at it that she had to get strung-out on cocaine to cope with it, and finally winds up shooting herself, because having sex on camera with a gentle, caring, well-hung stud is just THAT unbearable! It was ludicrous!

The next Lifteime movie had a housewife struggling to free herself from her lust-crazed husband and slapping his face for daring to want to eat-out his wife. Hell, I can't get enough of getting my pussy eaten, and here this woman fights it off? Oh, PLEASE! Se is so pissed-off about it that she plots her revenge and finally kills him rather than let him lick her pussy! And Liftetime leaves you withy the impression that it's better to shoot your man dead than to let him touch you sexually, gently and lovingly.

So I finally got fed-up and switched to a male-oriented station. The movie was called Sinful Temptations and the plot was ludicrous as most men's pornos tend to be, and the blondes were all slutty air-head bimbos, but there was this busty brunette actress named Marie West who was not rail-thin but actually had curving hips, and she joyously rode her loving husband, and I loved watching every loving moment of it. Now here is something that's TRULY Television for Women, at least for this woman, and I realized that such a tender, loving sexual moment will never appear on Lifetime. How sad for all women!

Maries West's character, a lingerie model named Nichole, has a very jealous husband, and he gradually pushes her away because she refuses to give up her lucrative modeling career. Being a vital woman with a healthy sexual appetite, her husband driving her away prompts her to throw herself into the arms of the manager of a modeling agency she works for, rather than have no sex at all. He is dreamy, delicious, and hunky, and she savors every hot loving moment with him: who can blame her, he's HOT! Her jealous huband tries to kill her for that, and the police haul away his sorry ass to jail, leaving her free to enjoy the hot sex she craves and enjoys with the man from her modeling job. I loved her natural, uninhibited approach to sex, versus what Lifetime shows us about how we women are all so supposed to hate sex of any kind.

Anyone know of any other movies featuring this actress Marie West? I think I am becoming quite a fan of hers, I'd love to see her other work and to see what other hot Hollywood hunks she's able to ensnare in her movies.

And hey, if you don't like this thread, just ignore it, and no more of your whiny shit about how you don't care two fucks about my postings, OK? This thread says nothing of my husband and includes no photos, so cut out all the whiny-assed crap, OK?

Hugs and kisses.

-- Latina
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I actually understand your feelings.

I dont watch the channel unless its showing Unsolved Mysteries.

I am not girly enough for it, I guess.
Latina said:


And hey, if you don't like this thread, just ignore it, and no more of your whiny shit about how you don't care two fucks about my postings, OK? This thread says nothing of my husband and includes no photos, so cut out all the whiny-assed crap, OK?

Hugs and kisses.

-- Latina

The Queen of shit nobody gives a shit about strikes again.
If you can post bullshit posts and fake pictures of yourself and "Frank", I can post whatever I damn well want to post anywhere on this board including in your threads.
Re: Re: Who is Lifetime targeting?

Problem Child said:
The Queen of shit nobody gives a shit about strikes again.
I quite enjoyed her posting. OK?
Angel said:
If you can post bullshit posts and fake pictures of yourself and "Frank", I can post whatever I damn well want to post anywhere on this board including in your threads.


did I scare you?
The hostility is pretty sexy...

I've been unfortunate enough to watch Lifetime...all the men are sex-crazed and evil, or if they are the 'good' man, they are completely neutered. I seems that the women who like Lifetime don't like men, unless they are 'in their place', which means weak, ineffectual, and nearly sexless. The only men on Lifetime that have sex are the bad ones, and later the woman shoots them, and goes back to her dickless husband or boyfriend.
Re: Re: Re: Who is Lifetime targeting?

ChilledVodka said:
I quite enjoyed her posting. OK?

We're going to have to end our cyber affair now.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Who is Lifetime targeting?

Angel said:
We're going to have to end our cyber affair now.
I wasn't aware that we were.

Oh, well... Dumped again.
It turns out I read the wrong credit. The actress I liked was actually named Mia Zottoli; Marie West was a different actress in this movie. And I found a photo of her--note I said of HER, I did NOT say this is me so again shut the fuck up about that. The photo unfortunately does not show her sexually-aggressive style or how her face lights up at the sight of a nice hard cock like any NORMAL (non-Lifetime TV) women naturally would. I just thought the guys who don't freak-out at the mere sight of my name might enjoy this photo.


I'm going to keep my eye out for more of her movies now! She has, umm, shall we say real raw talent.

-- Latina
She is indeed a hottie, and has one hell of a sexy pout.
Latina I agree with you about shows like that. we are all supposed to have sex with our eyes shut like good little girls ohh and not enjoy it too much. :)
To claim that this Mia Zottoli has curving hips is taking it a bit far isn't it ?
Latina said:
I just don't understand Lifetime TV. Lifetime bills itself as Television for Women. But for what women?

...Liftetime leaves you withy the impression that it's better to shoot your man dead than to let him touch you sexually, gently and lovingly.

Lifetime = TV for the Victorian Age.
Do you remember the old Harlequin romances? Young, beautiful-but-doesn't-realize-it, girl... older, dominant man who appears to dislike/disapprove of her for 160 pages... then, they kiss, and voila!

They are certainly a lot different now *G*
Her's Mia Zottoli from the movie I saw her in, Sinful Temptations.
In this photo from Sinful Temptations, Marie West is at left, and the sexually-exuberant Mia Zottoli is at right.

Yes, I remember the old romance novels. Lifetime hasn't moved from that, so I say to Lifetime, Oh grow UP!
Then she put on a shitload of weight for that movie - because those other pics are not what I'd describe as "not rail-thin".
Mia certainly does have curves, or at least she did in the movie I saw.
Now I'm onto something: "Nichole" (Mia's chacater) actually riding her "husband" in the scene from Sinful temptations that made me a fan of her work! Ain't google searching wonderful, what you can find!
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