Which Star Trek serie do you like the best?

Which Star Trek serie do you like the best?

  • The Orignal Series

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • The Next Generation

    Votes: 10 41.7%
  • Deep Space Nine

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Voyager

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • Enterprise

    Votes: 1 4.2%

  • Total voters


The Dane with a cane
Mar 12, 2000
As a Star Trek fan myself, and I guess one among many here, I was just wondering which serie you like the best?

So far I like Deep Space Nine the best. I think it's because its a bit more dark, and the characters aren't so clean cut and perfect as in the Next Generation. I haven't seen The Original Series, so I can't say anything about that serie at all.
I liked TNG and DSN....but I liked the entire run of TNG, and only the last 1/2 of the run of DSN.

So I voted for TNG.
Deep Space Nine will always be my favorite. I can't get into Enterprise at all and never watched Voyager much either.
I like them all, until they spiral into character pieces. Star Trek is best when it sticks to the original premise of the morality play. The character drivel is just too warm and fuzzy for me.
Deep Space Nine, I watched every night my sophmore year at college from 1-2am before bed.

I watch enterprise religously, with a beer in my hand. Me and my roommate call it "beer trek night".
I still love the original.

TNG got silly about half way through season 3 and voyager was just annoying right from the start.

The story lines were (in my opinion) total crap.

I liked DS9 but since Babylon5 started around the same time, I just stopped watching it.

I have no idea why but I am really enjoying Enterprise (I have only seen season 1).

Its typical Trek and history keeps changing, but .... well I don't know. *shrug* :)

I voted for the original though.
DS9 is my favourite but i do rather enjoy enterprise too. Not a big fan of voyager, but my hubby isa big seven of nine fan so i end up watching it anyway*L* janeway's voice just grates on me*L*
I voted TNG but I have to say the beginnig of the series really sucked. I found TNG would periodically get better and then maintain that level. Moments when it took that leap include 1) Ryker growing the beard and 2) Wesley leaving permanently.
All of it

I like ALL of it

I'm mad, a geek, and whatever you want but I LOVE Star Trek in all it's forms, TNG and DS9 especially.

There, now you know and can avoid me in the street :D
You just had to go and mention Star Trek. Although it was a toss up between TNG and TOS, TNG won out due to the better actting. With that said, I am deffinately a big Trekkie (Trek Geek) to the point that I belong to a Star Trak Online RPG. Basically we play the roll of Starfleet Officers. I will admit when I first started playing little over 3 years ago I was a little skeptical. Since then I have basically become addicted.

and in the words of the Klingons.... "It is a good day to die!"
I'm a member of the a Danish star trek fan club myself, and have been for close to two years by now. We have quite a few local meetings where I live (around every second week) and go to events that are arranged in other cities a couple of times a year.

This fall I'll be going to my first convention i Germany, where Kate Mulgrew is the main attraction. Have any of you ever been to a Star Trek Convention?
Woodgie, I want to sit on your face! That AV's just asking for it!

Edited to apoplogise for the hi-jack

Carry on. :)
dude, there's nothing better than ST:TNG. I remember watching it on Sunday nights and going to school the next day and recounting the episode with all the other sci-fi nuts over lunch.

Plus, Tasha Yar rocks my socks off. :D