What is it with all the hitting??


Really Experienced
Jun 22, 2002
Hava couple of drinks and talk it out. Even if you don't talk it all out, have a couple of drinks, anyways. Pretty soon, we'll all be able to go over to Canada and pass on the drinks while passing around a joint. Talk about a progressive country!!! Viva the Maple Leaf!!

BTW, Ren, thanks for the cold one.
They won't do it. It would be cool if they would, but they won't. The U.S. will have to beat them up for it.
Yeah the US would have a tissy bitch fit. I still like Canada though. I hope Marc Emery becomes mayor in uh (what the hell is that city called?).
There gonna do it. Just be patient.

And I plan on being one of the first over the bridge to Windsor when it happens. They said that there would never be nude dancing in Canada, too. Today tits, tomorrow tokes!!