What do we do unconciously that turns people on?



I was talking to a fellow Lit member today about things that people may do unconciously that turn us on... Thinking about it I realized that this would be useful for my writing and others'...

"Nathan was mesmerized watching Rachael as she dangled her shoe from her toes during the meeting. Her foot swung slowly back and forth with her black pump pivoting on her toes as she intently listened to the quarterly sales report."

For me, part of the erotica is her being unaware of how much she is turning him on.

So, the question is: What things do people do unconciously that really gets your motor going?

**Now, some people may have realized the power of these actions and do them purposefully, but that doesn't disqualify them. e.g. my husband has told me not to lick my lower lip and bite on it... but it still works on him ;)**

The thing that turns me on the most, is when the woman is willing to go as far as I will.

I won't ask her to do anything I won't, so naturally I expect the same back.

From a purely physical realm, white, love white (no not the damn virgin thing, I just like white).

Women that can accept, they are only as sexy as they want to be.

Women that don't require makeup (I hate the artificiality of make up).

Flat shoes, cause smart women are cool.

Dresses, because I like women that like being women.
It drives me crazy!! (In a good way!!!)

bridgetkeeney said:

So, the question is: What things do people do unconciously that really gets your motor going?

Nice thread idea Bridget !!!!

There is a young lady with whom I work (confession forthcoming===>) that I am very attracted to. We are both nurses so all we ever see each other in are scrubs. Recently, she and I have started golfing together and to see her in shorts and these sleeveless woman’s golf shirts she wears is turning me on like you would not believe. But the thing that truly fuels my libido, and what pertains to this thread, is how when she addresses her ball, right before her back swing, she shakes her perfect butt ever so slightly. I may just write a story about it!!!

That is my confession for the day and I will deny it on the stand if it ever comes back to haunt me!!!!!!!

When this pipe isn't in my mouth I absentmindedly lick my own eyebrows.

Bad habit, I know.

hogjack said:
When this pipe isn't in my mouth I absentmindedly lick my own eyebrows.
Bad habit, I know.

As long (pardon the expression) as you don't use it to straighten your part,
you can get by with it in my crowd. :D
What things do people do unconciously that really gets your motor going?

hmm unconsciously

the twinkling sparkle in the eyes when he's excited...

that natural but rare laugh, totally unfettered...
What I think you are discussing, is a "tell."

That is an gambling term. It means an unconscious gesture or mannerism that someone is prone to do when holding a good hand, bluffing, etc.

A "tell" varies from person to person, and it only matters if you know what a particular person's "tell" is.

In a non-gambling situation:

There is an old Hollywood legend about a long married couple who were playing together in a scene. At a point where they stand together, the director was trying to work up some "business" to let the audience know that the woman's character was supposed to love the man's character.

At the point where they met during the rehearsal of the scene, the woman unconsciously bushed a fleck of lint or dandruff off her (real) husband's shoulder.

The director had his "business." The shooting of the scene took over 20 takes to get everything correct, but in every take, at just the right time, in just the right "unrehearsed" manner, the woman brushed the lint off her (real) husband's shoulder.

In between takes, there was a make-up man - under the director's orders - secretly putting a small fleck of lint on the man's shoulder.

The actress had been directed, by making use of one of her "tells."
You lick your own eyebrows? That's impressive; your tongue must be a woman's dream.

I like eye-flirting, where you catch someone's eye and one of you looks away and then looks back to see if the other's still looking.

The Earl
I've known some women that stand a little too close when they talk to you. They may be aware of it--I don't know. It get's me hot, though.

Some women squirm when they are sitting. That get's me riled up. I think Freud would say that squirming indicates an anal fixation. ;)

I have a friend who has very large breasts who tosses her shoulders from time to time. I think it's partly intentional and her way of attracting attention, but sometimes it's just a habit.

Oh, sometimes this same friend will stretch her leg by extending her foot up above her shoulder. Talk about a display! I think she's actually just stretching, but I find it mesmerizing. She's often a little overly casual about her body, I think.
Unconscious turn ons

Sitting in class in college the girl in the desk next to me has her legs crossed shor skirt riding up. That alone is enough.

when she starts bouncing her leg up and down and then gradually faster.

I remember once watching a girl do it for 45minutes. I didn't learn a thing that day!

The pump off the foot does it for me too especially then the top leg is bouncing. Got to have a short skirt though about 3/4 to mid thigh~;)
more, I want more!


I agree that some of these are "tells"... unconcious things we do to indicate that we are turned on, but what I am really interested in are the ones that are not tells... something I might do while thinking about my grocery list that you observe that gets you hard... I think guys are more visual so y'all will have more of them than we women...

An example of a unconcious thing a guy does that sparks me:

Larry leaned back in his chair and pulled his glasses off while flexing his shoulders up and back. While rolling his head, he reached up to loosen his tie and rub his neck. His eyes shut, he murmured a soft groan. Jill's hands flexed and fisted as she watched, eager to join in touching Larry's neck and shoulders.

Really shouldn't write this in the morning... I won't get a lick of work done now...

Thanks to all who have posted so far... But I am instiable! I want more! I need more! :D

-b :rose:
I think if you're looking for suggestions to use in stories, you don't need to have a list.

Sure, there are many things that people do that turn on lots of other people. Apparently the jiggling leg thing is popular. But, you can tweak practically any action in your story so that the other character finds it sexy.

That's just my opinion. :)

I gotta guy on the GB humping my leg like a Chihuahua on speed whenever I call people names. Well, not really.

Story wise:

I think that while the other character can find it sexy, it should probably reside in the basis of reality. Like lip licking versus picking lettuce out of her teeth.
KillerMuffin said:

I gotta guy on the GB humping my leg like a Chihuahua on speed whenever I call people names. Well, not really.

now i know why i don't hang out on the GB... yuck lol
eye of the beholder

But, you can tweak practically any action in your story so that the other character finds it sexy.

I guess I am looking for the details to help flesh out characters whose perspective/background are foreign to me... I know what gets my hormones pumping and would like to know what details will do that for a broader audience....


I just think it is really fun to learn about what is a turn on to other Lit'ers...It has also been fun for me to be more observant and analytical as I walk through my day... my heart rate is increasing... why?

-b :rose:
This is a potentially controversial one - cigarette smoking. Some people, even some non-smokers I know, find it incredibly alluring. Of course, there are those who are repulsed. But it can be a sexy thing.
actually there's more to this than i initially realised bridget. it's got all manner of things twirling around in my braincells...

the lift of a single eyebrow,

the way some women rub their noses with their palm - you know that kind of twitchy thing,

the lock of hair that falls just perfectly over the forehead after nodding in agreement at something,

the smile that reveals a dimple.

all things which are done totally naturally without contrivance and if referred to in a story, actually fine tune the characters realism.

eg the smile that reveals a dimple. now, you wouldn't likely expect to see this on a nasty character. also the actions before and after the revealing of the dimple would have to be taken into consideration.

the dimple arrives. is she playing, teasing, giggling, smiling? subtle difference, but a good trick for defining the character.

oh darn, i waffled again didn't i... sorry ;)
Here's an idea. Think of some mannerisms of people you know. Then turn it into an erotic trigger for one of your characters.

Like, say your husband taps his finger on the desk. Have your female character remember how a lover once tapped his finger on her nipple or clit and now, every time she sees that, she gets excited.

Just a thought.

Personally, I'm not wired that way. I don't get excited from seeing someone jiggle their foot or whatever. I think more men will get aroused from a sight than women.
all things which are done totally naturally without contrivance and if referred to in a story, actually fine tune the characters realism.
Actually, this is the root of it for me. The girl I used to live with had long hair. Every time I walked into the bedroom and she would be brushing her hair, she had this expression of thoughtfullness, like she was completely unaware of her surroundings.

Sometimes I would take the brush and brush her hair for her (which led to sex), other times I would watch her until she became aware of me (which led to sex). Quite apart from the physical motions, which are certainly attractive (the motion of her breasts, the fleeting exposure of her armpits, the nape of her neck), it was her facial expression that was so erotic.

Of course, I was in love, so practically everything she did was a turn-on.
I've spoken to several girls who say they find me shaving erotic. Strange, but apparently true. Something to do with the fact that shaving is a morning ritual, which suggests, they've stayed the night. Kinda like a woman wearing your shirt.

The Earl
I can't help but jump in here.

The eyes are powerfully seductive tools:

~when he smiles and his eyes twinkle, it gets my juices flowing. It is inexplicable to me, but especially true if he is smiling at me.

~a woman stretching in the morning after a long sleep. They/ we are so much like a lazy feline, the hair is all mussed, no make up and lousy breath can't take away from the sultriness of a head to toe stretch through sleep eyes.

~eating ice cream. A silly lady will have an ice cream cone on a chaste first date. The tongue moving around the ice cream, keeping it balanced and symmetircal is too erotic for some men to manage.

~I am told that when I am quiet, I tilt my head a built to the side, my hair falls where it will and my eyes get very "dreamy". This has been a turn on for others or just something they find very sensual.

~Also, for me personally, my shy smile seems to do it. I have full lips that are most often made up with a dab of lipstick. A couple of dimples finishes off the package ;)
I've been told that I have a very contagious, very beautiful smile, and that my eyes are beautiful and very attractive when I look straight into another person's eyes.

Me, I'm a goner when someone touch me. Like the other night, in a noisy nightclub, when the guy I was talking to put his hand on my arm when he leaned in closer to hear what I was saying. Nothing erotic about it, but that light touch made me shiver.
There's a very pretty girl at work who taps her pen against her teeth when she's thinking. An obvious oral thing going on there, but it's also the concentration on her face that gets me going, she scrunches up her nose like a bunny rabbit, and it drives me up the wall.

As Route66Girl said, some people get turned on by women smoking, and I'm one of them, bigtime. I don't smoke, don't recommend that anyone start smoking, but at the bar last night I'm sitting there with my buddies and the table across from us were six or seven girls drinking and talking and smoking, and my attention was so diverted I don't even know who won the baseball game last night.

Oh...wait...Angels 9, Yanks 6.
I love it when a man runs his hands through his hair, one hand, two hands together, it doesn't matter but watching any man do this really makes me hot. It's even better when it's my husband!
When someone fiddles with my hair, be it a boyfriend, a cass mate or a hairdresser, I'm in paradise!