What to do if your tour guide is an asshole?


Literotica Guru
Jan 11, 2009
So, I decided to bring my family to SF for the Holidays. I booked a tour of Muir Woods this past Sunday and we get the most arrogant, condescending tour guide of all time! He even argued with me when I suggested that Boston was comparable to SF in geographic size. Well, they are! He also had no patience with kids and was just an overall jerk. It gets worse. The weather on Sunday was horrible and guess who complained about having to be there? You got it, this asshole...

Unfortunately, I could not express my anger by stiffing him with zero gratuity as these guides aren't allowed to accept them. On the other hand, I could (and did) tip the driver of the shuttle.

My recommendation is to avoid AllSanFranciscoTours.

Would you call the company and complain?
So, I decided to bring my family to SF for the Holidays. I booked a tour of Muir Woods this past Sunday and we get the most arrogant, condescending tour guide of all time! He even argued with me when I suggested that Boston was comparable to SF in geographic size. Well, they are! He also had no patience with kids and was just an overall jerk. It gets worse. The weather on Sunday was horrible and guess who complained about having to be there? You got it, this asshole...

Unfortunately, I could not express my anger by stiffing him with zero gratuity as these guides aren't allowed to accept them. On the other hand, I could (and did) tip the driver of the shuttle.

My recommendation is to avoid AllSanFranciscoTours.

Would you call the company and complain?
Kill 'em.
So, I decided to bring my family to SF for the Holidays. I booked a tour of Muir Woods this past Sunday and we get the most arrogant, condescending tour guide of all time! He even argued with me when I suggested that Boston was comparable to SF in geographic size. Well, they are! He also had no patience with kids and was just an overall jerk. It gets worse. The weather on Sunday was horrible and guess who complained about having to be there? You got it, this asshole...

Unfortunately, I could not express my anger by stiffing him with zero gratuity as these guides aren't allowed to accept them. On the other hand, I could (and did) tip the driver of the shuttle.

My recommendation is to avoid AllSanFranciscoTours.

Would you call the company and complain?

Can't decide from what you wrote, if you or him was the piece of shit.

I always write emails or place phone calls when some corporation or company screws me. It works and you get free shit.

About 12 years ago I bought an acoustic/ electric guitar. Dropped like $1300 on the thing and within 2 months, the pick-up, which is on the interior of the body, fell off. I brought it back to the guitar shop. A few weeks go by and I don't hear anything from them. So I call them, they say they are waiting for the part. All this time they have the guitar. A few more weeks pass so I go into the store to pick up my guitar. I find out that the part hasn't even been ordered yet!

I went home and emailed the CEO of Long &McQuaide and told him about my experience with his company. The next day I get a phone call from the store manager telling me my guitar is ready and that he has some free strings and guitar polish for me, for my problems. Went in there and they were kissing my ass.

Don't put up with any crap if you pay for something.
David Lee Roth was a great tour guide in "California Girls"

You might ask the CEO if he's like to pay $300 to listen to an obnoxiously insolent tour guide. :D

There are layers of insulation built in between consumers and those that make decisions. No one talks to the CEO unless you run into him at the golf course.

I've been waiting a week for the Ford Motor Co. to respond to mine. I'm going to continue to fight like a son-of-a-bitch as I always do but my experience with government and corporations is that there is very little available in the way of an appeal process.
I've been waiting a week for the Ford Motor Co. to respond to mine. I'm going to continue to fight like a son-of-a-bitch as I always do but my experience with government and corporations is that there is very little available in the way of an appeal process.

Sometimes you have to dig to find their personal email.

Usually they can be found in old news reports or shit like that.
So, I decided to bring my family to SF for the Holidays. I booked a tour of Muir Woods this past Sunday and we get the most arrogant, condescending tour guide of all time! He even argued with me when I suggested that Boston was comparable to SF in geographic size. Well, they are! He also had no patience with kids and was just an overall jerk. It gets worse. The weather on Sunday was horrible and guess who complained about having to be there? You got it, this asshole...

Unfortunately, I could not express my anger by stiffing him with zero gratuity as these guides aren't allowed to accept them. On the other hand, I could (and did) tip the driver of the shuttle.

My recommendation is to avoid AllSanFranciscoTours.

Would you call the company and complain?

Alcatraz is a great trip.
I know a guy who, after listening to the tour guide of Monticello run on about Jefferson's architecture, say that none of what was said was anything near Jefferson's greatest architectural achievement.

The guy wanted to know what this dude's opinion was.

His answer: the wall of separation between Church and State.

So he said . . . I am merely the messenger and wasn't there.