When will liberals actually have a conversation about facts.


Really Really Experienced
Mar 16, 2004
Obama has had several chances to repair the economy & has failed at all of them. We are in worse shape now then when he took office. Gas has gone up $2 a gallon. Obama is a black African citizen.
Obama has had several chances to repair the economy & has failed at all of them. We are in worse shape now then when he took office. Gas has gone up $2 a gallon. Obama is a black African citizen.

Re: thread title: questions require a question mark, CIH.

I've been telling you this for years.
I came in here to see what eyer posted hoping that it would be something great, and I was not disappointed.

Hi eyer! Are you having a good weekend?
CIH discussion strategy #1: make a remark about the subject's ethnicity, especially when there's no reason to.

Did I call it or what?

It's sad when someone goes to some liberal university, gets converted by government paid liberal professors, and comes out not only not knowing anything, but unable to think for themselves, and follows every debate strategy they are taught.

African isn't an ethnicity.

At some point will you address the topic of the thread, or will you just keep living up to it?
When anybody says "liberal", I immediately think of Ann Coulter.

I don't know why, I just do.

Obama has had several chances to repair the economy & has failed at all of them. We are in worse shape now then when he took office. Gas has gone up $2 a gallon. Obama is a black African citizen.

Did I call it or what?

It's sad when someone goes to some liberal university, gets converted by government paid liberal professors, and comes out not only not knowing anything, but unable to think for themselves, and follows every debate strategy they are taught.

African isn't an ethnicity.

At some point will you address the topic of the thread, or will you just keep living up to it?

Obama has had several chances to repair the economy & has failed at all of them. We are in worse shape now then when he took office. Gas has gone up $2 a gallon. Obama is a black African citizen.
Get to the gym, then.

Obama has had several chances to repair the economy & has failed at all of them. We are in worse shape now then when he took office. Gas has gone up $2 a gallon. Obama is a black African citizen.

Here are some truths:

African isn't a race but the 'black' you put before African is.

As we come down to the 2012 election we are all aware that things are not perfect and that we have significant challenges yet to be tackled, however if you *really go back and look at where we’ve come from over the past four years -- remember how bleak things looked in '08? -- it’s worth noting all of the following:

In the last six months of the Bush administration, we lost 3.5 million jobs; as of September, 2012, we have had *30 straight months* of private-sector job growth, with 4.6 million jobs created (unemployment remains high due in large part to cutbacks in *government* jobs)
• 3.6 million more people were able to get access to healthcare last year because of the Affordable Healthcare Act -- the first time in 10 years that the percentage of people with private coverage did not drop.
• Residential natural gas prices in 2012 are at a nine-year low
• Household debt as a percentage of disposable income is at a 28-year low.
• Mortgage rates are at their lowest level s in 50 years.
• Our banks are recapitalized, our auto industry is alive and productive, we are adding manufacturing jobs in America again.
• Osama bin Laden is dead, the Iraq war is over, America has been kept safe from attack.

If you were to have laid out a realistic agenda for *any* president of *any* party given where we were just four years ago, would the above not have been more than most of us would have hoped for?

There is no question that we need to tackle our long term debt, improve our education system, invest in infrastructure and science and continue to try to help keep a balance between all the competing factions and ideologies in the world, but to argue that we need to go back to the policies that led to the economic collapse, multiple wars, and a future where the middle class continues to be eroded so that the ultra-rich can consume even more than their already egregious share of our nation’s wealth makes absolutely no logical sense.
Dude, are conservatives just incapable of remembering things? I mean, from what people post on this board, I'm beginning to notice that. Let's compare the conservatives on here to conservatives in real life.

Conservatives on here
-Obama is a muslium
-Obama hasn't done shit
-Liberals are stupid

This is some stupid shit.

Conservatives in Real Life
-I'm afraid that strict regulations on coal mining due to the green initiative is going to force a shut down of the corrupt mining system, and though it would benefit the country in the long run, I'll be out of a job. Mining is all I've been trained to do, and I need to feed my family. I just can't support it. I would like to, but I have to take care of me and mine.
-I honestly believe that the economic strategy that Mitt has proposed with trickle-down economics will allow for greater growth here in the bible belt, because it will force people with money to reinvest in the community.
-I have to many friends and neighbors who are on government assistance. I agree that they should get KCHIP and food stamps for their kids, but I know that son-of-a-bitch doesn't deserve a crazy check. He's not near crazy enough to not have to work. Somehow Romney will correct this. (I never really did get him to tell me how, but I think he just has trouble articulating it).
-I'm a racist Appalachian and I don't want to vote for a black guy.

Now the difference here is that some of the concerns I'm seeing from conservatives in the really real world make sense. You don't have to go the batshit crazy route to be a republican. Wouldn't it just be easier to put the candidates and their plans side-by-side and see which one falls closer to your ideals and then vote for that guy? Look, I know that this is the first election I'll get to vote in, but that's how I'm doing it. And it probably won't mean shit, because I like Obama and everyone else around here likes Romney. But I'm still gonna vote. Bitching about it isn't doing shit. Just push the button and hope for the best. It isn't like any of this matters anyway. I'm broke as shit. All a new leader means to me is a change in my overlord.
Dude, are conservatives just incapable of remembering things? I mean, from what people post on this board, I'm beginning to notice that. Let's compare the conservatives on here to conservatives in real life.

Conservatives on here
-Obama is a muslium. And also a radical extremist Christian at the same time.
-Obama hasn't done shit. And has also done way too much at the same time.
-Liberals are stupid. And are also overly-educated elitists at the same time.

This is some stupid shit.

Fixed your post.
Here are some truths:

African isn't a race but the 'black' you put before African is.

As we come down to the 2012 election we are all aware that things are not perfect and that we have significant challenges yet to be tackled, however if you *really go back and look at where we’ve come from over the past four years -- remember how bleak things looked in '08? -- it’s worth noting all of the following:

In the last six months of the Bush administration, we lost 3.5 million jobs; as of September, 2012, we have had *30 straight months* of private-sector job growth, with 4.6 million jobs created (unemployment remains high due in large part to cutbacks in *government* jobs)
• 3.6 million more people were able to get access to healthcare last year because of the Affordable Healthcare Act -- the first time in 10 years that the percentage of people with private coverage did not drop.
• Residential natural gas prices in 2012 are at a nine-year low
• Household debt as a percentage of disposable income is at a 28-year low.
• Mortgage rates are at their lowest level s in 50 years.
• Our banks are recapitalized, our auto industry is alive and productive, we are adding manufacturing jobs in America again.
• Osama bin Laden is dead, the Iraq war is over, America has been kept safe from attack.

If you were to have laid out a realistic agenda for *any* president of *any* party given where we were just four years ago, would the above not have been more than most of us would have hoped for?

There is no question that we need to tackle our long term debt, improve our education system, invest in infrastructure and science and continue to try to help keep a balance between all the competing factions and ideologies in the world, but to argue that we need to go back to the policies that led to the economic collapse, multiple wars, and a future where the middle class continues to be eroded so that the ultra-rich can consume even more than their already egregious share of our nation’s wealth makes absolutely no logical sense.

The Democrats controlled Congress when the economy collapsed. Pelosi and Reid were in charge. There are no homeless paupers in Congress. There are no middle-class Presidents in the White House. Multi-millionaires occupy both places. Multi-millionaires prospered most during the Obama administration.
The Democrats controlled Congress when the economy collapsed. Pelosi and Reid were in charge. There are no homeless paupers in Congress. There are no middle-class Presidents in the White House. Multi-millionaires occupy both places. Multi-millionaires prospered most during the Obama administration.

Democrats controlled congress but the ball was already rolling. And they weren't in charge due to not having a supermajority and not having the presidency. There was exactly nothing that they could do without the GOP's permission.
Gas has gone up $2 a gallon.

The price of gasoline will continue to rise over time because proven oil reserves are declining, and because more people in the world are driving cars. Get used to it.

What I favor is a massive increase in the gasoline tax. The money should be spent exclusively on non automotive means of transportation.

America's dependence on automotive transportation is a national problem. It contributes to the greenhouse effect while making the United States dependent on the whims of oil producing countries that dislike us.
The price of gasoline will continue to rise over time because proven oil reserves are declining, and because more people in the world are driving cars. Get used to it.

What I favor is a massive increase in the gasoline tax. The money should be spent exclusively on non automotive means of transportation.

America's dependence on automotive transportation is a national problem. It contributes to the greenhouse effect while making the United States dependent on the whims of oil producing countries that dislike us.

Goddamn, it was so much easier to get around in the city. You could walk pretty much anywhere you needed to go. You could walk to school, to the club, to the store, I walked to work; everybody walked everywhere. And you could take dogs in everywhere because everybody walked, it was kind of known that there were no cars to leave them in. Now you have to have a car. You can't drive to the store because you'd have to cross property lines and people are giant dicks. That's why we can't have nice things. People are douchebags. Well, and I'm kinda lazy. Closest store's like 30 miles away and I don't wanna walk it. I can drive it pretty quick, but you know, I don't wanna walk across random redneck property and then have to carry all my shit back. I kinda need gas.
Democrats controlled congress but the ball was already rolling. And they weren't in charge due to not having a supermajority and not having the presidency. There was exactly nothing that they could do without the GOP's permission.

So now unless a party has a supermajority and the presidency, they aren't responsible for the results?

Oh good, that means that you can stop blaming Bush and everyone else can stop blaming Clinton.
So now unless a party has a supermajority and the presidency, they aren't responsible for the results?

Oh good, that means that you can stop blaming Bush and everyone else can stop blaming Clinton.

As I said before I fault policies of both parties. But the party that was in control of the vast majority of power in the years preceding the housing collapse in 2006 probably deserves more scrutiny than the one that was out of power the whole time, don't you think? Or we could blame Barney Frank circa 2005 like some have done.
So now unless a party has a supermajority and the presidency, they aren't responsible for the results?

Oh good, that means that you can stop blaming Bush and everyone else can stop blaming Clinton.

The fault is not in our stars, the fault is in ourselves.
The answer to the thread title is never. Liberals make decisions based upon emotions. Process is more important than results.