What I've learned in GLBT Chatter forum

I would be very polite to you

Immature, selfish, etc.

The straight women don't want them either! Pretty much every time I pour cold water on one of those dudes in public, I get a PM to the effect of "thanks, he was making me uncomfortable but I wasn't sure what to say about it". And often I hear that the leg-humping I've seen on the forums is only the tip of the iceberg compared to the PMs he's been sending.

The pattern on BDSM Chat is:

Woman #1: *attempts to start a discussion about some aspect of BDSM*
Woman #2: *gives a thoughtful response about her relationship with that part of BDSM*
THAT DUDE: love to have you doing that to me right now, getting so hard thinking about you

One time, I think on How To, I was talking about the challenges of raising a child with behavioural issues, some difficult personal and emotional stuff, and some dude took *that* as an opening to start telling me about his erection and what he wanted me to do with it.

They can't imagine having a conversation that isn't about picking up. They can't imagine a woman who's there to talk and not for their dick. And just like you say, it drives women away.

I like to have fun and for everyone else to have fun
Immature, selfish, etc.

The straight women don't want them either! Pretty much every time I pour cold water on one of those dudes in public, I get a PM to the effect of "thanks, he was making me uncomfortable but I wasn't sure what to say about it". And often I hear that the leg-humping I've seen on the forums is only the tip of the iceberg compared to the PMs he's been sending.

The pattern on BDSM Chat is:

Woman #1: *attempts to start a discussion about some aspect of BDSM*
Woman #2: *gives a thoughtful response about her relationship with that part of BDSM*
THAT DUDE: love to have you doing that to me right now, getting so hard thinking about you

One time, I think on How To, I was talking about the challenges of raising a child with behavioural issues, some difficult personal and emotional stuff, and some dude took *that* as an opening to start telling me about his erection and what he wanted me to do with it.

They can't imagine having a conversation that isn't about picking up. They can't imagine a woman who's there to talk and not for their dick. And just like you say, it drives women away.

Huh, someone said to me also makes her feel uncomfortable. What do you call it that it's so bad that they leave en masse?

Guys referring to their gentiles is also common in lesbian and bi-female threads.

Oh I don't say drove them away, look at what's left of female threads and number females participating in GLBT Chatter, compared to last Spring it's a ghost town.

OT - regarding "challenges of raising a child with behavioural issues, some difficult personal and emotional stuff", I read this last week.

United Airlines crew, passengers befriend Texas boy with autism who wouldn't sit in seat | Fox News
Guys, I understand that the op is posting images of women and that hetero guys are going to find them attractive. The point is, the op has requested numerous times in a very sincere and civilized manner asking guys to behave themselves. Some of you might be teens with a face full of pimples but I think most are adults. If your an adult and still feel the need to destroy something enjoyable to a lot of people you probably have problems that messages can't address
And today must be strap-on day. Despite tomorrow being Hump Day (ha!)

Interesting to me is in the threads are for females, in a forum that’s “non-straight sexuality”, yet it’s guys posting in female threads in GLBT chatter

Hell, look at the two video and Mature Woman with Younger Woman threads. A common theme is some guys have a thing posting and commenting on videos with two women with strap-ons, IOW, impersonating guys.

Here are today’s samples

Posted in Mature Woman with Younger Woman


A mother showing her daughter what a strap on is!

I changed from displaying as an image to URL

("Blame it on the Wine" - date-night lezzie-sex - runs 26:11)

I love you comments, Dumpington.
I love how willingly the dark haired girl give her pussy to the other woman.
I do have a question is the sucking of her cock a power transfer or what?

From pixie's pics: tasteful erotica

On a lighter note.......



On a lighter note.......


What a delusional crock-of-crapola believed by some guys.

What's next? Asking "Who's the man?"


This is reality


What is it with some guys about strap-ons and power?
It seems to be a common thing for them to say.



Are there really any female threads left? actually for females? Well okay I know there are yours Sandy but other than that I don’t think there are. I don’t post in the other female threads as they are overrun with males even though we are in the GLBT forum.
Are there really any female threads left? actually for females? Well okay I know there are yours Sandy but other than that I don’t think there are. I don’t post in the other female threads as they are overrun with males even though we are in the GLBT forum.

This is from Ladies L❤️ving Ladies videos thread was told threads aren't hijacked

sultrysandy writes: "Dumpington isn’t a troll either. He enjoys hijacking female threads."

Of COURSE I'm not a troll - nor do I enjoy hijacking female threads!

I’m trying to understand, in GLBT Chatter, a forum for non-straight sexuality, a thread for women, specifically lesbians and bisexual women, you, a guy, flood the thread with your posts, driving away the majority if not all of the women in the thread to stop participating, leaving you, along with other guys in some cases, to continue posting. Then I apologize sir as I believe that is hijacking a thread.

Well who would've thunk I"m double wrong as not only does the definition not support me, neither do the fact that guys are ¾ posts in Mature Woman with Younger Woman and ⅔ in Isle of Lesbos II. And since both threads are in GLBT, the threads are for lesbians and bisexual women, but guys clearly the majority of posts in both isn't hijacking.



Some other posts guys have been making are:

cruzn2u2 continues spamming, this time: #944 - Are women over 50 invisible?, #1904 - Mature Woman with Younger Woman, #5765 - Where are all the bi and lesbian women?, and #2634 - Maryland is for lovers?.

And in bunny4med's Women Kissing Women

Have a feeling some guys just don't fucking care until they've driven girls out of GLBT, threads collapse, or are removed, leaving only guys having a circle jerk

Mature Woman with Younger Woman


Where are all the breast-loving women?


Ladies L❤️ving Ladies videos


Even guys have commented on this post today.
In the past twenty-four hours, besides my threads, there have only been five posts in the threads for females.
During my three years as a member, don't remember it ever being anywhere near this bad.

And for the few guys with their lewd, inappropriate, or off-topic posts in these threads

Job well done!


As I said first time I was hijacked:

Congratulations guys, enjoy while you're at work and out with the boys boasting and bragging how you defeated lesbians and bisexual women.
In the past twenty-four hours, besides my threads, there have only been five posts in the threads for females.
During my three years as a member, don't remember it ever being anywhere near this bad.

And for the few guys with their lewd, inappropriate, or off-topic posts in these threads

Job well done!

As I said first time I was hijacked:

Congratulations guys, enjoy while you're at work and out with the boys boasting and bragging how you defeated lesbians and bisexual women.

One of Lit's GLBT monitors quit, and if there is anyone else moderating, they're AWOL with regard to thread crashing. All it would take to make this board hospitable to lesbians and bi women is banning a few guys who crash the these threads with their clueless tongues hanging out.
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One of Lit's GLBT monitors quit, and if there is anyone else moderating, they're AWOL with regard to thread crashing. All it would take to make this board hospitable to lesbians and bi women is banning a few guys who crash the these threads with their clueless tongues hanging out.

Oh I disagree coati. These guys aren't clueless, they decided to make those post(s), not caring of anyone else but only themselves.

Would a bi or gay guy please explain why both of these guys made these posts in threads for lesbians and bi-sexual women.

In Ladies L❤️ving Ladies videos, OpenMouth posted about his dick


In Female Asses and Legs for Lesbians and Bisexual Women - XXII, PG564E quoted a troll, then he made homosexual male post


Allow me to try to explain what happens. I was observing this starting last Summer and again this Spring in GLBT. Girls also send me PM’s saying the same thing.

A female creates a thread in GLBT Chatter, obviously for females

Smoothshavendad, for example, posts telling women what they post or that they are hot. Other guys like him join making lewd and inappropriate posts that are off topic for the thread.

Then the thread begins collapsing

Seeing guys are taking over the thread, girls stop occasionally posting.

Last night and again this morning two different girls that used to be active posters said, “don't post as no one cares about them enough to reply to any of them so she figured why bother.”

So females stopped posting since guys starting taking over, and active female posters stop posting because there aren’t any female posters.

It’s a vicious circle.

At the same time more guys are usually swarming in, don’t care the audience for the thread or what they ‘re posting until the thread collapses or Mods remove it.

And that brings us to now with the handful of remaining threads for females and less that one dozen active girls.


unfortunately, i don't think any thing is going to change.
personally i dont post any wghere near what i used to... to affirm your thesis.
the posts that you have shown are just wrong men should keep their mouths shut and leave the ladies threads alone. I do like to look at them and hope things get better for your threads.
Oh I disagree coati. These guys aren't clueless, they decided to make those post(s), not caring of anyone else but only themselves.

Would a bi or gay guy please explain why both of these guys made these posts in threads for lesbians and bi-sexual women.

Yeah, I'm a lifelong bi man, so I will give it a try.

Some guys are indeed purposefully trying to sabotage the threads of bi and lesbian women. These are the angry incel types.

But, fools like SmoothShavenDad really are just clueless. They think the whole world is arranged around their horniness, and all they need to do is drool and maybe they will finally get lucky. I mean, it's difficult for women to imagine, but it's true. I've witnessed this guy drooling over all sorts of female posters, including straight ones.

A banning or two would get him to at least distinguish between straight women and lesbians. That would leave the straight women to deal with him, but any progress would be better than none.
I don’t post nearly as much as I used to! I only visit one thread now and that’s it. Whether a man is bi or gay or straight there is no need for them to be posting in a thread for females not just females but lesbian, bi and curious females. Is the forum not GLBT? Am I missing something? Maybe I’m just getting old!
Despite new trolls terrorizing females two weeks ago in GLBT Chatter, then this morning there's this post.

Don't know if this is lacking common sense, or don't care about the women and only of himself



Gee, the forum is "non-straight sexuality", and the thread name contains "Women", meaning the thread is for lesbians and bi-sexual women, but I'll post about my erection.

It's no wonder females left GLBT Chatter, and barely any threads remaining.

manners were the first casualty of the internet. it is sad that a few can ruin things for so many. I will apologize for those that act badly and carry a 'Y' chromosome. Other than that, I hope to ride the sidelines and let the girls have their fun undisturbed. I fear that is all I can do.

Thanks to SultrySandy for so many wonderful posts.

for the sake of this thread I will sign off as,

Lurking Lewis.
My two cents.

I've been here on Lit a long time, and things have changed in many ways. But the biggest change is the shift from actual discussion on a forum intended for discussion — to a posting of images blog with content from off site locations (be it actual images or links to them.) This is an open invitation for the dull witted to jump on board for a ride to 'thrill of the day land'.

My suggestion for weeding out the mindless; Limit the images and discuss LGBTQ issues, thoughts, personal experiences, etc. Another suggestion in regard to unwanted PM's; turn off the PM function and share off Lit contact info with trusted " Lit friends".

Yes, this seems wrong to have to do this. But I don't see shaming and scolding doing much good.

I think a lot of this nonsense is a function of the use of cell phones which almost dictates the use of images and six word sentences since they are pretty useless for meaningful written communication.

Then there's the new invention; If one looks around, they'll notice a breakdown in courteous communication in many places. Trolls and bots whose sole purpose is to disrupt. I don't think this is just on the Political Board, but is broader. Just look at the anger and angst discussed on this thread. No doubt there's some uncouth males doing some of this, but perhaps it's not all done by real users.

All of this sucks, but maybe someone can come up with a workaround if we all put our minds to it.
Freely admit I don't understand people, yet they continuously show that they only care about themselves with no regard for anyone else.

In Bi Curious Woman thread, saw a female post, then seven minutes later a guy posting contacting for her first experience with another woman. Am I missing something or just plain stupid and don't understand?

It's Déjà vu all over again, except this time it's not it's not Smoothshavendad or any of his friends that have been hijacking and hitting on females.


It's no wonder females left the forum in droves after being driven out by some guys. And I know this is small fraction of guys at Lit doing this shit.
OP, I stumbled upon your thread, and couldn't helpbut nod along in solidarity through most of your points. I feel it's important for groups to have spaces and threads where they don't feel preyed upon, objectified, or made the butt of jokes. I was around when the fetish forum was created, to somewhat insulate glbt from the wank fodder and reduce the conflation of those two sections of sexuality.

I have long since cringed at what many people post and where; obviously guys are hands down the most common offenders. N consideration is given to the wishes of the op or followers once it's on an attention seeker's radar.
Common courtesy seems a bygone notion. I've seen my share of obtuse and crass posts from many you mentioned and others; myself having been messaged by some, just because I posted in a thread to which they wank.

Not to imply that there can't be sexy, provocative, humorous content in glbt, but it is indeed a shame so many can't recognize and respect when their input or presence isn't welcome.
The OP is so mean!

Apologize as I don't understand your post. The OP is "Post intentionally left blank"

Believe all I've posted are supported by facts, a few of many examples what have been posted by people only caring about themselves with no regards who the threads are intended or any other people viewing. Please feel free to prove me wrong. I could be wrong, won't be the first time or last.
Common courtesy seems a bygone notion. I've seen my share of obtuse and crass posts from many you mentioned and others; myself having been messaged by some, just because I posted in a thread to which they wank.
UCanBLeafinMe has a great line in her Additional Information Biography: "... Because I post a naughty response in a thread DOES NOT MEAN I want to receve a PM from you to tell you more. If you receive a bitchy response from a PM of yours, get over it. You've been warned: I am not always nice!." And this is why in GLBT Chatter majority of females only lurk. Posting something results in guys flooding their mailbox.

Not to imply that there can't be sexy, provocative, humorous content in glbt, but it is indeed a shame so many can't recognize and respect when their input or presence isn't welcome.
This has been in my OP since first time I hijacked by a bunch of guys
And if you’re going to participate, respect the women.
... telling the females that they are or what they say is hot, and wanting females to post more of their desires or experiences. ...
I totally get the lurking. Gender queer pics or threads with sexy discussions result in creepy messages. Every time. My Fetlife profile stated over and over for dudes to not message me, but of course, they did. Had to visit there in stealth mode.