What muscicians do you hate?


May 21, 2002
Okay Lit...Forget about about what your first album was or who you have seen or want to see in concert. What musicians do you loathe? Who do you want to see dissappear and never come back. Play nice...and do not take offence to others opinions now...:D

My list...

Most rap and Hip Hop
Limp Bizkit
Eminem...did I already mention him?

...This list is only the beginnig...:rolleyes:
Can't think of any names right now, but just about every actor/actress turned singer. Oh, ie Kathy Lee. Although, she can't act either.
kidthor said:
Okay Lit...Forget about about what your first album was or who you have seen or want to see in concert. What musicians do you loathe? Who do you want to see dissappear and never come back. Play nice...and do not take offence to others opinions now...:D

My list...

Most rap and Hip Hop
Limp Bizkit
Eminem...did I already mention him?

...This list is only the beginnig...:rolleyes:

funny i know all thier albums :)
cept the new KoRn cd, but i'll get it soon
as for limb, they are done fred's an asshoel and wes had all the talent so you can forget about that name. lol

who i hate, i hate no talent bubble gum wanna be pop stars, let's top the list with britney, christina, n'sync and company and end with kelly allicandoissingandnotverywell clarkson
i also hate all pop artists who can't write songs, play instruments or say anything that isn't writtten for them.
oh and every rapped who ever put gold in their mouths, sing about cristal or have more illagitament children then fingers on a hand. lol
who i like and respect?
bends who write thier songs, preform then and arena't afraid to say what's on thier minds.. case and point, KoRn, Tool and Ozzy :)
oh and michael jackson that dirty kid touching ungrateful racist, fuck him, fuck al sharpton, fuck johnny cockran, Sony owns your ass
Any and all boy/girl/'just for the image' bands. I don't hate the band members as individuals, I hate them masquerading as musicians.

(Oh, and Zamfir - now him I single out for individual loathing :D)