What Made You Say Fuck Today.

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Being at work alone, running machines I've got minimal training on, and both of them failing on me. Fucking fun.
Dumb fucking people who can't understand the most fundamental reason why a bookstore exists is to sell books!! And that people will stand around reading!
Delivery that chose to drive into our lawn in the rain and park his truck.
Seeing my way to chatty neighbor pull up in the driveway after my daughter forgot to close the gate. :rolleyes:
When I realized my battery’s were dead in my toy lol thank god I got a few tv remotes with new AA’s
Driving in the fast lane on I-95 trying to pass a truck in the right lane when the car in front of me slams on their brakes. For no apparent reason.
Working outside in this 108 degree weather for free. I feel so sick now. Finally shift over.
A mind fuck in a good or bad way? What show?

As in, I couldn’t figure out who did it until the last 20 minutes of the last episode, and couldn’t go to bed until I finished the season. Twists and turns and all kinds of drama! :eek: The show is called Marcella.
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