What song best describes you?


Lit's Bennett Brauer
Jul 31, 2001
If you had one song that could sum up your life, what would it be?

Mine would be narrowed down to one of two,

How Do You Like Me Now?
As Good As I Once Was
both by Toby Keith.

I'm not a huge country fan, but those two just seem to fit me.

What's yours?
I don't know about my whole life.. my life is probably a series of songs..

This is the one that comes to mind today.. Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child. It's been covered by many but it has a history as a negro spiritual.. one of the earlier arrangers to take it mainstream was H.T. Burleigh

It's kind of sad when you are driving and hear a song and you instantly think of a Lit thread! But that's what happened when I heard this song the other day -

Goody Two Shoes by Adam Ant
You know...this is too predictable, but it does speak volumes about a big chunk of my life...

Strange ? Really ;) I don't think you're strange :)

I love Riders on the Storm, by the Doors

I think I'll listen to it right now...and so describe it as my song for tonite :)

I actually really like that song, pretty much anything by the Jim Morrison.