What's Crossing Your Mind?

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During a phone conversation if I help a guy cum and he hangs up on me without so much as a “Bye” or “Thanks” then he is rude and will not get any more of my time.
While watching porn, I often wonder how these girls can say “stick it in my tight little hole”? You KNOW that shit ain’t tight.
While watching porn, I often wonder how these girls can say “stick it in my tight little hole”? You KNOW that shit ain’t tight.

They may be distinguishing one hole which may be tighter and littler than the other hole.
While watching porn, I often wonder how these girls can say “stick it in my tight little hole”? You KNOW that shit ain’t tight.

They may be distinguishing one hole which may be tighter and littler than the other hole.

Thanks for brightening up my day. I'm glad that I wasn't drinking my water when I read this or I would have drenched the keyboard here :D.
It sucks to feel that way but your true friends will always have your back and be glad to help talk things out with you. Over thinking sucks, I've been there myself. But friends are good for perspective. I hope you de-stress soon! *hugs*

That’s how I’ve always been for my friends - but I’ve never had that in return.

Thank you, I hope so too! :rose:
40ish hours... how in the world did it get here so fast.

no.... realllly how in the world do you calm me and make me crazy in the same conversation

I'm over thinking. Stressed out and over tired. Need to talk to a friend, but I'm very bad at reaching out when I'm stressed. I need to let out everything that is in my head, get some feedback on it, and perhaps some stress release as well. I always feel like I'm bothering people if I contact them to ask for a chat. In my experience, people don't stick around if you need help with anything.

Don't know you, but wishing you the best
I have this combination if lonely/horny that is potentially troublesome. I have no way of alleviating the feeling, but there is pressure to try, which might cause problems.

I am not even sexy on the interwebs, and when I try to be, I just upset people.
I have this combination if lonely/horny that is potentially troublesome. I have no way of alleviating the feeling, but there is pressure to try, which might cause problems.

I am not even sexy on the interwebs, and when I try to be, I just upset people.

Sugar Britches, you're plenty sexy, but I'm biased since you're my friend💓
Sugar Britches, you're plenty sexy, but I'm biased since you're my friend💓

Heh, pretty sure most women on Lit would strongly disagree. In person, they mostly just don't notice. Which is cool. I'd rather be ignored than torn apart for showing need. It's been at least 5 years since I had any kind of positive physical touch.

A hug would be nice, but I think it might actually be too much lol
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