Alfred Hitchcock, as well as Stephen King were/are known for appearing in their movies. Some small little "bit" a walk on...which in this example are their well known "trade-marks".
I was curious......do you as a writer have some special, perhaps secret little thing you enjoy doing in your stories that you would consider perhaps, your trademark?
I know that often I will insert a line, a piece of dialog perhaps that I have shared with someone, a friend...or even a Lit friend. I know that IF and when they read it...they'll perhaps get a secret little chuckle or a smile out of it...as obviously it's a private or inside joke. Just something fun perhaps. So maybe, that's what I would consider my trade-mark. That usually there is something in nearly every story that is directly pointed at someone I know that they will appreciate and understand.
So again...more out of curiosity than anything else. What is it you do...or what do you consider "Your" trademark?
I remain,
I was curious......do you as a writer have some special, perhaps secret little thing you enjoy doing in your stories that you would consider perhaps, your trademark?
I know that often I will insert a line, a piece of dialog perhaps that I have shared with someone, a friend...or even a Lit friend. I know that IF and when they read it...they'll perhaps get a secret little chuckle or a smile out of it...as obviously it's a private or inside joke. Just something fun perhaps. So maybe, that's what I would consider my trade-mark. That usually there is something in nearly every story that is directly pointed at someone I know that they will appreciate and understand.
So again...more out of curiosity than anything else. What is it you do...or what do you consider "Your" trademark?
I remain,