Who did you flirt with today?

The cute guy at the Dunkin Donuts drive-thru window this morning ... and someone on here who shall remain anonymous ... unless she wants to admit it ;) :)

I flirted with my co-manager a bit. It has been very subtle so far but this can't be rushed. The build up makes it better.
After recent failures, my life has been declared a flirt free zone, effective immediately, by order of my local health department.
Wow, my day was home, office, home. And I work in an office of 5 people, none who I’d flirt with. It was a flirt free day. That sucks.

Question for the flirty ladies. So you come on Lit and are flirty. But in your day to day, do you rebuff flirting because it’s inappropriate or do you engage in it IRL?
Well, I flirt with reality on a daily basis. Does that count?
And then I come here and it makes it all - normal again.
A Yellow Lab. Hey, I was in the mood for a blonde and she was beautiful.