What is crossing your mind right now?

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Median eminence-composed of nerve endings of axons; arise primarily in ventral hypothalamus. Nx tx dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, acetylcholine, and histamine
Pituitary stalk-contains axons of neurons that originate in supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of hypothalamus. Connects pit gland to brain
Infundibular process (aka pars nervosa or neural lobe)

Median eminence-composed of nerve endings of axons; arise primarily in ventral hypothalamus. Nx tx dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, acetylcholine, and histamine
Pituitary stalk-contains axons of neurons that originate in supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of hypothalamus. Connects pit gland to brain
Infundibular process (aka pars nervosa or neural lobe)


Yeah... I think of that stuff all the time...
That was sarcasm, wasn't it?! :D

Why yes... yes, it was.

However, I was a biology/genetics major then a nursing student for a year and I am pretty sure I recognize some of that from all those classes eons ago. So, some of that has crossed my mind in the past.
That was sarcasm, wasn't it?! :D

Send me your notes, I'll send you mine.

I'm seriously thinking...do I really want to progress in our field??? Right now, no. Later, yes. :eek:

I'm on the education track....so much better! I can do a post masters certificate later if I want to switch to NP.
I'm on the education track....so much better! I can do a post masters certificate later if I want to switch to NP.

A not so good friend...hmm, let me demote him to acquaintance, suggested I go the PA route. Stupid man...there is no NURSE in that...that's why. :rolleyes::D
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