What the hell difference does it make


Oct 10, 2002
If your seat is in the upright and locked position and your tray table is stowed. If I heard that one more time today, I was gonna shoot someone!!! Flying is hard on a gal (especially with a tired 20 month old!):rolleyes:
"please put your seat back, up"

"well I'm sorry lady, I just don;t bend that way.... if i did, i would be in porno movies!"
I know. I hate that. Don't even pay attention to the safety info.

Four airports, three airplanes, 17 hours total in one day.
You have my deepest sympathy, LOL!!!

I love when you're on a 2 hour flight from Houston to Charlotte and they say "In the UNLIKELY event of a water landing...." Hmmm, unlikely? Ya don't say! :D
hotlittlegirlwv said:

I love when you're on a 2 hour flight from Houston to Charlotte and they say "In the UNLIKELY event of a water landing...." Hmmm, unlikely? Ya don't say! :D

I always think, "water landing??? yeah, right. That would be otherwise known as a crash."

They make it sound like the plane will gently float down to the water, and settle down with hardly a splash.

Water landing, my ass.
If there is a waiting list for landings on Temptress's ass, I would like to be on it. Especially toward the front of the list.
When I flew to Vegas, I didn't give a shit where my tray table was, I rarely buckled my seatbelt, and . . . I didn't note where the emergency exits were.

Fuck 'em.

Rubyfruit said:
I love a rebel.

Ever drive to the store without your seatbelt on? It's nirvana I tell ya.
I have a '90 Honda Accord with automatic shoulder belts. I would take it off, but then it makes an annoying little blingy noise, and I hate that.

I don't buckle my lapbelt, though. I'm a bad influence. I'm fuckin' dangerous.

hotlittlegirlwv said:
If your seat is in the upright and locked position and your tray table is stowed. If I heard that one more time today, I was gonna shoot someone!!! Flying is hard on a gal (especially with a tired 20 month old!):rolleyes:

IF they hit the brakes hard you'll hit the table.
teddybear4play said:
When I flew to Vegas, I didn't give a shit where my tray table was, I rarely buckled my seatbelt, and . . . I didn't note where the emergency exits were.

Fuck 'em.


YOu sir, let the terrorists win.
Re: Re: What the hell difference does it make

Spinaroonie said:
IF they hit the brakes hard you'll hit the table.

Now that realllllllyyyy gives me something to think about!!! :D

Re: Re: Re: What the hell difference does it make

hotlittlegirlwv said:
Now that realllllllyyyy gives me something to think about!!! :D


Nope. I'll make my friends click and I will be.
hotlittlegirlwv said:
If your seat is in the upright and locked position and your tray table is stowed. If I heard that one more time today, I was gonna shoot someone!!! Flying is hard on a gal (especially with a tired 20 month old!):rolleyes:

Long flights can be a bear. You have my sympathies.

Spinaroonie said:
YOu sir, let the terrorists win.

How am I supposed to exercise a citizens' duty of stopping any attempted hijacking if I'm busy dicking with seatbelts, tray tables, and oxygen masks?

If you don't put your tray table up and buckle your seat belt, you would be able to do naughty things and the can't allow that! They need you to be paying attention in case the plane has to make an emergency water landing in Arizona!

Last year I flew from Arizona to S.C. with a 1 year old an a 2 year old. It was not fun! I feel your pain!:rose:
its been said before, it will be said again.... everyone who has ever travelled on an aeroplane, really needs to listen to George Carlin's "Airline Anouncements" sketch.

It really does say it all.
QuickDuck said:
its been said before, it will be said again.... everyone who has ever travelled on an aeroplane, really needs to listen to George Carlin's "Airline Anouncements" sketch.

It really does say it all.
"'Get on the plane, get on the plane.' I say 'Fuck you, I'm getting IN the plane!' In the plane! Let Evel Knievel get on the plane! I'll be in here with you folks in uniform! There seems to be less wind in here!" :D

teddybear4play said:
"'Get on the plane, get on the plane.' I say 'Fuck you, I'm getting IN the plane!' In the plane! Let Evel Knievel get on the plane! I'll be in here with you folks in uniform! There seems to be less wind in here!" :D

*chuckle* exactly :p
Re: Re: What the hell difference does it make

Lust Engine said:
Long flights can be a bear. You have my sympathies.


LE if I were the stewardess I'd take you to the rear of the plane and join the mile high club (WEG)

LE's own personal troll

Truthfully I hate to fly and the way the airlines herd you like cattle, with a tot holding on I would be a crazy woman HLG.
teddybear4play said:
"'Get on the plane, get on the plane.' I say 'Fuck you, I'm getting IN the plane!' In the plane! Let Evel Knievel get on the plane! I'll be in here with you folks in uniform! There seems to be less wind in here!" :D



that brings to mind Carlen's lil rant on 'everday sayings"

but most of you "could probably care less"
so i'll not bore you.

oh ummm... sorry....hijack over
psstt can i say "hi-jack" on an airplane thread????
:D :p