Well, I can't remember exactly where it started because dreams tend to run into one another and stuff but I'll start were I can remember...
Me and a bunch of other people were in my old High school Automotive Mechanics classroom. However, something to do with computers or electronics was being teacher there instead of car and car related subjects. We had a substitute teacher filling in for out teacher who was gone...And our substitute was Christopher Walken! lol
He was trying to teach the class and writing stuff on the blackboard but several of the students (all adults) were making his life a living hell, talking interrupting, not paying attention, making loud comments, ect.
Then when he asked this one young Japanese chick the answer to a question she started telling him...in a song, she started singing the answer and she had this big synthesizer and stuff back at her seat. Then she wouldn’t stop, he walked over and tune it off but every time he turned his back she would flip it back on and start playing again.
Then it got to be chaos when her family barged in and one of the other trouble students told them that he put a chokehold on her and they started going nuts to him, saying they were going to sue him and threatening to have his job.
Anyway, I was nearby and the parents asked me and I told them I saw him do a lot of things but he never put a chokehold on anyone. Then one of them said something about someone putting Shawn in a chokehold. I was like "You mean that little shit Shawn?" and then I feel a tap on my shoulder and it was Shawn my supervisor from my last job, and he was like "Little shit, huh?" But instead of wimping out I'm like "yeah, anyone smaller than me is a little shit." and trying to make it humorous to defuse the tense situation. Then I tried finding out if it was true that someone put him in a headlock and who it was but he refused to tell me anything about it.
So as it is I am in this great big new school, the next class I went to was PE (Gym class). As I was walking out onto the basketball courts when class was over I noticed some awesome kicks on my feet (brand-new basketball shoes) that I had no idea where they came from or how they got there.
Afterwards I look at my schedule and there is not time or dates, or periods or nothing for when and where you should be at what class. There is like a subway train in the school taking the students to God knows where.
So I'm like fuck it, I’m going to the cafeteria then because I don't know where the Hell I'm supposed to go next so I'll just eat. I was starting to get annoyed now and there was this big huge pastry, like a chocolate chip cookie the size of a pizza on this picnic table just sitting there so I grabbed a big chunk of it off and started eating it.
There was a stream running through the school and there were these open areas of grass courtyards and stuff everywhere, and walls like a fortified Medieval town to it.
In one of these long narrow open areas Hulk Hogan was there, picking on random people, trying to pick a fight with them. The he eventually point at me after yelling at just about everyone else nearby. He walks up to me and starts shouting and stuff, babbling stuff like "Are you one of them?", "Whose side are you one?!" So I asked him who was "They?" And he is like "ARE you one my Side?" So I was like No, I'm on MY side. And he asks me "What side is YOUR Side?" SO I shrugged and admitted I don't know.
So then we became like friends and stuff, anyway inside the courtyard there were a bunch of Middle Easterners and Arab traders, like at some bazaar or something, weird huh? And some bandits stole something so we got charging in after them eager to kick some ass. But they used this smoke or poisoned darts or something that makes you sleep so we wake up like 10 minutes later and they are gone.
So we are walking around, looking for the bandits and decide they must have left the school walls back out into the countryside se we prepare to leave. So Hulk Hogan has gathered his "supplies' for the trip and open the box for me to take some stuff that I might need, the box id s filled with VHS movies (mostly porn) and old tape cassettes and two raggedy ass tape players and headphones. lol So a took some stuff and we prepared to bail.
Then we came upon these huge Viking like horns, they were set up on this like standing thing, six or eight giant Horns of Gondor like things. So Hulk blows into one and it makes this deep roaring basso sound. So I was like let me tray and tried all of the horns but my lungs were too weak to get any sound out of the largest middle horns but the last three or so I got some sound out of them.
Meanwhile all the people hear these horns and think an attack is coming or something so they all start getting scared and nervous and stuff.
Then I found a police whistle and started blowing on it and tossed it to Hogan and was like next time someone steals something r needs help they should use this. So the people hear that along with the deep horns before hat and they are all leaving and stuff, scared shitless. lol
Now is that dream fucked-up or what?
I have more from last week, I recorded the details on a tape recorder to write about later but none are as long or detailed as this one since I just had it not long ago.
Me and a bunch of other people were in my old High school Automotive Mechanics classroom. However, something to do with computers or electronics was being teacher there instead of car and car related subjects. We had a substitute teacher filling in for out teacher who was gone...And our substitute was Christopher Walken! lol
He was trying to teach the class and writing stuff on the blackboard but several of the students (all adults) were making his life a living hell, talking interrupting, not paying attention, making loud comments, ect.
Then when he asked this one young Japanese chick the answer to a question she started telling him...in a song, she started singing the answer and she had this big synthesizer and stuff back at her seat. Then she wouldn’t stop, he walked over and tune it off but every time he turned his back she would flip it back on and start playing again.
Then it got to be chaos when her family barged in and one of the other trouble students told them that he put a chokehold on her and they started going nuts to him, saying they were going to sue him and threatening to have his job.
Anyway, I was nearby and the parents asked me and I told them I saw him do a lot of things but he never put a chokehold on anyone. Then one of them said something about someone putting Shawn in a chokehold. I was like "You mean that little shit Shawn?" and then I feel a tap on my shoulder and it was Shawn my supervisor from my last job, and he was like "Little shit, huh?" But instead of wimping out I'm like "yeah, anyone smaller than me is a little shit." and trying to make it humorous to defuse the tense situation. Then I tried finding out if it was true that someone put him in a headlock and who it was but he refused to tell me anything about it.
So as it is I am in this great big new school, the next class I went to was PE (Gym class). As I was walking out onto the basketball courts when class was over I noticed some awesome kicks on my feet (brand-new basketball shoes) that I had no idea where they came from or how they got there.
Afterwards I look at my schedule and there is not time or dates, or periods or nothing for when and where you should be at what class. There is like a subway train in the school taking the students to God knows where.
So I'm like fuck it, I’m going to the cafeteria then because I don't know where the Hell I'm supposed to go next so I'll just eat. I was starting to get annoyed now and there was this big huge pastry, like a chocolate chip cookie the size of a pizza on this picnic table just sitting there so I grabbed a big chunk of it off and started eating it.
There was a stream running through the school and there were these open areas of grass courtyards and stuff everywhere, and walls like a fortified Medieval town to it.
In one of these long narrow open areas Hulk Hogan was there, picking on random people, trying to pick a fight with them. The he eventually point at me after yelling at just about everyone else nearby. He walks up to me and starts shouting and stuff, babbling stuff like "Are you one of them?", "Whose side are you one?!" So I asked him who was "They?" And he is like "ARE you one my Side?" So I was like No, I'm on MY side. And he asks me "What side is YOUR Side?" SO I shrugged and admitted I don't know.
So then we became like friends and stuff, anyway inside the courtyard there were a bunch of Middle Easterners and Arab traders, like at some bazaar or something, weird huh? And some bandits stole something so we got charging in after them eager to kick some ass. But they used this smoke or poisoned darts or something that makes you sleep so we wake up like 10 minutes later and they are gone.
So we are walking around, looking for the bandits and decide they must have left the school walls back out into the countryside se we prepare to leave. So Hulk Hogan has gathered his "supplies' for the trip and open the box for me to take some stuff that I might need, the box id s filled with VHS movies (mostly porn) and old tape cassettes and two raggedy ass tape players and headphones. lol So a took some stuff and we prepared to bail.
Then we came upon these huge Viking like horns, they were set up on this like standing thing, six or eight giant Horns of Gondor like things. So Hulk blows into one and it makes this deep roaring basso sound. So I was like let me tray and tried all of the horns but my lungs were too weak to get any sound out of the largest middle horns but the last three or so I got some sound out of them.
Meanwhile all the people hear these horns and think an attack is coming or something so they all start getting scared and nervous and stuff.
Then I found a police whistle and started blowing on it and tossed it to Hogan and was like next time someone steals something r needs help they should use this. So the people hear that along with the deep horns before hat and they are all leaving and stuff, scared shitless. lol
Now is that dream fucked-up or what?
I have more from last week, I recorded the details on a tape recorder to write about later but none are as long or detailed as this one since I just had it not long ago.