Who Going to Pay for University? (Closed)


I will satisfy you!!
Jun 5, 2002
Brandon Alexander stopped in at his usual diner for a bit to eat after work. Divorced, two kids on their own, successful IT consultant, now living in a loft in the city after his wife took the house and the Mercedes. Didn't matter that he found her with the neighbor tongue-deep in her pussy on the edge of the pool; the judge was just too damn sympathetic!! But . . . that is all in the past. Besides the house and car, she got enough of a lump-sum payment that there would be no further payments to her.

His business was still booming . . . consulting contracts kept him and his administrative assistant busy. His assistant, Alice, was his best friend's wife; she and her husband were there for him with the divorce came down and are probably the reason he is still sane today.

Back to today!!

Smiling at the owner and the young waitress as he enters the diner just down the street from his building, "Do I get my usual table?" Obviously knowing the answer to that, he looked up at the board with today's specials and waited for her to bring his glass of water and an iced tea (no sugar).
Anna reached into the pocket of her apron and withdrew the pad she had been writing down orders in as a new patron settled in her section. She was a new waitress here with only a couple of shifts under her belt. Today was one of her first days on her own. She felt confident that she could manage the rush, thriving on the chaos of a busy work environment fairly easily, and felt completely in her element. She had to understand how to multitask efficiently considering this was her third part-time job.

She thought that she would be able to undertake university with only the two, assisting a pastry chef local to her neighbourhood in his family owned bakery and evenings at a water park but those jobs weren’t providing her enough hours any longer. Her bills were piling up and a couple weeks now she had to decide which of her monthly expenses were more important: gas in her car or cable? Her scholarships were perfectly good enough in the beginning, but that money wore thin quickly living in the city where the costs were so high. She was much more used to country life.

Making her way over to the table the new customer had chosen with drinks in hand, she smiles sweetly and asks, “what can I get for you, sir?” Her pen is poised and ready to take down the order as she watches him peruse the specials board. He’s well dressed and doesn’t look like belongs here: immaculate suit with no wrinkles and tie clutched around his throat. The glint of gold peeking out from his sleeve definitely doesn’t look fake, either. Even his posture is strong and imposing compared to the way most diners are slumped over their tables at they browse the news or eat their meals.
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Looking at the name tag on your apron, "Hi, Anna. I would like the corned beef on rye sandwich this evening. Fries on the side. Yes, I know I should avoid the fries, but I'm living dangerously this evening."

Leaning back in my chair after a busy day, he waits patiently until his meal is served. He has a briefcase full of paperwork to take home this evening, but for now a few quiet minutes in the restaurant are enjoyed.

As Anna comes back to the table with his sandwich, Brandon looks up at her, "Thanks, looks good; I haven't seen you in here before. Did you just start working for Charlie? I'm in here 3 or 4 evenings a week, so I guess you will get used to seeing me."
She laughs at his comment about living dangerously as takes down the order. “I won’t say anything, I promise. You look like you can afford a few fries, sir.” She responds, thinking about how tightly the suit is stretched across his chest and what appears to be a man who takes good care of himself.

“Yeah, this is only my first week. I’ll mostly be working be the afternoon shifts but I’ll take what I can get. I go to Memorial,” she elaborates, speaking of the university a city district over. She leans back and places more weight on one leg as she talks, taking in a better view of this customer. She’s been trying to memorize the regulars here because she knows that while this diner is known for its great reputation and food she would be amiss if she did anything to offend or displease the regular populace. She smiles widely, “I’m sure we’ll run into each other, then. I’m hoping I don’t disappoint! What did you say your name was?” She asks.
Brandon pulls a business card out of his shirt pocket. "Don't pay any attention to all the fancy words on the card. You should just call me Brandon; and if you promise to take good care of me when I come in here, I will always ask to be seated at one of your tables."

As he hands her the card, Brandon can't help but notice how attractive she is; a student at one of the local universities, probably only a couple of years younger than his daughter. As she starts to walk away, "Anna, if you have no other tables to cover right now, come back and sit with me for a few minutes. I live by myself just down the street in one of the loft apartments, so anytime I can engage in some casual conversation, I like to do that."
Anna bites her lip nervously, wondering if she’s allowed to do that as their fingers brush when she takes the business card. She doesn’t exactly want to lose her job so quickly after starting, but the other young girl manning the counter waves her to sit down. Most of her customers are settled anyway, appearing comfortable for the time being. Glancing briefly, she notes the multitude of letters and titles following behind his name on the card, meaning he’s some big shot at this company he works at.

“ I guess I could do that. Nothing wrong with some friendly conversation while you wait,” she eventually agrees softly. She smoothes her skirt and pulls out the chair opposite him while they wait for his meal to arrive. She fidgets under his gaze as he peruses her, unsure of what to do with herself. His eyes are intense and maintaining eye contact with him is a challenge, so her own green eyes drop to where her hands are curled in her lap before regaining her confidence and tilting her head back up to meet his as he continues to watch her silently for now. “It’s been nice to meet the regulars here,” she settles for, breaking the silence that has somehow fallen over the table. “I think I’m going to like it here: Charlie’s a good boss and you all have been so welcoming to a new face.”
"I know this may seem a bit unusual to you, my asking you to join me for a few minutes, so please don't be offended. Anna, tell me a little about yourself. Since you are attending the university, you must have some goals and dreams for your future. My son and daughter both made it thru and received their degrees. I hope that in some way I can be an encouragement to someone else going down that path."
OOC: Brandon Alexander, 52, divorced, 2 kids on their own, successful IT consultant, owns the company, works out once or twice a week in the gym in his building, plays golf with clients when he can. (Physical description: 5'10", just about 185 pounds, blue eyes, hair turning grey at the temples.)
She felt a bit more comfortable talking about herself and her own passions. “I’m in university for Nursing. I absolutely love it. It’s so challenging and rewarding. Eventually I want to work in the ICU, but for now I’m enjoying exploring all the different options. I’m 20, don’t have much free time for myself considering this is my third job and, it’s working well for me so far” she let her rambling come to a halt suddenly, embarrassed she was spilling her so many details of her personal life to this complete stranger.

“I’m so sorry,” she apologized. “I didn’t mean to chatter your ear off. Please stop me - I have a tendency to over-share at times,” she mumbled, covering her mouth with her hand. It was a nervous tick of hers, helping her feel like it might staunch the flow of words but really just something useless in the end.
"Anna, really, you are working three part-time jobs? How do you have time to study and keep your grades up? I know I appear to be quite successful, and I am. But I did not just hand my kids a college education without some effort on their part. May I suggest something?"

Seeing a slight nod, Brandon jumps in again. "Here's what I want you to do. I will be out of town for a meeting all day tomorrow, but the day after that I will be here for dinner. When you come to work that afternoon, I want you to bring me a list of all your monthly bills, and I do mean everything, along with a schedule of your income . . . scholarships and your part-time jobs. Let's see if we can figure out a way to make it easier for you. Can you agree to that?"
Anna sputtered in dumb shock. Of course studying was hard with her lack of time, but she always went to classes and was thankfully a good learner, able to absorb most topics with the first or second read-through. How could this complete stranger offer to pay her bills when he didn’t know her from a hole in the wall? Quickly popping out of her chair, she stood a little rigidly at the edge of the table.

“I’m sorry, sir, but I can’t agree to that! It’s just a little crazy! I swear I’m doing okay. I don’t need help!” She hissed between her teeth. “You don’t even know me. I couldn’t possibly accept that.” Her fingers clutched at the hem of her apron, picking anxiously at his suggestion.

Yes, it was obvious that he had money to spare and she did not, but Anna was used to the hectic schedule and couldn’t imagine what she would do with herself if any of that tapered off or became unnecessary. It had been her life for so long the thought of not struggling to pay her basic expenses was foreign. She had always been too proud to ask her parents for help and that same feeling extended to Brandon Alexander.

There must be a catch, she realized. What could a mousy little girl have to offer a man like this? There was no apparent quality that she could think of.
"My apologies; I sincerely did not mean to offend you. I just know that my daughter and son were able to work their way thru school with only minimal support from me. You're right, I don't know you. But I have figured out a couple of things so far. Number 1, you are not afraid to take on anything that pops up in front of you, even the challenge of Nursing School and 3 jobs. I can appreciate that and commend you for your guts. However, #2 is more of a problem for you. You don't recognize the fact that you could use some help, even if it is only planning on how to handle things . . . that is nothing but pure pride. Trust me, I know what that looks like. My offer still stands, but it's up to you now to see it for what it is and accept it."

Brandon came off sounding like the white knight, swooping in to save the fair maiden from herself . . . he wouldn't admit it either, not yet anyway, but maybe there was something he was wanting out of this seemingly innocent offer.
She hesitated. “I’m not offended, just... surprised. I don’t understand how you can go around throwing money at people you don’t even know,” she explains. “I’m proud, yes, but I’ve been managing to survive on my own for a lot of years now. What could you possibly gain from paying my bills?” She questioned. Her eyes sought his, watching closely for any sign of insincerity or hidden intentions behind his offer.

She heard the chef call “order up!” and turned to go collect it, knowing Brandon’s food was ready. Stepping nimbly away, she ducked her head but glanced once more over her shoulder as she hurried to the window. Scooping it up and returning it to his table, she leaned over to place the plate in front of him. From this close, Anna could smell his cologne: spicy but not overpowering. Very nice.

“Can I get you anything else, sir?” She asks, intent on ensuring he has everything he needs but also wanting to hurry away and find something else to buys herself with. Anything to get out of this awkward situation.
"Hear me out for one minute. After that, you can walk away and I will never bring this up again. Any arrangement that we might come to where I might be providing money to you will be in the form of a loan at a very low rate of interest. It means that you have to money to focus on school without having to pay outrageous bank rates. If you fail to complete your degree, you will owe the full amount plus interest. If you complete your degree and accept a position as a nurse, the loan will be forgiven at the rate of 10% each year for 10 years. Now you have something concrete to think about."

Looking back at her, "Anna, I do not look at this as throwing my money away. You are going to school and working 3 jobs . . . you are obviously not looking for your education to be given to. I'm nog giving it to you; I'm just trying to make it a bit more accessible."

"More iced tea, please."
She chewed her lip as she considered that. Logically it did make sense, but there was still something that seemed off about it. No way would it just be that easy to take Brandon’s money and not have to worry about finances any longer. She wouldn’t have any way to pay him back if things did go south; she had enough bills as it was and really shouldn’t consider adding one more the the mix. She rolled all this around in her mind as she pivoted and went to pour his next drink.

Delivering it, she plopped back into the chair ungracefully and crossed her right leg across her other thigh and folded her arms across her chest. “It can’t be that easy. What if I can’t afford to pay you? When would you expect repayment to start? There has to be a catch!” She blurted. “A man like you doesn’t give someone like me money without wanting something in a return. I have nothing to give you.”
Deciding to play it carefully, Brandon was already way ahead of Anna . . . yes, there was something she had to give him, but for him to come right out and say it at this point would be a mistake; she would just tell him to "Fuck off!" and walk away.

"You have some legitimate questions and I'm sure we need to take some time to come up with the answers. As to why, that really is my concern. I just see someone in front of me that could use some help. My ex- has all she has coming from me; the kids get a monthly payment from my business; and the rest is all mine to do with what I want. And right now, I am making a decision to help someone who could use some help. That's all there is to it. Now the decision is yours if you are going to sit down with me in two days and see if we can work out an agreement."
“ I guess I could take some time and think about it,” she agreed. “Two days? I’m only free in the evening on Wednesday. Is that acceptable?” She questioned softly, once more chewing her lip. In her mind she was filing away the tidbit about the ex-wife. She didn’t know this man, but so far he seemed like a good person. She wondered what kind of differences would lead anyone to divorce someone like him.
"Wednesday is fine with me. Do you want to meet here at the restaurant, or do you have someplace else in mind?"

Brandon finished his meal and waited for Anna to bring him the check. "I know this will sound crazy . . . and you probably already think that I am . . . but my loft is just three buildings down the street. We could meet in my home office and work out an agreement, or talk thru everything and decide not to do anything. Tell me what time to meet you here on Wednesday and we'll go from there."

Brandon took the check, looked at it, gave Anna a $100 bill, "Keep the change, Anna. Have a good evening." As he walked on to his loft, Brandon's mind was already playing thru several scenarios involving Anna and a solution to her financial situation.
He left so abruptly after pressing the bill into her hands she couldn’t do much more than stand there and watch him go. She had no way at refusing this tip money, at least not until she saw him next time. Tucking it carefully away, she glanced down at the business card she had stored away earlier. His work numbers were present but she noted a refined looking penmanship on the bottom of the card detailing his personal number.

Her next plan of action solidified as she absentmindedly cleared his table for the next patron. As uncomfortable as it made her stepping into a relative stranger’s home, she really didn’t see any alternative. She had a pen odd feeling the conversation he wanted to have was not made friendly for this dinner.
Out of town the next day, Brandon had very little time to even think about his encounter with Anna; by the time he got home, late to bed, up early Wednesday morning, the first thought of her was when he walked past the restaurant on his way to the office, two more blocks down the street. Back in the office after a day out was always brutal . . . phone calls and e-mails to catch up on. His assistant had her own list of talking points she needed to go over with him. He was doing well to get out of the office by a few minutes after 5:00. As he crossed the last street before his block, he saw Anna standing between the restaurant and his building, anxiously bouncing from one foot to the other.

Brandon did not have a solid plan in his mind . . . the first step would be if Anna would even come to his loft with him for a talk. Walking briskly to her, "Hi, Anna, I hope you haven't been waiting long?"
Dazed as she was debating on if this was the right move or not, she startled at Brandon’s voice so close to her ear. Blushing, she turned to face him. “Uhh, yeah! I mean, no. Not long at all,” she stuttered, offering a small smile. “I just got here,” she murmured as she’s nudged at her heel with the toes on the opposite foot anxiously.

“I’m ready if you are,” she stated as she steeled herself, standing as straight as she could. Today he felt no less imposing; actually more-so as she waited outside his home environment. Seeing where he worked and imagining it were two different ball games - the steel and glass stretching farther into the sky than her eye could see. She could only imagine his penthouse.
Gently touching her elbow, Brandon escorted her to the entrance to his building. Sliding his key card into the door slot, he followed her into the building and toward the bank of elevators. The security guard nodded as Brandon and Anna entered the elevator and he pushed the button for the 15th floor.

Entering the 15th floor foyer, Brandon indicated which way to walk as there were four units on this floor - 15D. As they walked into his apartment, the view of the city was incredible. His office was just off the entrance. "Have a seat in here. Can I get you something to drink? Water, soft drink?"
“Just water is fine, thank you,” she responded as she treaded across the hardwood floor into the large home office and took the seat just opposite the desk. Her eyes covered every inch of the room, from the floor to ceiling book shelves, the chandelier and even the complete wall of glass that framed the desk. Craning her head, she attempted to peek out at the full view but was stunted by the desk in between.

Turning back to look over her shoulder at the door, she smoothed her sweaty palms down her skirt and thighs as she waited. She could hear his footsteps approaching and straightened her back out in the chair to sit just that much taller. Tracking his movement with her eyes as he placed down her drink and rounded the desk to sit, she once again wondered what on earth she could have to offer any man such as this. She felt almost as though she was about to sign her life away.
Opening his laptop, Brandon looked over the desk to Anna, "OK, let's start with your income. Tell me everything you have coming in on a monthly basis."

Noting the amounts as she speaks - scholarship, part-time jobs 1, 2 & 3. The spreadsheet quickly totals the amount.

"Now for you monthly expenses . . . make sure you give me everything."

These numbers starting filling in the next column . . . and the total pops up. Printing off the page, he hands it to her to look at. "Have we missed anything?"
She scans the printout thoroughly before handing it back. “It’s all there,” she responds affirmatively, nodding. She feels more naked sitting in this chair than she ever has before; laying out her finances and describing how closesly she is to scraping the bottom of the barrel lays out her life more intimately than her body ever could and she shivers at the thought.
"So, the question is: How are you going to financially continue this pattern until you finish your degree and find a nursing position that will support you and pay off any debt you will accumulate during that time?"

Leaning back in his chair, Brandon gives Anna a few minutes to study the spreadsheet and contemplate her future. The loss of even one part-time job for a short time will screw up everything.

Deciding now is the time to "Go Bold" with his solution, Brandon sits back up at his desk and looks squarely into Anna's eyes.

"I have a solution. You will have 15 minutes to accept or walk out of here and we will never discuss your situation again.

Giving Anna a few seconds to focus, "Here it is. You will quit all three of your part-time jobs, move out of your apartment and move into the guest room of my apartment. I will give you a monthly allowance to cover your incidental expenses and spending money. There will be certain responsibilities I expect you to take care of here in the apartment. I know you are an extremely industrious individual, so I am not concerned about whether you will study for classes. I know that you will."

Looking at the stunned look on her face, Brandon continues, "I can pretty well guess what is going thru your mind. 'Do I have to sleep with this creepy bastard?' And I'm pretty sure you know the answer to that. I will expect something in return for my 'taking care' of you. I believe the appropriate term is "Sugar Daddy". I will leave you to consider your future. I will return in 15 minutes; if you are still here, I will take that as a 'Yes'. If you are gone, I wish you the best in your future."

Brandon stood up and walked out of his office, back to his bedroom where he changed into his comfy at-home attire . . . jeans and a knit shirt.