What's Crossing Your Mind?

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Heh, pretty sure most women on Lit would strongly disagree. In person, they mostly just don't notice. Which is cool. I'd rather be ignored than torn apart for showing need. It's been at least 5 years since I had any kind of positive physical touch.

A hug would be nice, but I think it might actually be too much lol

*huge hugs*
Does that help?
Most guys (over 20-25) have life altering stories about seeing their first Playboy, but you never really hear stories about women seeing their first Playgirl magazine.

What's up with that?
Girls calling their men “daddy” is just the appropriate response to us calling them “baby” for so long. This is our fault. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
I’m too old for this menstruation shit. Mega bitch in full swing.

I was thinking about you. Seriously. And there you are...😀

ETA...not weird or anything...sheesh. that did sound weird didn't it.
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Most guys (over 20-25) have life altering stories about seeing their first Playboy, but you never really hear stories about women seeing their first Playgirl magazine.

What's up with that?

We read the articles. :rolleyes: :D

Seriously though (as serious as one can be in PG), just from living life, I've found that life-altering stories for most women will revolve around an intensely emotional experience. Looking at cock on a page, while a good time, doesn't impact the female brain near the same way looking at big tits on a page slaps the male brain.

Mmm...slaps. :cathappy:

I digress.

It's a brain difference, so maybe that's what's up with that?

We read the articles. :rolleyes: :D

Seriously though (as serious as one can be in PG), just from living life, I've found that life-altering stories for most women will revolve around an intensely emotional experience. Looking at cock on a page, while a good time, doesn't impact the female brain near the same way looking at big tits on a page slaps the male brain.

Mmm...slaps. :cathappy:

I digress.

It's a brain difference, so maybe that's what's up with that?


Interesting. That makes sense, but still, seeing a cock for the first time (on paper) must leave some memorable impression, feeling, concern, desire, no?
So I have gotten all the way to the office twice this week and then remembered I had forgotten something vital and had to return to retrieve. This is clearly NOT normal behavior. Examination of the potential causes is in order. Check that, make it probable causes. Less investigation necessary. :rolleyes:
If we can get a refund on all the stupid shit we have bought. We would use the money to buy even more stupid shit.
I'm super (insert appropriately mushy feeling here) that people so much smarter, well off, more cultured and more worldly than me still wanna chat with this small town girl. It's a delight.
I'm super (insert appropriately mushy feeling here) that people so much smarter, well off, more cultured and more worldly than me still wanna chat with this small town girl. It's a delight.

Wise up PLP!!!

Remember one thing! You are not better than anyone else, and equally no one is better than you!

If people want to talk to you it's because of you being you. They are the ones that should feel (insert appropriately mushy feeling here) when you reply!
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