While we're discussing sexual discrimination


I bite
Oct 5, 2011
I have been saying this since I first saw boobs in a movie. Where's the beef?
(2 friends sent me this, lol)

My uber-conservative Mom even had issues with the nudity inequality in movies!

Although, "I love it when a spoof highlights something a few of us think about, but never express out loud" Dear Joseph, I have had this issue for a long time, and I'm pretty sure all females are more than "a few of us"
I have been saying this since I first saw boobs in a movie. Where's the beef?
(2 friends sent me this, lol)

My uber-conservative Mom even had issues with the nudity inequality in movies!

Although, "I love it when a spoof highlights something a few of us think about, but never express out loud" Dear Joseph, I have had this issue for a long time, and I'm pretty sure all females are more than "a few of us"

Yes, change! More Kraft Zesty Man! And the Liquid Plumber guys... yes, more of that please
I think this is a self perpetuating issue.

We're conditioned to look at the feminine form as sexy and the masculine form as.... something else? So young men grow up learning to revile male nudity. At best it is the subject of comedy, or homosexual porn. All but the most perfectly sculpted male bodies are unfit for exhibition, and even then, not too much. To some extent we instinctually revile shirtless Adonises too.

The same could be said about the over perfection of the sculpted female bodies on display, but frankly; there's a whole lot more to see, and even a little variety in that. I don't see women actively avoiding looking at female bodies; looking the other way or straight forward as they walk past victoria's secret. Do you ever notice just how commonly guys do that as they walk past the Gap or abercrombie when mens bodies are on display?

When people say "sex sells" nine times out of then they mean "boobies sell."
Penises just get you arrested.

Not disagreeing that part of our responses are cultural, but I've always disliked hearing a man say that there is no beauty in the male body. I'm sexually attracted to the male body, so the comment suggests that my attraction is not founded. But mostly I find it just said. As much as women may be displeased with parts of their bodies, I don't think we think, in general, that the female body is unattractive.

I thought I was off topic, but maybe I'm not. Since I'm guessing most decision about what we see on TV, in movies and in advertisements are made by women, if men don't think the male body is attractive, including a cock, then perhaps that contributes to our rarely seeing it.
I like the female form. It's prettier in my mind. I do not dislike the male form, though.

This video was hilarious, by the way. ^_^
This is precisely my point. Media is brainwashing this culture into us. As a product of that conditioning, I am really uninterested in seeing unrealistically perfect male bodies, let alone realistic ones. My own body in the mirror? On a good day it just is. On a bad day it's revolting.

That conditioning hasn't been good for our generation, & it's worse today than ever.

GIVE ME A BREAK! You really think the women they show naked are REALISTIC? Your point is invalid. The women they show in movies and on cable are NOT REALISTIC (unless you consider several plastic surgeries, special lighting, and eating disorders "realistic")
and yeah, the video was funny, by the way, up until the male nudity at the end, which was a problem because it was male nudity being used for comedy, which although not addressed in the video, it is a big part of the problem that the people in video were speaking against, albeit tongue in cheek.

It was a satire. The point it got across most strongly (as far as I could tell) was that female nudity should be just as unacceptable as male nudity.

How can we ever come around to thinking guys can be beautiful if the male body is just good for shock and awkward laughs.

Guys are not told to cover themselves for their protection, they're told to cover themselves for shame because "no one wants to see your junk."
This is so very very true.

There are pockets of community that love the male form-- slashers mostly that I know of. Women who create visual and fiction art that extols the beauty of men as men. But they are not the mainstream.
Yes, change! More Kraft Zesty Man! And the Liquid Plumber guys... yes, more of that please

Ooooh, YES! That Liquid Plumber commercial was good. :D And combining the two ideas would give new meaning to snaking a drain.
Male actor bodies I have lusted after in recent years;
James Marsters as Spike,
Johnny Depp
Daniel Craig
Ben Whishaw
Daniel Radcliffe
Every man that acted in LOTR especially Sean Bean

The usual, really.

Whoever it was that said that women are deep dark horses and no one can fathom their erotic desires can blow it out their butt.
And yet, heavily muscled men? Beyond media brainwashing I'd conjecture that there's probably a male hormonal response to visual testosterone cues thats tangled up with this issue.
Easy peasy to corroborate, take a look at the images gay men create for themselves. HUGE swelling muscles, and a focus on the basket.

Women tend to focus on... you'll never guess this one in a million years...

The big joint on the outside of the wrist.

If there is any reason for the hands to be visible, the wrist bones will be too, dollars to donuts. It's one way you can guess at the gender of an unknown artist.
I don't wonder if some of the male-aversion to the male body doesn't also come from male jealousy and protectiveness over what's "his". I'm sure homophobia contributes to the cultural stigma, but if that was only it, why would they care what WOMEN see?

Clearly they do, and my only real answer I can think of is that they're afraid their partner will go running off after hotter bodies at the drop of the hat, like we couldn't conceive of them in our heads to begin with. It doesn't say much for them either, that they think this is something anyone would do...

Obviously, btw, i'm not talking about all men. Only the sort of men that would have instigated and maintained the social stigma.
What do you think we women have been compared to all these years?
Playboy models so airbrushed they may as well be in Shrek. Women with more plastic in their bodies than guts. Super models who eat cotton balls.