when were you last ill?


Ex porn
Oct 2, 2004
was it a cough? a cold? tummy upset? plague?

how often do you get ill?

what do you do to try to prevent getting ill?
Probably 10 years ago, I forget.

I have not seen doctor for 10 years and will not see doctors for next 10 years!
Probably 10 years ago, I forget.

I have not seen doctor for 10 years and will not see doctors for next 10 years!

then you're an idiot. it's nothing to brag about.

anyone with an ounce of common sense gets an occasional checkup. you won't see or feel high blood pressure, etc.
I had pneumonia a couple of months ago. I honestly don't think i get sick very often. I wash my hands like a woman possessed at work, and I take supplements and vitamins. I know people say I'm just making expensive pee, but, I figure it can't hurt.
I'm "Ill" now!

Friday a week ago I had more prostate surgery to remove some Stones lodged there and to laser some scar tissue from last September's surgery.

It only hurts when I piss. :(
I don't get checked up as often as I ought, but I do go when I think something is the matter.

I never used to get sick much, but I've found that children are little germ factories. I just make sure to take a multi-vitamin daily and eat a lot of fruits and veggies. Especially those that are high in vitamin C.

Eating right and exercising in general seems to help out in that area. Not so much from preventing illness; but when I do come down with something, it seems that I'm not as sick for as long as some of my friends who don't have the best habits.
then you're an idiot. it's nothing to brag about.

anyone with an ounce of common sense gets an occasional checkup. you won't see or feel high blood pressure, etc.

Of course, I have annual physical checkup which is arranged by my company, that doesn't count, right?
Ive been sick pretty much the whole month. Had a nasty sinus infection and now a chest cold. Other then that I probably havent been sick in about two years.
I got strep so badly last year it took 3 rounds of antibiotics to shake. That was the only time in about 5 years that I've been miss-work-sick.
Vicious flu-like virus that made me sweat more than when I think of tying you up and making you cry.
I usually end up with a killer sinus infection every year which, miraculously, hasn't happened yet. However, I've been heartsick for months and months.
I usually end up with a killer sinus infection every year which, miraculously, hasn't happened yet. However, I've been heartsick for months and months.

1. Have you tried a neti pot?

2. I am concerned about you. I hope everything is okay.
I had cellulitis back in 2009, and that's the last time I had anything serious. These days, it's mostly allergies in my eyes from all the damn pollen in the air.

I rarely go to the doctor, either, mostly because of a childhood fear of them that has never really gone away. Yeah, I'm probably screwed one of these days, but hey.
funny you ask because i'm just recovering from a fever and acheyness some hours ago that started yesterday evening. monday absences are always looked down at in my work and since there been a high number before, I had to suck it up and walked it off. i am a tough male.

ps you look so cute dorf.
1. Have you tried a neti pot?

2. I am concerned about you. I hope everything is okay.

1. No, but each year I think that I really, really should. The thought of deliberately pouring water in my nose, though, kinda freaks me out.

2. Thank you for your concern. Got any vacancies in that harem of yours? I might be interested in a room.
90% + of the posters here would probably pass for having a mental illness. :rolleyes:

This about made me spit my drink all over. lol

I am just getting over strep. I get migraines at least once a week. As a rule I get one nasty cold about this time of year and the flu once at any given time of year. I try to clean every single surface I can as soon as anyone in my home has a sniffle.
was it a cough? a cold? tummy upset? plague?

how often do you get ill?

what do you do to try to prevent getting ill?

I kept getting sick most every morning 8 weeks or so ago, fortunately it seems to have passed for the most part.
i got the nasty crud over christmas. everyone had it. soups. orange juice and vitamins. herbal teas with honey, lemon and mint. hot toddies. i had a migraine the other day when the winds changed direction. atmospheric pressure change. they hurt.

to prevent getting ill, i encourage dirtiness. it builds up the immunity. i also clean and disinfect things like the toilet, sink, doorknobs, counters, clothes. if i feel my throat getting dry, i drink tea before it gets bad. sleep, water and vitamins (sometimes tablet, mainly from fresh foods) help with not getting sick. then there's stress. when i'm under lots of stress, my body builds up to a certain point, then just crashes. growing up, i always got sick over christmas vacation.