What Made You Smile/Laugh Today?

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How cool this table looks.....

Oh you kooky aquaphobes!

First of all, eels are generally really shy. Most are nocturnal and hide in caves or coral heads during the day. They attack when threatened, (not when hungry), and these kind of attacks usually happen when some numb-nuts tries to stick their hand in the eel's hole.

So what makes them feel threatened? Swimming near them?

Having said that, for some reason, the morays in this part of the world can often be seen swimming around during the day. Not sure why, and other divers I've spoken to are equally baffled. Still, they are nothing to fear if you are just calmly watching them and not trying to wrestle them or stick your camera in their face for a close up shot.

Eel attacks are very, very rare.

Rare means that it HAS happened. All it takes is once, ya know. I'll just stay up here on the beach and pretend there's nothing in the water.

I'm much safer in this water than I am when I get on my scooter and drive to the store. The ocean is your friend. :heart:The ocean is your friend. The ocean is...

So you keep saying. I'm not buying it. Homburg?
I'm much safer in this water than I am when I get on my scooter and drive to the store. The ocean is your friend. :heart:The ocean is your friend. The ocean is...

If my equipment fails when riding a scooter, I can walk away. If my SCUBA apparatus fails when I'm down deep... hmm, no air. Tough to walk away from that.


So you keep saying. I'm not buying it. Homburg?

Nope. Not a bit.

Bite. Face. Off.

Do not want.

Blitzkrieger's example is a good one. Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter, lived in Australia, home of more dangerous, carnivorous, poisonous fauna than anywhere on the planet. Australia's wildlife holds regular conferences on how better to kill people. Steve Irwin? Totally safe there. Grabs 16ft monster crocs and wrestles with them just for fun. Freakishly poisonous snakes? Wraps them round his shoulders to lend them the warmth of his body.

Giant Stingray? Not so much. :(
If my equipment fails when riding a scooter, I can walk away. If my SCUBA apparatus fails when I'm down deep... hmm, no air. Tough to walk away from that.

Good point.

Nope. Not a bit.

Bite. Face. Off.

Do not want.

I don't want any of me bitten off.

Blitzkrieger's example is a good one. Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter, lived in Australia, home of more dangerous, carnivorous, poisonous fauna than anywhere on the planet. Australia's wildlife holds regular conferences on how better to kill people. Steve Irwin? Totally safe there. Grabs 16ft monster crocs and wrestles with them just for fun. Freakishly poisonous snakes? Wraps them round his shoulders to lend them the warmth of his body.

Giant Stingray? Not so much. :(

Exactly. Me and sea creatures have a deal. I stay in my natural element (on dry land) and they don't bite/sting/lacerate me. So far we've both kept to our sides of the bargain.
Exactly. Me and sea creatures have a deal. I stay in my natural element (on dry land) and they don't bite/sting/lacerate me. So far we've both kept to our sides of the bargain.

This is pretty close to the wording of the deal I struck as well.


As to what made me smile today? Oh, yeah, the chain of truly amazingly ludicrous PM's I've received in conjunction with another thread. MIS about choked laughing at them.

Funny shit. I really shouldn't provoke, but sometimes I can't resist.
I really shouldn't provoke,

Why not? It provides you, yours, and everyone else with no end of amusement.

What made me smile today?

Gracie and Homburg and their fish ranting.


Yep. Normally does - makes you smile, that is. Which is why I do it. It's not like I'm ever gonna convince you of the dangers of the ocean, just like you aren't ever gonna talk me into getting INTO it (the ocean, that is). But it's fun to discuss it. :D
What made me smile today?

Gracie and Homburg and their fish ranting.


I would hope. Especially as I believe I've said that I would go snorkeling or scuba or whatever if you were there with me, and, no, it's not a facetious promise. I would be cursing my big, fat mouth, but I'd do it.


Why not? It provides you, yours, and everyone else with no end of amusement.

As of right now, he is determined to get the last word in. To which end, I am getting PM's of punctuation only. It's not as entertaining as the mindless flaming, but it's cheap to hit reply and be mildly patronising. If I'm lucky, he'll blow up and give another ludicrous, yet amusing, screed.
As of right now, he is determined to get the last word in. To which end, I am getting PM's of punctuation only. It's not as entertaining as the mindless flaming, but it's cheap to hit reply and be mildly patronising. If I'm lucky, he'll blow up and give another ludicrous, yet amusing, screed.

That would just make me want to poke at him more.
I would hope. Especially as I believe I've said that I would go snorkeling or scuba or whatever if you were there with me, and, no, it's not a facetious promise. I would be cursing my big, fat mouth, but I'd do it.

:eek: I would never go snorkeling or scuba diving, even if I didn't have issues with big underwater creatures.

Let's put it this way. I don't put my head under water at the POOL. No way in hell would i submerge my whole body and swim around.

Besides, I only dog paddle. Barely.

As of right now, he is determined to get the last word in. To which end, I am getting PM's of punctuation only. It's not as entertaining as the mindless flaming, but it's cheap to hit reply and be mildly patronising. If I'm lucky, he'll blow up and give another ludicrous, yet amusing, screed.

*crosses fingers*
I would hope. Especially as I believe I've said that I would go snorkeling or scuba or whatever if you were there with me, and, no, it's not a facetious promise. I would be cursing my big, fat mouth, but I'd do it.

I think I'd pay money...no wait...I'd sell tickets to other Litsters to watch that! ;)

H, if I ever strike it rich, I'll fly you and your whole gang out to some little tropical paradise and be your personal Divemaster for the entire trip. (Divemaster is an actual title, it's not a kink-thing, BTW)

:eek: I would never go snorkeling or scuba diving, even if I didn't have issues with big underwater creatures.

Let's put it this way. I don't put my head under water at the POOL. No way in hell would i submerge my whole body and swim around.

Besides, I only dog paddle. Barely.

And I'll rent a glass bottom boat for Gracie :)
...dude, you're one of the most brilliant operators it's been my privilege to ever work with. I'd tag along with you to the gates of hell.

But god damn, the melodramatic angst goes from tragic to hilarious when it's so overdone, even if it's sincere and even if the place drives us both crazy.

Decaf, motherfucker, decaf. We did good today. Just stop and enjoy it for one god damned moment.
I :heart: the ocean, personally. I love to snorkel, and I'd like to scuba dive one day.

What made me smile? Mistress to me, last night: "You sure are slutty for a seven-year-old." :D
I :heart: the ocean, personally. I love to snorkel, and I'd like to scuba dive one day.

What made me smile? Mistress to me, last night: "You sure are slutty for a seven-year-old." :D

Oh wow, I would have died laughing and gotten in severe trouble from that.

I did laugh. She meant for it to be funny. ;)

LMAO. Tries not to laugh and draw attention to myself so my mother who is sitting at the other end of the couch ask "what's so funny." :D
:eek: I would never go snorkeling or scuba diving, even if I didn't have issues with big underwater creatures.

Let's put it this way. I don't put my head under water at the POOL. No way in hell would i submerge my whole body and swim around.

Besides, I only dog paddle. Barely.

I actually swim moderately well for someone who has never taken lessons. I was literally dropped off the side of a boat when I was two. Swimming happened. My grandmother gave me tips later on. I swim neither fast nor elegantly, but I get around well enough.

*crosses fingers*

Oh, yes. More has happened. I may well put some more out on another thread somewhere.


I think I'd pay money...no wait...I'd sell tickets to other Litsters to watch that! ;)

Something tells me that people would want to see that enough to buy tickets.

H, if I ever strike it rich, I'll fly you and your whole gang out to some little tropical paradise and be your personal Divemaster for the entire trip. (Divemaster is an actual title, it's not a kink-thing, BTW)

I know what a divemaster is, silly woman. I live on the coast and am conversant enough on the topic to understand more than a completely ignorant person. Yes, I know, that isn't saying much.
I actually swim moderately well for someone who has never taken lessons. I was literally dropped off the side of a boat when I was two. Swimming happened. My grandmother gave me tips later on. I swim neither fast nor elegantly, but I get around well enough.

I learned to swim just cause i couldn't stand that my sister could do something i couldn't. I actually love the water, but being under water makes me claustrophobic and it feels like I don't have enough air in, literally, seconds. I played clarinet for years and still sing. I have a lung capacity that would make anyone, but a singer, jealous. I will not run out of air in seconds, but that's not what my brain says.

Honestly, I think it dates back to nightmares I had when I was little (think 3 or 4). My sister and I were in huge bathtub and it was filling up quickly, and was already so deep that I had to hold my sisters head over water. I had to get to the end of the tub to turn off the water, or we'd both drown, but I couldn't get there unless I dropped my sister.
My mother can't swim and is terrified of water. She's terrified of water because, well, she can't swim. So she made sure I had all kinds of swimming lessons when I was little. I really enjoyed it. I made it all the way to the level below lifeguard when I was...10? 11? You had to be 16 to take the lifeguard test, and by the time I was 16, I didn't have time. I wish I had now. :(

Daddy is the one who got me hooked on snorkeling. We used to snorkel under the bridge across the bay in Destin. Then, when I got older, we snorkeled in other places, too. Like Cancun. That was awesome. :)

He always wanted to scuba dive, too. Maybe one day, I'll have money, and I can figure out a way for us both to do it.

He likes deep-sea fishing, too. I kinda think I'd like to get into that. But I think I live too far from the ocean to invest much in it at the moment. Ah, well, maybe one day. :)
K and the kids swim like fish, but then I don't how they couldn't. K had them blowing bubbles, with their face fully in the water, at 18 months. I think he's trying to make sure that our kids don't have all my phobias, and I let him. It's also why I let him take them in the ocean and to do all the things I won't. I don't want them to be like me. LOL
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