When you've got no evidence, demonise, demonise and demonise again...


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
From today's London Times:

Al-Qaeda given nerve gas by Iraq, CIA claims
From Roland Watson in Washington

"ISLAMIC extremists linked to al-Qaeda have been given deadly chemical agents by Iraq, according to a US intelligence report passed to the White House.

Bush officials confirmed the existence of the CIA report but said they had no corroborating evidence and could not confirm its authenticity. If proved, the deal would provide Washington with the link between Baghdad and terror groups that it has failed to make over the past year, and could be used by Mr Bush as a trigger for war. The White House adopted a cautious approach towards the report, saying it was not conclusive."

But they went ahead and published anyway...

Demonise Bush baby, demonise...

You certainly ain't got nuthin' else going for you...

p_p_man said:
But they went ahead and published anyway...

Demonise Bush baby, demonise...

You certainly ain't got nuthin' else going for you...


Every day we are bombarded with one persuasive communication after another. These appeals persuade not through the give-and-take of argument and debate, but through the manipulation of symbols and of our most basic human emotions. For better or worse, ours is an age of propaganda.
Pratkanis and Aronson (1991)

And if the septics can do one thing, it's propaganda.
Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America

There are new and exciting treatments available for compulsve disorders such as yours.
I, for one, believe the CIA's assessment and here's why...
Dec 13, 2002

Al Qaeda leadership reported disrupted
By Bill Gertz

U.S. military and intelligence forces have killed or captured a major portion of the al Qaeda leadership and several key successes were won in the past few months, according to CIA Director George J. Tenet.
"More than one-third of the top leadership identified before the war has been killed or captured," Mr. Tenet said in a speech Wednesday. "Almost half our successes against senior al Qaeda members has come in recent months."
A transcript of his remarks at the Nixon Center was made public yesterday.
"We are still in the 'hunt phase' of this war — the painstaking pursuit of individual al Qaeda members and their cells," Mr. Tenet said. "This phase is paying off, but is manpower intensive and will take a long time. There are no set battles against units of any size. We are tracking our enemies down, one by one."
The comments were the first substantive remarks by the CIA director in months. They followed the release Wednesday of a congressional report that criticized U.S. intelligence failures related to the September 11 terrorist attacks.
Among the CIA's recent successes, Mr. Tenet said the CIA has "netted":
•Al Qaeda's operations chief in the Persian Gulf, who helped plan the 1998 bombings in Africa and the attack on the USS Cole in 2000.
•A key al Qaeda planner who was a conspirator in the September 11 attacks.
•Numerous operations officers and facilitators.
•A large amount of information now being used to hunt for additional terrorists.
Mr. Tenet did not mention the names of two key al Qaeda terrorists who were killed and captured. They include Qaed Senyan al-Harthi, who was among six terrorists killed last month in a daring CIA-directed missile attack from a drone aircraft in Yemen.
The key al Qaeda planner is Ramzi Binalshibh, an al Qaeda paymaster arrested in Karachi, Pakistan, in September.
Several top al Qaeda leaders, however, remain at large, including Osama bin Laden, Ayman al Zawahiri and Khalid Sheik Mohammad.
Overall, some 3,000 al Qaeda members have been detained in over 100 nations, he said, noting that the arrests have disrupted but not stopped al Qaeda operations.
Additionally, efforts against al Qaeda have led to the seizure of some $121 million in terrorist-related financial assets around the world, Mr. Tenet said.
The CIA director said the war against terrorism is not a war with the Muslim world.
"But we are at war with extremists," he said. "We are at war with terrorists. We are at war with fanatics. But we are not at war with Islam — even though the terrorists want to portray it that way."
The terrorists are among the "fringe of the fringe" of radical Muslims who are violent and murderous, he said.
Mr. Tenet said al Qaeda and bin Laden are "formidable" enemies and before September 11 the CIA had a "stable of assets and a body of information that pinpointed al Qaeda's Afghanistan infrastructure."
The data helped in the "rapid destruction" of that infrastructure when the war began Oct. 7, 2001.
Mr. Tenet said the al Qaeda leadership has been "rattled" by recent losses and is more cautious. "But let's be very clear: There is no letup in the threat at the moment."
Al Qaeda is preparing more terrorist attacks and every captured al Qaeda member has indicated more strikes are planned, he said.
"Recent tapes by al Qaeda leaders threatening the U.S. economy and our coalition allies, were unprecedented in their bluntness and urgency," Mr. Tenet said.


Let's hope it's not a nerve gas attack on London. It is too much to ask Britain to suffer BOTH p_p_man and external attack...
You believe the London Times? Is that all you have going for you?

Demonize baby, demonize.
That's right. The White House works exactly like the He-Man Women Haters Club, and you know better from your pub stool. *hick*
Dixon Carter Lee said:
That's right. The White House works exactly like the He-Man Women Haters Club, and you know better from your pub stool. *hick*
Insult buddy says *hic*.

On the other hand, spelling it that way provides a clever double entendre.

p_p_man said:
Demonise Bush baby, demonise...


The Bush Administration has been using your PR recommendations? That is so cool! You're a master at demonization to avoid factual evidence, p_p_, a real master at it.

Congratulations on your success!
The Big Lie

The U.S. government is yet to produce a single shred of evidence supporting its endless shrill accusations against Iraq, mindlessly parroted by the media. Hmmm . . . reminds me of a propaganda technique first employed in another country. Damn, what was its name?
Re: The Big Lie

The U.S. government is yet to produce a single shred of evidence supporting its endless shrill accusations against Iraq, mindlessly parroted by the media. Hmmm . . . reminds me of a propaganda technique first employed in another country. Damn, what was its name?

Russia, Public Relations Manager- Karl Marx

Now get back in your hole.
REDWAVE, you pinko commie bastawd, you...

It's being widely reported that the new 12,000 report fails to mention the chemical and biological weapons which caused the last standoff...

Can you say, "Saddam is a deceitful man?"
SINthysist, you reactionary moron

Can YOU say "Bush is a lying sack of shit!" lol

It's being widely reported that the Bushies claim the report is incomplete. That's because they ran off with the only copy of it, and have had time to rip enough pages out to make it incomplete.

Anything to manufacture a pretext for war.

What exactly is a "fawker," anyway?
Kinda like a Jayhawker...

I'm not crude like some of ya'll.

I never curse!
Re: SINthysist, you reactionary moron

It's being widely reported that

Yeah, yeah, yeah and a "source says" and "the government believes" and "suspicions fall on" and "the finger points to"...

And for this the young of America and the UK are about to have their heads blown off in a desert land far away from home?

As I said before, enjoy this Christmas as it might be the last one you'll ever see...

Well, if it isn't Frick and Frack, red and pp, the Liars of Lit.

Tell me, boys. Which one of you gets the reacharound and which one gets his salad tossed tonight?

miles said:
Well, if it isn't Frick and Frack, red and pp, the Liars of Lit.

Tell me, boys. Which one of you gets the reacharound and which one gets his salad tossed tonight?


Still looking forward to seeing all those bloody American corpses on live TV?

p_p_man said:
Still looking forward to seeing all those bloody American corpses on live TV?


Another wittless remark from a rapidly declining alcoholic. You're losing your touch, Adolph.

Not that you ever had one...
