What men have created is a nightmare?


Literotica Guru
Nov 28, 2002
What have we done?

The future looks worse than I thought.

Women are getting tattoo's like they are going out of fashion. They are getting fatter asses from sitting on computers all day.
They are getting foul breath from too much smoking.
They are piercing any spot they can pinch and throw a ring through it.
They are fast becoming a breed of bi-curious women.
They are getting higher paid jobs and becoming more liberated.
Now they don't hold down relationships and they don't have guilt for screwing another man.
No means no or they slap a lawsuit against you.
Yes means yes and they will get it when they want, otherwise they will go out and fuck someone else.
Men have become technical in revolutionising the vibrator and dildo's. Women can enjoy the stimulation of another woman's tongue, and if need be, be fucked by a huge 14 inch strap on.

What have we done?

Gone are the days of the sweet, innocent lady with the flowery dress with washing up gloves on.

In with the new woman. Strap on at the ready, dressed in black tight latex with her tongue pierced, clit pierced and nipples pierced.

Add to that her highly paid $100,000 plus career and what do we have?

She kisses her man on the way out to work, gets into her sports car, and smiles as he stands at the door with an apron on and a toilet cleaning brush in hand.

:( :( :( :(

Lucky I am a dominant male and just tie my bitch up for the day and fuck her ass and pussy senseless when I get home. :)
<icy gets on her knees and bows>

We're not worthy! We're not worthy!

Every last bit of what you have said is sooooo Dam true. It's like
everything you wanted to know about the Millenium Woman but was scared to ask!!! I take my hat off to you:eek:
"In with the new woman. Strap on at the ready, dressed in black tight latex with her tongue pierced, clit pierced and nipples pierced.

Add to that her highly paid $100,000 plus career and what do we have? ."

See, that's what I want. A nice, quality woman in tight, black latex.

When I'm at work, you can pop round and play with my bitch if you want Never.

$150 per hour is the going rate.

Help her clean the house and you get a discount.

I like chocalate cake and my lounge chair pillow puffed before I put the feet up after work.

A blow job wouldn't go astray either.

A fresh mouth is always refreshing. Just brush your teeth before you gobble okay?

Thanks darling :)
In some seriousness...one has to wonder if the rise in divorce rates with the wives working more and more (outside the home) and other things meld together to cause this whole overall effect. I know that my grandfather was very...well he voiced concern when in the sixties women started to work out side the home. He said then that the divorce rate was going to go through the roof. Perhaps he was right.

Does this also lend credence to the aspect of men becoming less and less important to women?

While I won't lose sleep over it any time soon I can look back and see how things seem to be walking in lockstep to that destination. Not necessarily a bad thing, but it could become problematic in the future if the 'natural' way of the 'beast' is changed so dramatically. Nature abhors a vacuum and one is being created right now.

Men and women as sexual partners to continue the species? Not necessary...now (or soon) we can use some chemicals and a bit of DNA and presto chango...duplicate of ourselves. No need for messy old sex. NO need for relationships. No need for a man and a woman to even talk to each other.

Kind of a scary trend to see.

Edited to add, after some thought:eek:

Not to be construed as anti anything. If your choice is to be with a member of the same sex does not enter into the above. I was thinking in terms of what society seems to deem as a 'normal' relationship.
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Re: n/a

"When I'm at work, you can pop round and play with my bitch if you want Never."

I already do.

"$150 per hour is the going rate."
Please. I would never dream of charging her, considering her usual options it's an act of charity.

"Thanks darling :) "
And here she thought that you'd be uncomfortable with the idea.

"When I'm at work, you can pop round and play with my bitch if you want Never."

I already do.

Her clit and tongue taste nice when I get home. I like the taste of you :p

"$150 per hour is the going rate."

Please. I would never dream of charging her, considering her usual options it's an act of charity.

She charges for her services, then gives me all the money she makes. Only freebies she gives out are to the milk deliver and lawn mower person. You must be the new kid on the block.

"Thanks darling "

And here she thought that you'd be uncomfortable with the idea.

I am. :) Knowing that you have tasted the best excites me and makes my cock swell even more. You can fuck her everyday. Hopefully I will catch you out one day and ram you by surprise.