what is your favorite breakfast in the morning ?



My favorite breakfast well am a semi vegetarian and I like to change my breakfast every morning like one morning I will have a veggie breakfast wrap with tofu then the next day it's oatmeal with some kind of nuts and fruit like that I don't like eating the same thing every morning I get bored and I always have a cup of coffee decafe. Of course and sometimes a greek yogert
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Sounds like wussy food.:D

As opposed to:



Sticks out my tongue
I drink a kale/carrot/beet/broccoli puree with 2 hard boiled eggs most days...sometimes 3 or an apple.

About once or twice a month (an while on vaycay) I'll eat like vett and have me a good ol' merikan cuntry style meat/taters/eggs swimming in grease or comparably indulgent style breakfast.

You should try it sometime man....your asshole, and the rest of your body for that matter will thank you for all the fiber/vitamins/minerals. Just one big glass of chilly, chewy, thick as hell puree veggie.....I swear it won't kill you.

It changed my life...now I just blend a pitcher up in the morning and have one with every meal (obviously not on the occasions when I go out) but I have only been doing it for like 2 months and I'll never go back to living on junk food man.

I run further, faster, have more energy, fuck harder and longer, school is even easier....I :heart: greens. :cool:
Usually I like to eat oatmeal with diced up apple, cranberries, walnuts and a bit of brown sugar.

But my fave would be a fiesta omelet with apple smoked bacon and a wild blueberry muffin with some strawberries on the side.:heart:
I have a simple breakfast rule: If you have to cook it, it's lunch.
Weekdays are typically 1 slice of rye or multigrain toast with pb. And a grapefruit cup with yogurt. Glass of juice and coffee.

Weekends are whatever I want - bacon, French toast, eggs benedict...whatever
I have a simple breakfast rule: If you have to cook it, it's lunch.

There's a reason that London has a greasy spoon caff on every corner. No-one cooks breakfast, we all go to the caff and have a big hairy Greek bloke cook it.
You named the name of that dreaded stuff...I will end up eating it by the spoonful. Damn you. I don't have the lbs to spare right now, I have to fit into 80's acid wash jeans next week, and I could only find them in kids sizes!