What do you call you Dom?


Very confusing
Sep 26, 2015
What do y'all call you Dom?

I need suggestions. I'm not creative.

My Dom wanted to be called Daddy. It was weird for me, but I tried at my last session.
But today I had dinner with my real parents, and It was too much. My father has always been Daddy, I never stopped calling him that even when my psychiatrist went berserk about it.

And I decided I just can't call Dom, Daddy. It's too weird.

So any suggestions on variations I could ask Dom about. He's cool with not being Daddy, but he didn't offer an alternative yet.
I call both my father and my dom "Daddy," so I'm not sure what that says about me, lol. But in my head, they're such different people that it doesn't trip me up.

As for suggestions, there's Sir, Master, Uncle, My Lord (if you wanna be really pretentious about it), etc. I was gonna list some more, but I ran out of steam there at the end. Sorry!
What do y'all call you Dom?

I need suggestions. I'm not creative.

My Dom wanted to be called Daddy. It was weird for me, but I tried at my last session.
But today I had dinner with my real parents, and It was too much. My father has always been Daddy, I never stopped calling him that even when my psychiatrist went berserk about it.

And I decided I just can't call Dom, Daddy. It's too weird.

So any suggestions on variations I could ask Dom about. He's cool with not being Daddy, but he didn't offer an alternative yet.
You have the answer
If I may?
If you respect him....Sir
If you respect and obey him...Master
If you worship him...My lord

Just some thoughts...
In my experience the situation dictates how I address my Dominant. If it's an intense conversation or situatio it's either Master or Sir. If encounter is lighter and more casual there is a little more leeway to be creative. I addressed Master as Professor recently. Daddy if I'm feeling sheepish or frisky.
Always refer to Her as "My Love", Her Mother wants "My Lady" with a curtsy.
So would say "My Lord" would be nice for him.
My Dominant Wife would never allow me to call her “mommy,” nor would I find that arousing. She does not like “Mistress,” because it is associated with a woman who is having an “extramarital affair” and we are married, so She wants me to call her my “Queen.” I like it. It fits. I serve Her. She rules me, our bed, and our house.

Why not call him King or Prince?
I wouldn’t feel bad about not being comfortable with the Daddy honorific, you’re not alone. It doesn’t work for me either.

respect around Sir, Master, Mistress and Ma’am are good starting points

but most importantly talk to him and decide together, any Dom would understand a particular honorific not working
I have been called Papa, Papi, Master, Sir, and my preference which is my first name. I think when the D/s or M/s dynamic is inherently present between two people then the honorifics really are not that important.
My Dom is simply Dom to me, but in my language titles aren't used much in speech, so I mostly use it when talking about him, not to him.

Occasionally I use a word that could be translated as mister, sir or master, or even lord, depending on situation. This is a rather equal and informal country, no official nobility whatsoever for over 100 years, and it really shows in the language - we have less of those kinds of words. (We do have another word for a master of a skill/profession or a champion, but that's not applicable here.)
Whatever feels natural to you both
I mostly use sir or master
Or pestkop which translates as bully whenever he is teasing me
Formal times I call him Sir or Master. In bed he is Baby and Daddy.

He refers to me as his Bitch, Faggot, Cumslut or Cocksucker.
I call my Dom Milord first thing in the morning, Sir after morning coffee until it gets sexual and hot n heavy, then its Daddy.