What is it about the moon ?



I never sleep well around the time of the full moon ..... disturbed by dreams (often erotic) and waking several times per night.

I also find myself incredibly horny around this time - and not just at night. It starts a couple of days before the full moon and intensifies.

The feeling then subsides in the following day or two.

The last two nights have been the peak of the full moon - I am nearly climbing the walls with desire.

Is this coincidence, or do others find this also ? I thought only women had "monthly cycles" .....

(No signs of hair on growing on my palms, btw ... I checked ;) )
I get very on edge around the full moon. Took me some years to suss out that's what it was.
I never sleep well around the time of the full moon ..... disturbed by dreams (often erotic) and waking several times per night.

I also find myself incredibly horny around this time - and not just at night. It starts a couple of days before the full moon and intensifies.

The feeling then subsides in the following day or two.

The last two nights have been the peak of the full moon - I am nearly climbing the walls with desire.

Is this coincidence, or do others find this also ? I thought only women had "monthly cycles" .....

(No signs of hair on growing on my palms, btw ... I checked ;) )

Is this coincidence, or do others find this also ? I thought only women had "monthly cycles" ..... I have noticed it seems to affect beggars in railway stations i have often heard them sayin "you got a spare tena lady"
Seems logical that the moon affects people massively. Afterall, we're built largely of water and it affects water dramatically. Mind you, not noticed anything myself.

Anyone ever read the book "Who Built The Moon?" - although I don't agree with the conclusion (not that'd I know either way haha), it's fascinating....