Who Going to Pay for University? (Closed)

She’s always prided herself in her ability to multitask, but as Brandon plays with the vibrator and allows her to carefully suckle the head of his cock, she finds it a struggle. He’s holding still otherwise, not thrusting but instead just letting the tip rest on her tongue. She twirls her tongue around it and dips it into the slit until he pulls away, his cock slipping out of her mouth and down her chin, dragging a trail of spit behind it that glistens in the light.

Her hips are quivering, jolting from the bed at the vibrations from the toy. It almost feels like too much stimulation but it still feels good and she chews on her lip preventing another moan from escaping. She feels the pull of the toy sliding out of her as he pulls it out only to thrust it back in one more time before everything stops abruptly other than the vibrations in her cunt. He must just be watching, teasing, but she whimpers when she doesn’t feel him come back to her just yet.
Keeping her blindfolded only heightens the tension between them in the room; still the presence of the glass plug in her ass and the buzz of the dildo in her cunt keeps her quivering on the bed under his watchful eyes.

Once more he drags the whip the length of her body, swirling the leather straps around her nipples and down her belly, across the vibrating instrument, and down her thighs. Lifting her legs, he snaps the whip across her sweet ass, watching the glass plug respond to her inner contractions.

Brandon can sense that his lovely Anna is nearing the point of total sexual frustration . . . so much going on in and around her body . . she needs release, as only he can provide. His mind considers several options . . . slowly removing the vibrating toy from her pussy, he guides his cock to her dripping lips, "Now, my love, now!!!!"
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The toy slips free just as Brandon's cock thrusts home into her pussy. She almost howls as he covers her body with his and he fucks into her with sharp quick strokes. She can feel that her cunt is narrowed and contracted with the bulge of the plug still firmly lost in her ass and the sensation this inspires is nothing short of earth shattering. She cums with a scream, tightening around him and trembling as he continues to fuck her through it.
Brandon had an idea that Anna's first orgasm would be quick and explosive . . . after all, the plug still tight in her ass, being blindfolded, already aroused by the vibrator, and the teasing by him with the whip, she had to be an a highly aroused state. Brandon was not at all surprised when she came so quickly and with such a verbal outburst, which only served to increase his own aroused state.

With her arms still restrained by the cuffs, she was unable to wrap her arms around him, but that didn't keep her body from responding and thrashing against him.
After another explosive orgasm from Anna, and an equally satisfying explosion from Brandon, he reached up and released her wrists from the cuffs. Collapsing on her bed, both drifted off for a few minutes before Brandon finally stirred and, holding her close, kissed her softy on the neck and ear until she began to come around.

"Baby girl, I think it would be a good idea if we took separate showers to get freshened up; you know what happens when we get in the shower together." reaching down to squeeze her butt as he says that. "Let's go out to dinner tonight. I know just the place . . . quiet, not too crowded, great food . . . if you like Mexican."

Brandon was leaving on Sunday afternoon for a business trip that hand been planned for several weeks now; he would not be returning until Wednesday night. Anna was back in classes on Monday morning; probably good that he would be gone for a few days, giving her a chance to get back into her study routine.

Crawling out of the bed, he leaned over and kissed down her spine from her neck to her butt, "See you in a few minutes. This place is casual; I'll be in jeans and a knit shirt."
Her shower was quick and she slipped into a pair of dark jeans with a white button-up blouse and some bracelets to accessorize, providing a pop of colour against her monochrome outfit. They met in the foyer and he helped her into her jacket before the quick drive to the restaurant.

It really was quiet inside, she noted. Very intimate. They talked about their most recent projects and undertakings as they ate, feet tangled together under the table. Anna tried not to think about the fact that Brandon would soon be leaving for his business trip - it was the first one since they'd began this "relationship" where he would be gone overnight, let alone for several nights. She wasn't sure how she would manage in the penthouse all alone, but she did know that she wasn't moving from his side of the bed unless she had to.
After a quiet dinner together, a few romantic touches here and there, hand touches, feet lower legs teasing back and forth, Brandon took his time driving back to the apartment; the drive around the city was further relaxing . . . and, at the same time, stimulating for them both . . . his hand on her thigh as they drove, he hand on his and then on his thigh . . .

After watching a bit of TV, they went to bed, back in his room, for some tender, yet passionate, lovemaking.
Brandon's trip came quickly. It was hard for them to say goodbye, holding tightly to each other at the airport and trading soft kisses back and forth. He boarded the flight and was gone, and Anna began the long trip back to the penthouse alone.

She put in a long couple days of studying, trying to keep herself busy. It was the night before Brandon was due to come home when some of her friends decided to go out dancing. Anna jumped at the chance to go with them, dressing in one of the sluttier dresses in her closet. She didn't plan to go home with anyone, but she wasn't discounting the possibility either.

After plying her with a few drinks, her girlfriends headed out with her onto the dancefloor. She twisted and shimmied on her own for a while before a pair of large hands took up residence on her hips. When Anna looked back over her shoulder, there was a cute brown-haired blue-eyed tall drink of water pressed against her back. She smiled at him, grinding her hips back and she was sold, eventually leading him back to the penthouse.

She expected him to be gone when she woke up in the morning, but he was still sleeping peacefully next to her, covered in red lip prints from her ruby lipstick. "Shane! Shane!" she called, shaking his shoulder. He groaned but did not wake. Suddenly, Anna had a wicked idea. She slipped down under the covers and fastened her lips around his cock, sucking him into hardness. Nothing beats a good morning blowjob.
Brandon's meetings ended a few hours earlier than expected on Tuesday afternoon; being the early morning person that he was, he booked a new flight for early Wednesday morning, meaning he would be home by 8:00 rather than the 6:00 PM originally called for.

Getting up early for him was no problem; grabbing a cup of coffee on the way to the airport, the flight was on schedule, so he grabbed a cab to the condo. He knew that Anna did not have class until 10:00, so he might catch her at home before she left for university.

Walking in the front door, he heard familiar sounds coming from her bedroom. Walking quietly down the hall and stepped into her room. "Holy fuck, Anna! What is going on?"

Ripping the cover and sheet off the bed, he found Anna's bare ass sticking up in the air, some young prick's head on the pillow, and her lips wrapped around his cock. He stood there, waiting!!
She froze, looking up at him with her date's cock still resting on her tongue. Pulling back, it fell from her lips and precome smeared down her chin as she tried to think of something to say. Eventually she tried, "I was hungry, daddy?"

Her date was wide awake by now, trying to scramble away to gather his clothes as he realized the hot young girl he'd picked up last night at the bar wasn't really so single after all. Her man was built like a brick house, older but still in great shape and Shane didn't really feel like picking a fight with him.

"I-I didn't know, man. I had no idea she had boyfriend!"

Anna attempted to look innocent but the mischievous twinkle in her green eyes betrayed her. "I've been bad, baby. Are you going to punish me?"
Looking at the young punk scrambling for his clothes, "Really, asshole, you actually thought that this nursing student lived in this condo by herself; that takes a special kind of stupid! Anna, give me the handcuffs. Your friend here is not leaving, just yet."

Taking the cuffs which had been left on her dresser since their little game on Saturday night, it didn't take much for Brandon to cuff Shane (as he knew his name by now) and lead him over to the chair in the corner of the room.

Turning back toward Anna, he took Shane's dick in his hand, "And really, Anna, you were going to be satisfied with this? We call this a 'penis', not a 'cock'."
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She laughed, momentarily feeling bad for Shane's embarrassment, but the minute Brandon hooked the cuffs around one of Shane's wrists, Anna was immediately interested in the procedings. "Yes, daddy, his penis is nothing compared to your big cock," here she turns green eyes onto Shane and murmurs, "or your wallet," wickedly, ensuring that he understood the relationship between Anna and Brandon. It made her hot to think that this guy knew her boyfriend had started out paying her to fuck him, but now she was fully invested in this relationship.

She lounged back on the bed, watching. She rested back on one elbow, the other sliding down her throat until it plucked at her nipples. "He also doesn't use it as well as you do, baby."
Turning back to Anna, lounging on the bed as if she had no part in all this . . . and that nothing was going to happen to her. Brandon's mind was running thru all sorts of things to pursue, both with Shane, but especially with Anna.

"Stay where you are, Anna! We're not done here yet . . . with either of you." He can see the fear in Shane's eyes, wondering what this 'old man' is capable of. Walking back into Anna's room with some long strips of cloth, "On your belly on the bed, baby. Spread wide . . . legs and arms."

Not moving until she obeys, he uses the cloth strips to tie her wrists to the head board, and then her ankles to the foot of the bed . . . Anna now spread out on the bed naked, ass up in the air, and dripping cunt between her thighs, right where Shane's eyes were focused.
She allows him to tie her up, but she pouts at the thought of not being able to see. "Brandon! Baby, please." She ducks her head down, trying to see out of the gap between her thighs. She finds that her field of vision is limited, but she can see the most important bits. It causes her to settle down but she's still steaming that she can't be an active participant. She knows that Brandon has tied her limbs down well enough that there's no way for her to break free, either. Because of his knowledge of her, Brandon has already suspected that she'd misbehave and try to get out of her bonds and readjusted them just for that one reason.
Turning toward Shane, "So tell me, little dick, how many times have you fucked my lover while I've been gone. Did she moan real loud when you made her cum? Or were you even able to make her cum with that little dick?"

Turning back toward the bed and flicking the whip across Anna's ass enough to sting, "And you, baby girl, what ever possessed you to go looking for another cock? And this was all you could find? I hope it was worth it!"

"OK, boys and girls, I'm waiting for someone to talk."
She flinched and jumped from the sharp crack of the whip on her ass and thighs.

Shane was just babbling nervously, incomprehensible words leaking out as he watched this much older, stronger man whip the girl he'd been fucking like it was an everyday event. She really seemed fairly unconcerned regarding the situation she was in - tied up and being abused. He was a little anxious about what kind of kinky fuckery he'd gotten himself into.

Anna started talking when it was clear her guest was unable. "I wasn't really looking for it - it just kind of... happened? It fell into my lap, almost literally. One minute I was dancing with the girls and the next his dick was pressed against my back. You know I can't help myself. I brought him home and we fucked. It was okay, but he passed out after the second round. Nothing like your stamina," she cajoled. "He couldn't make me cum on it, and he's into boring vanilla sex," she whined.
As Anna was trying to talk her way out of the situation on the bed, Shane stood there, babbling, the sex toy handcuffs keeping him somewhat restrained. Brandon walked over and wrapped his fingers around Shane's 'penis' which immediately responded by starting to get hard.

"What the fuck, Anna? You picked up a damn twink. He's probably harder right now than when he tried to fuck you last night. No wonder he couldn't make you cum."
She pondered that, before asking indignantly, "he picked ME up. How was I supposed to know?!" She watched as Brandon teased at Shane's penis, offering a stroke here and there before circling around him and leaving him hanging, anticipating what was coming next.

Every time Brandon made a round, he ensured he cracked the whip against her ass and slit, making her jump and howl. The fact that she was restrained as he played with her date's cock was more punishment than anything, and Brandon knew the pain of the whip really only helped to make her pussy drip. He was torturing her by leaving her out of the fun.

"Are you going to fuck him, daddy?" She wondered out loud. Shane's struggles against the handcuffs increased at this, as if not realizing that maybe it would end up that he got more than he bargained for. Planning on fucking a pretty pussy and leaving with the reminder of some dude's dick in his ass? That would be quite the memory!
"I don't know about that, baby girl. Is that what you want to see? I didn't think you would want me fucking anyone else . . . that my cock belonged only to you?"

After another snap of the whip across her ass and thighs, Brandon released all of Anna's restraints, allowing to turn over on the bed and look at Shane and his erection . . . "Get off the bed and help me get undressed, baby girl."

Leaving Shane still standing in front of the chair, Brandon stood there as Anna undressed him slowly, kissing and teasing her way down his body as the clothes came off, revealing Brandon's cock, not yet erect, but more than Shane brought to the game when he was fully erect.

"Take it slow, baby, let's see what kind of a cocksucker your new friend is. Bring him over here and introduce him to a real cock."
"Oh, don't get me wrong. Your dick is all mine," she replied, sucking him into her mouth once quickly before pulling back and standing to kiss him. "But I want to see you take his ass for the first time in punishment of him fucking your baby doll. Want to see if he can take you better than I can," she whispered, standing on her tip toes to nibble at his earlobe.

She left him them, sweeping across the room to gather Shane's cuffed hands in her own, guiding him back to her lover. Pressing down on his shoulders and standing directly behind him, she forced him to his knees in front of Brandon. She leaned down and stroked her man's cock for a second as she murmured in Shane's ear about what a good boy he was going to be - how he was going to make her daddy cum with his mouth, before rubbing the cockhead in her hand over Shane's lips. She stood up with a final warning: "you better please him; suck his cock like a good little slut."
As Anna forced Shane to his knees in front of him, Brandon felt Anna's fingers on his cock as she rubbed the head over Shane's lips . . . and from Shane's reaction, his tongue flicking out to slide over the head, Brandon got the idea that this was not Shane's first time on his knees.

Brandon watched as Anna picked up the whip from the bed and took her place behind Shane; the young man opened his mouth and leaned forward, sliding down Brandon's shaft until he gagged on the head probing his throat. It took a couple more attempts before he found the right length of the cock he could swallow without gagging.

As he started sucking and teasing Brandon with his tongue, Anna reached around and began to fondle Brandon's balls, knowing that this would also increase his arousal and guarantee a full load for the young twink to swallow.
She watched carefully, providing little tips on how Brandon liked his cock sucked best, guiding him through it. Although it didn't seem like Shane was new at this, he also appeared very inexperienced. She took pride in the fact that he couldn't deepthroat like she could, but she had a feeling that if she let him practice a little he'd become a natural.

Anna could see the muscles in Brandon's arms clenching and releasing and she knew he was probably itching to grasp a hold of Shane's hair and fuck deep into his throat, guiding the pace like he could do with Anna (the way she liked it best). Most of Shane's attention was spent on Brandon's shaft, so Anna delivered a light crack with the whip and directed him to tease around his cockhead a bit more. She also delivered some praise: "you're sucking like a champ, baby. Are you sure you're into pussy? I'm not so sure."
Brandon could see that Anna was enjoying the 'control' she was exerting over Shane . . . using the whip from time to time, telling him how Brandon liked his cock sucked, encouraging him to suck around the head, even teasing him about whether he really liked pussy or not.

Between Shane's mouth and Anna caressing and squeezing his balls, Brandon was getting close to his first cum . . . after all, it had been almost 3 days since he and Anna had been intimate, an extremely long period for them.

"Getting close, baby girl. Where am I going to cum for you new boy-toy?"
"The first one is going to be all over his slutty face - I'll lick it off but he hasn't earned your cum yet," She replied, dropping the whip and tilting Shane's head back just a little more. She couldn't wait to see Brandon paint it white. Shane sucked all that much harder when he heard Brandon was going to blow his load, anticipating.

In the meantime, Anna wandered over to the bedside table and dug out the little bottle of lube they kept there. If Shane was going to be a slut and suck her man's dick, he was going to take it in the ass, too. He needed some preparation, of course!
Brandon is thinking that Anna likes the idea of having a toy around that she can order around, to please her in ways that Brandon won't, someone who will submit to her kinky demands . . . maybe Shane will be that person . . . Bandon is not sure yet. It seems that Shane is the only one being punished for Anna's missteps during Brandon's business trip.

But for now . . . Shane definitely seems to be enjoying his role as cocksucker to Brandon, and toy to Anna, doing as she instructs. Just as Anna gets back with the lube,

"Fuckkkkkkk , , ," comes from Brandon's lips; Anna pushes Shane's head back so that the ropes of cum land on Shane's face, neck, and down his chest. Very little lands on his lips or tongue, depriving him of the opportunity to swallow Brandon's load . . .

As the stream begins to dwindle, Anna jumps in and wraps her lips around Brandon's cock to get the last few drops for herself, then turns toward Shane and the streams running down his face and body.