When the mood hits.


Grumpy Doms Union 361
Apr 18, 2002
Do you changing sex styles based of your mood or is it mostly the same old thing?
I can be very agressive and dominant at times and other times it can be just about the feel of a womans body next to mine, gently tracing paterns across her skin.
So what do you have to say about this?



Ezarc said:
Do you changing sex styles based of your mood or is it mostly the same old thing?
I can be very agressive and dominant at times and other times it can be just about the feel of a womans body next to mine, gently tracing paterns across her skin.
So what do you have to say about this?




Would you marry me? :)
Re: Re: When the mood hits.

guilty pleasure said:
Would you marry me? :)
How about we just say "hello, nice to meet you" first?;)
Re: Re: Re: When the mood hits.

Ezarc said:
How about we just say "hello, nice to meet you" first?;)

Oh to Hell with niceties....will you or won't you?
The kind of sex I'm in the mood for changes all the time. Sometimes I want to be submissive and sometimes I want to be dominate. Other times I want to make love and sometimes I just want a good fuck! Hell, sometimes i want sex and sometimes I just want to masturbate!

I like to keep a man on his toes so he'll never know what to expect from one encounter to the next. Once we get to it though, I have my subtle ways of directing things in the direction I want them to go!:devil:
Re: Re: Re: Re: When the mood hits.

guilty pleasure said:
Oh to Hell with niceties....will you or won't you?
Not tonight, darling. The last woman to ask me to marry her regretted it.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: When the mood hits.

Ezarc said:
Not tonight, darling. The last woman to ask me to marry her regretted it.

I like an honest man. :)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: When the mood hits.

guilty pleasure said:
I like an honest man. :)
I wouldn't know, never met one.;)
It all depends on what mood I'm in.

Normally I'm more submissive and prefer the man to be dominate. But there is something about switching it around and being the aggressor.

There's nothing like a good rough, hard fuck... but tonight I'm feeling soft and sensual and would so enjoy just the feel of my body touching another, his lips upon my skin and breathing in his scent.

It completely changes with my mood and his. I am by nature very submissive. I love to be dominated. But there are times I just want soft sweet lovemaking, and other times I want nothing more then to tie him up and well...nevermind. ;)
Shadwann2 you sound like my BF hehe except he dislikes to masterbate.

I find this comparison disturbing! I would like to meet your b/f sometime. I have always wondered if a man exhisted who didn't like to masterbate. I'd like to meet him just to see what kind of person he is. Although I might find him scary!...lol:p
I masterbate too much, he doesnt really approve of that cause then I'm never horny cause of it. *sighs* LOL the only time he masterbates pretty much is when he talks to me on the phone. thats the only time and thats almost EVERY time I'm getting annoyed here feel rather used LOL god LOL I mean like last night I couldnt masterbate I had my IV in my hand. so only one free hand and here he goes and decides to masterbate and asks me help. :| I have trouble denying my love LOL so here I go and help him but I was pissed off since he knows I cant do anything with the splint I had. grrr lol
I'm pretty moody when it comes to sex...but I think the right person can talk me into being submissive no matter what my mood is.

its pretty sad LOL bf can talk me into doing almost anything LOL well I did tell him I'd try anything once within reason... but that doesnt explain the 2nd, 3rd, and so forth LMAO
I prefer BF be agreesive so then I dont have to worry about the fact that I am shy and such, I dont have to make an effort. I'm very shy and not assertive. but unfortunally it seems he prefers viseversa. shyness sucks
For me, being submissive has nothing to do with not wanting to make an effort or being shy. Once I'm behind closed doors, there is nothing shy about me, really.

There's just something about a man who knows what he wants. And there is also something about me allowing a man to take what he wants.

That doesn't happen often. For me, allowing a man to dominate me means that I not only trust him implicitly, but that I care very much about him.
no I'm just plain shy and fear of confrontation LOL sucks badly anyways he wants me to be agreesive its what he likes but I hadnt realized how agreesive till lately. damn. he says I'm well in other words, too passive. he didnt say that but it was clear. no relationship is perfect lol
Never actually made love, but I have done some serious fucking.

Does that make me strange?
hmm I made love only once. it was VERY different then the rest. was the last night before he left I was crying and so was he, unless he had allergies LOL was a romantic night. just wish we hadnt had the damned flu! and I hadnt had a pulled back muscle from sex.
Ezarc said:
Do you changing sex styles based of your mood or is it mostly the same old thing?
I can be very agressive and dominant at times and other times it can be just about the feel of a womans body next to mine, gently tracing paterns across her skin.
So what do you have to say about this?




I think unless you are in a relationship that has become staid, one always enjoys switching up and letting things happen as they may dependent upon mood. Open communication is key for enjoyable sex play.
red_rose said:

There's just something about a man who knows what he wants. And there is also something about me allowing a man to take what he wants.


Perfectly said, rr :kiss:
suppose thats true.. BF doesnt ask for sex, he will take it. althought he will often let it be known he wants it, and I usualy know when. easy, he starts to majorly kiss me LOL making out means he wants sex. thats usualy the only sign I get. sometimes I get none. like we where watching a movie and he was trying to roll me over. I was like uh? he got behind me and hes like dont mind me, go ahead and watch your movine. hmm EXCUSE ME! but movie is the last thing I will have on my mind while hes fucking me.