When Jealousy gets Ridiculous


Mar 12, 2002
So. You like this girl, and she likes you, but you're not together. Maybe you have been in the past, but for whatever reason you're not together now. And so she's free to do whatever she likes with whomever she pleases.

She goes and kisses someone. Or more, whatever, it doesn't matter, cus you're not together.

The famous "we were on a break!" line.

Do you go and get stupid? An ex of mine used to go ballistic when I so much as looked at another guy. He called me terrible names when I became intimate with my current love, and he began threatening him.

Now, come on folks, that's just stupid. The girl has made a choice for happiness, and the guy should respect it.

Shouldn't he?

Have you ever done stupid things in the name of jealousy? Have you ever been violent or threatening? Who do you act out against? Your (would be) partner, or the other person involved?

Spill, people, I'm curious.
you know

I was and always will be on Ross' side on this on.
I can only think of one person in my life that I've ever been jealous over. *ack* We were both horrible about it, being around others we would get stupid and become upset if we thought the other was talking to someone else more than to the other.

I edited to make it clearer but I'm not sure that I did. :D
Re: you know

J.B. said:
I was and always will be on Ross' side on this on.

I know! I'm SO on his side!

*grin* Are those on his side guilty of the same type of thing? I am... on a break means no obligations NOT to engage in sexual activity. I've been on a break with bf's before.. why not have fun and enjoy novelty?
vixenshe said:

Have you ever done stupid things in the name of jealousy?


Have you ever been violent or threatening?

NO, I'm not violent, maybe verbally threatening.

Who do you act out against? Your (would be) partner, or the other person involved?

The partner in question. I wouldn't blame the other guy.

Spill, people, I'm curious.

My humble thoughts!:D
Re: Re: you know

vixenshe said:
I know! I'm SO on his side!

*grin* Are those on his side guilty of the same type of thing? I am... on a break means no obligations NOT to engage in sexual activity. I've been on a break with bf's before.. why not have fun and enjoy novelty?
my way of thinking is. a break is almost the same as a break up. hell it's 6/8 of the phrase.
Have you ever done stupid things in the name of jealousy? Have you ever been violent or threatening? Who do you act out against? Your (would be) partner, or the other person involved?

I am not the jealous type, I have never said stupid things or became violent towards the men I was seeing at the time or anything along those lines.

There has only been one incident where I was jealous , but I think was just like for a couple of seconds and I quickly realized how silly it was of me to react in such a way -- in the end we both laughed about it and nothing came of it.
Last edited:
Re: you know

J.B. said:
I was and always will be on Ross' side on this on.

Vix had to explain that comment to me in a PM :rolleyes:
I've never seen an episode of "Friends".
But I went thru something like this with the psycho one.
I think women are more likely to do it than men, women tend to hold things over your head forever more.
Re: Re: you know

James G 5 said:

I think women are more likely to do it than men, women tend to hold things over your head forever more.

lol so not true.

Where I have been semi jealous over one man I've been on the receiving end of jealousy from men many times. ;-P
Re: Re: Re: you know

k¡tty said:
lol so not true.

Where I have been semi jealous over one man I've been on the receiving end of jealousy from men many times. ;-P

I mean to hold things that occur "outside" of the relationship up for jealousy, not to display jealousy in general

And I think women, more than men, tend to hold things over their partner's heads well past the "statue of limitations"
James G 5 said:
I mean to hold things that occur "outside" of the relationship up for jealousy, not to display jealousy in general

And I think women, more than men, tend to hold things over their partner's heads well past the "statue of limitations"

I'm surprised you haven't brought up monogamy yet. :rolleyes:
Me, never!

I don't even get jealous when my current significant other spends a night of wild passion with some one else.

Of course there is that two way street thing.
*evil grin*
Re: Re: Re: Re: you know

James G 5 said:
I mean to hold things that occur "outside" of the relationship up for jealousy, not to display jealousy in general

And I think women, more than men, tend to hold things over their partner's heads well past the "statue of limitations"

Not in my experiences, which is all I have to draw upon here.

But the ex-hubastid has always used that method during an argument.

lol 2 months before we separated he blew me away during one of his fusses by saying that I had cheated on him (12 years before) when we had broken up while we were dating, because I went out with a few other fellas.
With women, jealousy has always been a totally alien concept for me.

If anyone I'm with would really rather be with someone else, then I'm sure not going to hold them back... I don't want to be with anyone who doesn't want to be with me.

Short of that?

Flirting doesn't threaten me, but I might draw the line at penetration.
nitelite33 said:

If anyone I'm with would really rather be with someone else, then I'm sure not going to hold them back... I don't want to be with anyone who doesn't want to be with me.

What he said.
Nice topic...

The girl I'm seeing now asked me last night if I would become jealous if she were to see someone else. Honestly, I didn't know what to say. I knew it would bother me, but because of things like this, I was afraid to say "Yes, I would" and have her think I'd be sitting outside her house watching for her bedroom lights to go out.
It's one of those subjects, where there isn't really a right or wrong answer, eventhough no one really wants to hear that.

WynEternal said:
Jealousy and possesiveness know no reason. :rolleyes:

This is where the truth really lies, the problem is: love knows no reason either. Basically, once emotion of any kind becomes involved, things go awry, and reason is tossed to the wind. And let's face it, jealousy is directly related to our emotional connections...well, most jealousy is.

k¡tty said:
lol so not true.

Where I have been semi jealous over one man I've been on the receiving end of jealousy from men many times. ;-P

Men do get jealous more often than women, but that's pride talking more than anything else, IMHO. If men cheat on women, men tend to take the blame. I don't mean that they fess up, or even act in a respectable manner, but very few people actually say, well, she must have not been good enough for him, so he went elsewhere. He is generally called a "dog" and looked on as such by others. When men are cheated on, we are often looked on as "fools" for her behavior. It brings stronger feels to the table, and therefore, can often make us more defensive. Negative feelings add up. One spoonful of jealousy + two spoonfuls of battered pride and embarassment = making an ass out of yourself. I'm not saying we all take pressure that way, but I most certainly have, on an occasion when enough outside interference had broken down my sense of control over what was going on. I'm not condoning my behavior, or anyone else's, but that is what took place.
Not that this is entirely on topic, but I was neutral in the Ross/Rachel "break" thing. Basically, the two made nothing clear to one another as to thier intentions, therefore, they both have solid arguments to support thier cases. He should have considered this lack of clarity when before he hooked up with that girl, and she should have considered it before she placed blame on him for "violating thier realtionship" when he didn't intend to be hurtful.
The worst situation that I've been in was when my ex-girlfriend was jealous of my current "friend".

My ex was jealous because my friend is younger than I am (though not as young as my ex) and of a different race than her and I. The way I see it, she was more jealous that I devoted my attention more towards my friend.

My ex was so jealous that she not only tried to get me back but she even proposed marriage to me.......LOL.
Please don't get me wrong. I don't find it funny in a divious way. It's only because we broke up because of our 17 year age difference (she was 20 & I was 37 when we dated). But yet, she's willing to marry me.
I’m sorry, but I don’t see the humor. Yes, that she was jealous of your friend. I can see the humor in that if you made it a point to reassure her that it was in fact only a friendship. But since I have dated men significantly older than me I can understand where her insecurities regarding this other woman may have come from. She was younger than you yet older than her, meaning she worried over the fact that she may come across as a bit too… babyish I guess.
And it’s sad that what proved her right were her insecurities.
I've been upset when girls I cared about but wanted nothing to do with me, sexually speaking, were mistreated by their boyfriends.

But that's about it.
