What the FUCk is wrong with you people?!


Jan 8, 2002
Do you people think that I'm that stupid, let alone THAT desperate to try to hold onto something that wasn't real? Do you think that I haven't weighted out the situation or confronted the issues involved with the whole Tantanah fiasco?

There isn't a person here that can look in a FUCKING mirror and see a perfect person. I'm the one who was made a fool of...I'm the one who was hurt. I alone should decide whether I should forgive this person. If you feel offended because you extended sympathy for me, then I apologize. I'm even hearing shit from people that don't even have the curtesy to acknowledge me.

I don't think she owes anyone anything. She's made amends and has proven herself to me. I didn't exactly make it easy on her. Again, my choice. If I find that she is evil...it's a year out of my life and a learning experience... and I don't need or deserve sympathy. Apparently, she is smarter then me because she knows that you people would never forgive her and has decisded to never return.

You don't seem to get that Hanns is nothing more than a weasel who likes to whisper into the ears of the less intelligent and stir shit. And 4laterer is nothing more than a Hanns ripoff. Have these two ever said anything that wasn't destructive? If any of you took the time to get to know me or have at least read any of my FUCKING posts, you'd find that I not the type of person to purposely hurt anyone.

I'm a hi-jacker, a flirt...I say nice things....FUCKING sue me. Sorry, I didn't think the board needed another destructive personality.
I dont know this girl or the whole story...but if she faked her own death for whatever reason, she deserves pitty, as opposed to anger.

I dont know you much either Ram, but to be placed in the middle of a situation such as this is an unenviable one to be sure.

Hang in there dude.
Dude, I am not going, nor did I judge you. You make your own choices and be happy with them. But she did punk your ass as bad as Jack Benny punked Rochester. Thats the truth, and while harsh if I did not consider you a decent fellow, I'd not point it out. Either way, I mostly hope you are happy Ram. You're a decent guy and deserve it.
Rambrat, did it occur to you that people say things because they don't want to see you make a big mistake?

What you do is your business. You are a grown-up, and I hope things work out for you.

Tantanah lied to and decieved this whole board and will never be trusted here again. If you can't understand why that is, then you need to do a little more thinking on the subject.

Good Luck.
Bravo, darlin'! :kiss:

I've kept my mouth shut since last night, but I will say this now.

Ram, and Ram alone, is the one who has to make the decisions and accept the outcomes. Only he and Tantanah know the full story and, quite frankly, I already know more than I really want to. Ram is a very smart and perceptive individual and, as much as I hate what happened to him, he is capable of making his own decisions. The comments that were flying on here last night were uncalled for. We've offered our support and our concerns and that's fine. But how can you judge a situation when you don't know the whole story??

Lighten up Ram. You are letting Hanns get to you, which is what he likes.
Ram only you know what is right for you. Your true friends will stick it through with you.:rose:
curious2c said:

Lighten up Ram. You are letting Hanns get to you, which is what he likes.

Agreed...Hanns and 4laterer are pretty irrelevant to this subject. Nobody likes or respects them.
This is a good place, but often the collective intelligence and the collective sympathy waxes and wanns at a whim, which sucks, because it is hard to know what the 'group' will feel in responce to any given negative stimuli.

I am not trying to even mediate this shit, but I think it is sad that often people who had their sympathy 'preyed' upon hold grudges. It isn't healthy. I mean, what did it hurt to say "I am sorry for your loss" only to find out is was a hoax? What exactly did anyone but Ram lose from it? Nothing. Just pride. Bullshit pride.

I recall being one of the people who posted my sympathies, and the minute I found out that it was a hoax because of fear, I understood the root of the fear, and I realized that yet another human was suffering enough to lie and hurt another to spare themselves facing their fear. It is not all uncommon and I can't imagine too many of us being innocent of this in our lives. Maybe not in this context, but in others, we are all guilty.

I think it isn't fair to be so harsh as the board has been, but then again, this board is harsh. Rambrat is a person with a heart full of love, so if he is making a mistake, then he will be the one to brunt it, but I think no love is a mistake.

If you loved someone, really loved them, you'd be able to forgive them for being scared, especially if they tried to make ammends with you.

Love blinds. If you haven't even been in love, then you'd not know this, but I don't know too many people who haven't been at least aware of the feelings associated it. Often, love alone will make us forgive others for worse offenses than this.

Ram, don't let what others think make you hate, or feel pain. You've gone through enough. Good luck to you, and I hope that you can go on feeling good in your life. I respect your choices.
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So... anyone want to tell me what Rambrat is talking about?

It is your life. You are able to do whatever with the life you are given. You can make your own choices. It's truly none of our business what decisions you make. I was speaking from my heart yesterday with what I said. I could never allow someone like Tantanah back into my heart or my life. I could never sit idly by and watch a good friend of mine do so either.

I was wrong for bringing it out on the GB in such a judgmental fashion. I don't judge YOU, Rambrat. I do judge Tantanah, because she has fucked over more than just you - she just happened to fuck you over the worst.

You know more of the details than anyone else. I wish you happiness and I wish you luck - I truly do. The last thing I want to see is you hurt again. I will be wishing you the best no matter what choice you make. I'll listen to you no matter what choice you make. I don't approve of your decision, but that doesn't matter. I can understand and respect it - to some extent.

Just be careful. Be very very careful. You deserve a wonderful woman who can love you as much as you love her. I'm just fearful that someone who has demonstrated such deceipt and selfishness cannot love anyone but herself - she surely can't love you the way you deserve to be loved.

Good luck, Rambrat. I wish none of this had ever happened to you.
Ram., it isn't our place to judge you or your decision.
But remember, most people here (myself incld.) care about you and don't want to see you get hurt again.

It's your decision and either way, we stand by it. :kiss:
Never said:
So... anyone want to tell me what Rambrat is talking about?

Ram and Tant fell in love online.
Tant got scared at the last minute and faked her death in order to avoid their first meeting.
Ram posted a thread about her death, which was eventually found to be fictional.
Tantanah apologized to him and eventually, their love and trust grew back.
Knowing the reaction that would await them, neither one admitted that last part, at least until just recently.

There's a bit more, but I think I covered the highlights and I don't know what all they would like to be public knowledge and what I know that should be held private.
As someone who has very rarely spoken to you directly, my opinion probably doesn't count for anything, but I said it in the other thread... I respect you and wish you the best. I couldn't extend that level of trust, but if you can, I hope it works out for you.

And you're right, none of us is perfect. I don't think anyone here is pretending to be. We've expressed concern and we've expressed disbelief, but I don't think anyone who really matters has expressed a holier than thou attitude.

Again, good luck.
Ram it's up to you on how you decide to proceed....I have been where you are my friend....:heart:
RawHumor said:
Ram and Tant fell in love online.
Tant got scared at the last minute and faked her death in order to avoid their first meeting.
Ram posted a thread about her death, which was eventually found to be fictional.
Tantanah apologized to him and eventually, their love and trust grew back.
Knowing the reaction that would await them, neither one admitted that last part, at least until just recently.

There's a bit more, but I think I covered the highlights and I don't know what all they would like to be public knowledge and what I know that should be held private.

Thank you RawHumor.
and hanns, unless you were emotionally involved what does any of that matter?

For God's sake even you have to realize this is just the 'net. You only get hurt when you become emotionally attatched.