What do you consider your "trademark"?



Alfred Hitchcock, as well as Stephen King were/are known for appearing in their movies. Some small little "bit" a walk on...which in this example are their well known "trade-marks".

I was curious......do you as a writer have some special, perhaps secret little thing you enjoy doing in your stories that you would consider perhaps, your trademark?

I know that often I will insert a line, a piece of dialog perhaps that I have shared with someone, a friend...or even a Lit friend. I know that IF and when they read it...they'll perhaps get a secret little chuckle or a smile out of it...as obviously it's a private or inside joke. Just something fun perhaps. So maybe, that's what I would consider my trade-mark. That usually there is something in nearly every story that is directly pointed at someone I know that they will appreciate and understand.

So again...more out of curiosity than anything else. What is it you do...or what do you consider "Your" trademark?

I remain,
I enjoy putting little connections in my stories (Stephen King has been a favorite of mine since I was ten, and I love the way he weaves his books together). I've hooked my fantasy novels to my horror novels to my fanfic to my short stories, though it's often a convoluted path to follow.

In terms of general themes, I have noticed that I have a lot of female characters with close relationships to their fathers (not THAT kind of close), which I think is a reaction to the fact that my own has been emotionally absent for most of my life.

I've also noticed a tendency to explore religious themes through my writing. Again, I think it's because this is something that has been lacking in my real life, and I am seeking to understand it.

My trademark is perhaps more obvious, I don't know, but I feel I'm the only writer I know who does this. I like to write my erotic stories with themes based around reality but describing the taste of a girls pee as an obviously produced substance, such as pink lemonade, or wine, or sake, rather than actual urine.
My stories are always laced with these themes, and I consider this to be my 'trademark'.
Oh so cool question Sandman ;)

I have one single word that could be a person's name or an adjective that I endeavour to insert somewhere in every story I write.

I insert it in honour of the person who encouraged me to write publically.

I'm not sure it can be construed as my 'trademark' though... I have a feeling I'm more famous for other aspects.
Long and rambling author's notes before the story and describing orgasms using sea-related similes.

The Earl
Detail... I love to paint a word picture, often to the detriment of the pace of my stories. And before you bring it up... yes I do only have one story posted on Lit. There is a reason for that... my other stories are bogged down in DETAIL.:rolleyes: :cool:

Great thread Sandman.
I guess it would kinda be my trade mark that I almost always put an unexpected twist into my stories. I have no idea why I do this and I rarely plan it, it just happens to end up there.

I love lots of detail in stories. There's nothing wrong with painting the scene with words, IMO.


My Stories

wildsweetone said:
Oh so cool question Sandman ;)

I have one single word that could be a person's name or an adjective that I endeavour to insert somewhere in every story I write.

I insert it in honour of the person who encouraged me to write publically.

I'm not sure it can be construed as my 'trademark' though... I have a feeling I'm more famous for other aspects.

Same as wildsweetone and Sandman, almost all of my tales contain one certain name in them somewhere even if it's just the postman in one scene, this guy inspired me and helped save me once, so his name goes on even though he has now gone to the big library up above.

Should you ever see my stuff in print, you will see that every story has the name of an old school hockey player in it. No one as famous as Gretzky, Howe, or Lemieux, but they are there. I love hockey, so it's my little tribute.
I write exclusivily over at CHYOO and from the feedback other editors have given me when they approve my thread, it would seem that my trademark is to take a story in a direction totally different from what they had orginally concieved. My mind just marches to the beat of its own drum.

Thanks for listening (or reading as the case may be.)

When I was younger I used to let a schoolfriend of mine proof-read my sci-fi stories. I'd always put in one or two lines that related to an in-joke of ours to try to add some humour to his task.

He'd edit the stories by adding emboldened comments throughout the text, and from time to time he'd reply to my in-joke lines with a perfectly phrased reply that would have me in stitches for hours afterwards.

all of my stories have a twist-ending in M. Banks / Outer Limits style, something that maybe you did or maybe you didn't see coming but will chill the pants off you in the last few paragraphs. Well, that's what I strive to achieve, not sure if I've got there yet.

Also all of my stories seem to end up with some cute girl (16-18, thankuverymuch) involved in some kind of extreme teasing and/or denial situation, even the non-erotic stories (there's torture/interrogation scenes, kidnappings, fights, starvation, it's all in my catalog somewhere). There's probably a Freudian reason for this and I expect it's got something to do with my mental stability or lack thereof.


more teasing and denial on the way soon...
I don't really have a trademark per se, but I have noticed that most of my main characters tend to be quiet and contemplative types, much like myself, though I don't consider that a trademark so much as writing what I know.
This is terrific everyone!

It's really amazing. I have gotten to know so much more about the writers here at Lit with just a basic easy question or two. You guys truly are great! And...we all have a little "trademark" in us I think. It's what sets us apart, keeps us unique...and certainly keeps these threads entertaining as hell!

More! More!

I remain,
Using one word sentences for strategic effect is probably THE single thing common to most if not all my stories.


Thesandman said:
I was curious......do you as a writer have some special, perhaps secret little thing you enjoy doing in your stories that you would consider perhaps, your trademark?

I've noticed in my Lit. stories, that at least one of my characters either ends up drinking alcohol or urinating. God only knows what that says about me...

I wouldn't say i enjoy writing these things in, they just seem to appear.


Excellent thread, SMan. I wish I had something to contribute, but I don't. I like reading the replies, though.

I think to have a "trademark" you need to be writing fiction.
With one exception, all my stories are just what happened and what I thought about it. Not much room for trademarks there. Not a style of writing that's very creative, either, I'm afraid.

Thank you for starting the thread. I really enjoy reading the replies of people who are more creative than I.

From what I've seen, you contribute on a lot of threads. You always have something interesting to say, or comment upon.

Gee......that might very well be, "your" trademark! <wink>

I remain,
I draw from real life

I am a product of the era of free love and open marriages of the late seventies and early eighties, before the spectre of disease and drugs changed everything.

Now a father and grandfather, I draw my creative scenes of passion from real life experience. I then build ficticious story lines around them. I like to think some of my memories are yours as well, and that some of my words ring true for many of you.

Love and peace to all my creative friends.

And thank you, Sandman, for creating a charming thread.

I'm a member of your era. Served during Vietnam, was a BIG fan of Sonny & Cher....hell, even had a fur vest (Think I might even still have that stuck away in a closet somewhere). Beatle boots...Naru Jacket.

Peace & love........(as often as possible). Lived in a commune for a few months. (wow...now that was "trippy").

And yes...I too draw from "experiences", that....and an active imagination using the old adage...."Now, if I could only go back and do that again."

So now....in a way, I do.

I remain,
Well, you can't really judge by what I've posted here so far, since I am writing for the Survior contest and I tackled one of the subject I thought I'd have a problem with frist (non-consent)...

But then, now that I think about it....

My trademarks are fristly the striveing for a human connection. I spend a lot of time on the set up and the inner workings of the emtional landscape which leads to my second trademark...well, as far as Lit is concerned...Not enough sex.

I'm trying to overcome that on the novella I am working on now: The Weekend.

Other than that, I've noted that a lot of writers *myself included* re-use certain words. Like Jessica Fletcher in "Murder She Wrote" not only said "It appears that" or "It appeared that" in her spoken words, but I noted that she also wrote them on the type writer on the opening credits.

Does anyone else have "tag words"?

Oh, a def trademark for me: My dyslexia. :(
Tag words: Wave, tsunami, washed from my sea metaphor orgasms. The only other one I can think of is stroked, which I always seem to put in at least twice.

The Earl
My trademark

I have only got two stories and I am writing a third.
I have been an Arsenal supporter all my life so in all three, I have made reference to them.
I know it's sad, but it is also a challenge to slip the reference in without making it too obvious.

Bearer of the Silver Rose